La Cabine

La Cabine


LACABINE CRYO ICE LIFT  AMPOULE 10X2ML SE - Description  Instantly refresh your skin with this facial ampoule
formulated with Swiss Glacier Water and a 3D Lifting Complex. Inspired by
cryotherapy, this ampoule takes advantage of all the benefits of the cold
effect to achieve instant freshness and skin that appears smoother, younger and
more rested Benefits : • Lifting and anti-fatigue effect • Refreshing effect • Long-lasting moisturizing Active Ingredients :Swiss Glacier water  Valais
Alps (Switzerland) at more than 4000m high Minerals  to maintain
a balanced pH level and allow a correct  structuring of cells and protect us against harmful external
factors such as pollution or UV  • Calcium: it favors skin repair, it helps to
preserve its quality by acting as a protective shield and it  favors the transport of water, which means hydration. • Magnesium: Magnesium maintains the skin's
protective barrier, combating dryness, repairs and regulates cell regeneration,
protects the skin from external agents such as pollution, provides luminosity
and prevents elastin degradation. • Sodium: part of the skin's natural hydration
factor, it is a skin penetration enhancer. • Potassium: helps to keep the skin hydrated and
nourished. CAFFEINE:  Caffeine 
the main active compound in coffee. It is an ingredient recognized for
providing tonicity to blood vessels and improves  circulation, reducing swelling and preventing
the formation of bags. The application of this active ingredient has a decongesting
effect that results in a  visibly more
rested and relaxed look. XYLITOL :  A
sustainably sourced bioactive that provides hydration and freshness
benefits  while supporting the microbiota
in skincare and cosmetic applications. When xylitol is dissolved in water
present on the skin's surface it provides a cooling effect  in formulations where xylitol is included in crystal

Description Instantly refresh your skin with this facial ampoule formulated with Swiss Glacier Water and a 3D Lifting Complex. Inspired by cryotherapy, this ampoule takes advantage of all the benefits of the cold effect to achieve instant freshness and skin that appears smoother, younger and more rested Benefits : • Lifting and anti-fatigue effect • Refreshing effect • Long-lasting moisturizing Active Ingredients :Swiss Glacier water  Valais Alps (Switzerland) at more than 4000m high Minerals  to maintain a balanced pH level and allow a correct structuring of cells and protect us against harmful external factors such as pollution or UV • Calcium: it favors skin repair, it helps to preserve its quality by acting as a protective shield and it favors the transport of water, which means hydration. • Magnesium: Magnesium maintains the skin's protective barrier, combating dryness, repairs and regulates cell regeneration, protects the skin from external agents such as pollution, provides luminosity and prevents elastin degradation. • Sodium: part of the skin's natural hydration factor, it is a skin penetration enhancer. • Potassium: helps to keep the skin hydrated and nourished. CAFFEINE:  Caffeine  the main active compound in coffee. It is an ingredient recognized for providing tonicity to blood vessels and improves  circulation, reducing swelling and preventing the formation of bags. The application of this active ingredient has a decongesting effect that results in a  visibly more rested and relaxed look. XYLITOL :  A sustainably sourced bioactive that provides hydration and freshness benefits  while supporting the microbiota in skincare and cosmetic applications. When xylitol is dissolved in water present on the skin's surface it provides a cooling effect in formulations where xylitol is included in crystal form.

LACABINE CRYO ICE LIFT AMPOULE 10X2ML SE - Description Instantly refresh your skin with this facial ampoule formulated with Swiss Glacier Water and a 3D Lifting Complex. Inspired by cryotherapy, this ampoule takes advantage of all the benefits of the cold effect to achieve instant freshness and skin that appears smoother, younger and more rested Benefits : • Lifting and anti-fatigue effect • Refreshing effect • Long-lasting moisturizing Active Ingredients :Swiss Glacier water  Valais Alps (Switzerland) at more than 4000m high Minerals  to maintain a balanced pH level and allow a correct structuring of cells and protect us against harmful external factors such as pollution or UV • Calcium: it favors skin repair, it helps to preserve its quality by acting as a protective shield and it favors the transport of water, which means hydration. • Magnesium: Magnesium maintains the skin's protective barrier, combating dryness, repairs and regulates cell regeneration, protects the skin from external agents such as pollution, provides luminosity and prevents elastin degradation. • Sodium: part of the skin's natural hydration factor, it is a skin penetration enhancer. • Potassium: helps to keep the skin hydrated and nourished. CAFFEINE:  Caffeine  the main active compound in coffee. It is an ingredient recognized for providing tonicity to blood vessels and improves  circulation, reducing swelling and preventing the formation of bags. The application of this active ingredient has a decongesting effect that results in a  visibly more rested and relaxed look. XYLITOL :  A sustainably sourced bioactive that provides hydration and freshness benefits  while supporting the microbiota in skincare and cosmetic applications. When xylitol is dissolved in water present on the skin's surface it provides a cooling effect in formulations where xylitol is included in crystal form.


LACABINE CRYO ICE LIFT  EYE COUNTOUR GEL TO ICE  TEXTURE CREAM - Description  Freeze the youth of your skin instantly with this gel with Swiss glacier
water and hyaluronic acid. Inspired by cryotherapy, this gel takes advantage of
all the  benefits of the cold effect to
hydrate and help smooth the  visible
signs of aging. Instantly, skin feels more hydrated,  smooth and rested looking. BENEFITS • Immediate and long-lasting  moisturizing (24h) • Instant refreshing effect • Helps soften the signs of aging Active Ingredients :Swiss Glacier water  Valais
Alps (Switzerland) at more than 4000m high Minerals  to
maintain a balanced pH level and allow a correct  structuring of cells and protect us against harmful external
factors such as pollution or UV  • Calcium: it favors skin repair, it helps to
preserve its quality by acting as a protective shield and it  favors the transport of water, which means hydration. • Magnesium: Magnesium maintains the skin's
protective barrier, combating dryness, repairs and regulates cell regeneration,
protects the skin from external agents such as pollution, provides luminosity
and prevents elastin degradation. • Sodium: part of the skin's natural hydration
factor, it is a skin penetration enhancer. • Potassium: helps to keep the skin hydrated and
nourished. XYLITOL :  A
sustainably sourced bioactive that provides hydration and freshness
benefits  while supporting the microbiota
in skincare and cosmetic applications. When xylitol is dissolved in water
present on the skin's surface it provides a cooling effect in formulations
where xylitol is included in crystal form. MOISTURIZING ACTIVE  Helps to moisturize and protect the
skin,  providing perceivable sensorial
benefits. This active gives us moisturization for short-term and long.term

Description Freeze the youth of your skin instantly with this gel with Swiss glacier water and hyaluronic acid. Inspired by cryotherapy, this gel takes advantage of all the  benefits of the cold effect to hydrate and help smooth the  visible signs of aging. Instantly, skin feels more hydrated,  smooth and rested looking. BENEFITS • Immediate and long-lasting moisturizing (24h) • Instant refreshing effect • Helps soften the signs of aging Active Ingredients :Swiss Glacier water  Valais Alps (Switzerland) at more than 4000m high Minerals  to maintain a balanced pH level and allow a correct structuring of cells and protect us against harmful external factors such as pollution or UV • Calcium: it favors skin repair, it helps to preserve its quality by acting as a protective shield and it favors the transport of water, which means hydration. • Magnesium: Magnesium maintains the skin's protective barrier, combating dryness, repairs and regulates cell regeneration, protects the skin from external agents such as pollution, provides luminosity and prevents elastin degradation. • Sodium: part of the skin's natural hydration factor, it is a skin penetration enhancer. • Potassium: helps to keep the skin hydrated and nourished. XYLITOL :  A sustainably sourced bioactive that provides hydration and freshness benefits  while supporting the microbiota in skincare and cosmetic applications. When xylitol is dissolved in water present on the skin's surface it provides a cooling effect in formulations where xylitol is included in crystal form. MOISTURIZING ACTIVE  Helps to moisturize and protect the skin,  providing perceivable sensorial benefits. This active gives us moisturization for short-term and long.term benefits

LACABINE CRYO ICE LIFT EYE COUNTOUR GEL TO ICE TEXTURE CREAM - Description Freeze the youth of your skin instantly with this gel with Swiss glacier water and hyaluronic acid. Inspired by cryotherapy, this gel takes advantage of all the  benefits of the cold effect to hydrate and help smooth the  visible signs of aging. Instantly, skin feels more hydrated,  smooth and rested looking. BENEFITS • Immediate and long-lasting moisturizing (24h) • Instant refreshing effect • Helps soften the signs of aging Active Ingredients :Swiss Glacier water  Valais Alps (Switzerland) at more than 4000m high Minerals  to maintain a balanced pH level and allow a correct structuring of cells and protect us against harmful external factors such as pollution or UV • Calcium: it favors skin repair, it helps to preserve its quality by acting as a protective shield and it favors the transport of water, which means hydration. • Magnesium: Magnesium maintains the skin's protective barrier, combating dryness, repairs and regulates cell regeneration, protects the skin from external agents such as pollution, provides luminosity and prevents elastin degradation. • Sodium: part of the skin's natural hydration factor, it is a skin penetration enhancer. • Potassium: helps to keep the skin hydrated and nourished. XYLITOL :  A sustainably sourced bioactive that provides hydration and freshness benefits  while supporting the microbiota in skincare and cosmetic applications. When xylitol is dissolved in water present on the skin's surface it provides a cooling effect in formulations where xylitol is included in crystal form. MOISTURIZING ACTIVE  Helps to moisturize and protect the skin,  providing perceivable sensorial benefits. This active gives us moisturization for short-term and long.term benefits


LACABINE CRYO ICE LIFT  EYE COUNTOUR GEL TO ICE - Description  Wake up your look instantly with this refreshing eye
cream with Swiss glacier water, caffeine and a
peptide that prevents puffiness  and dark
circles. Inspired by cryotherapy, this gel uses the benefits of the cold effect
to refresh, hydrate and help reduce puffiness and dark circles. The mix of
different assets creates a synergy between them to obtain  global results. BENEFITS  • Instantly tightens and moisturizes the eye area. • Fights eye puffiness and dark circles. Deflate instantly hydrates and refreshes. • Combat eye
bags and dark circles • More awake, rested and energized look Active Ingredients :Swiss Glacier water  Valais
Alps (Switzerland) at more than 4000m high Minerals  to
maintain a balanced pH level and allow a correct  structuring of cells and protect us against harmful external
factors such as pollution or UV  • Calcium: it favors skin repair, it helps to
preserve its quality by acting as a protective shield and it  favors the transport of water, which means hydration. • Magnesium: Magnesium maintains the skin's
protective barrier, combating dryness, repairs and regulates cell regeneration,
protects the skin from external agents such as pollution, provides luminosity
and prevents elastin degradation. • Sodium: part of the skin's natural hydration
factor, it is a skin penetration enhancer. • Potassium: helps to keep the skin hydrated and
nourished. CAFFEINE:  Caffeine 
the main active compound in coffee. It is an ingredient recognized for
providing tonicity to blood vessels and improves  circulation, reducing swelling and preventing
the formation of bags. The application of this active ingredient has a
decongesting effect that results in a 
visibly more rested and relaxed look. XYLITOL :  A
sustainably sourced bioactive that provides hydration and freshness
benefits  while supporting the microbiota
in skincare and cosmetic applications. When xylitol is dissolved in water
present on the skin's surface it provides a cooling effect  in formulations where xylitol is included in crystal

Description Wake up your look instantly with this refreshing eye cream with Swiss glacier water, caffeine and a peptide that prevents puffiness  and dark circles. Inspired by cryotherapy, this gel uses the benefits of the cold effect to refresh, hydrate and help reduce puffiness and dark circles. The mix of different assets creates a synergy between them to obtain  global results. BENEFITS • Instantly tightens and moisturizes the eye area. • Fights eye puffiness and dark circles. Deflate instantly hydrates and refreshes. • Combat eye bags and dark circles • More awake, rested and energized look Active Ingredients :Swiss Glacier water  Valais Alps (Switzerland) at more than 4000m high Minerals  to maintain a balanced pH level and allow a correct structuring of cells and protect us against harmful external factors such as pollution or UV • Calcium: it favors skin repair, it helps to preserve its quality by acting as a protective shield and it favors the transport of water, which means hydration. • Magnesium: Magnesium maintains the skin's protective barrier, combating dryness, repairs and regulates cell regeneration, protects the skin from external agents such as pollution, provides luminosity and prevents elastin degradation. • Sodium: part of the skin's natural hydration factor, it is a skin penetration enhancer. • Potassium: helps to keep the skin hydrated and nourished. CAFFEINE:  Caffeine  the main active compound in coffee. It is an ingredient recognized for providing tonicity to blood vessels and improves  circulation, reducing swelling and preventing the formation of bags. The application of this active ingredient has a decongesting effect that results in a  visibly more rested and relaxed look. XYLITOL :  A sustainably sourced bioactive that provides hydration and freshness benefits  while supporting the microbiota in skincare and cosmetic applications. When xylitol is dissolved in water present on the skin's surface it provides a cooling effect in formulations where xylitol is included in crystal form.

LACABINE CRYO ICE LIFT EYE COUNTOUR GEL TO ICE - Description Wake up your look instantly with this refreshing eye cream with Swiss glacier water, caffeine and a peptide that prevents puffiness  and dark circles. Inspired by cryotherapy, this gel uses the benefits of the cold effect to refresh, hydrate and help reduce puffiness and dark circles. The mix of different assets creates a synergy between them to obtain  global results. BENEFITS • Instantly tightens and moisturizes the eye area. • Fights eye puffiness and dark circles. Deflate instantly hydrates and refreshes. • Combat eye bags and dark circles • More awake, rested and energized look Active Ingredients :Swiss Glacier water  Valais Alps (Switzerland) at more than 4000m high Minerals  to maintain a balanced pH level and allow a correct structuring of cells and protect us against harmful external factors such as pollution or UV • Calcium: it favors skin repair, it helps to preserve its quality by acting as a protective shield and it favors the transport of water, which means hydration. • Magnesium: Magnesium maintains the skin's protective barrier, combating dryness, repairs and regulates cell regeneration, protects the skin from external agents such as pollution, provides luminosity and prevents elastin degradation. • Sodium: part of the skin's natural hydration factor, it is a skin penetration enhancer. • Potassium: helps to keep the skin hydrated and nourished. CAFFEINE:  Caffeine  the main active compound in coffee. It is an ingredient recognized for providing tonicity to blood vessels and improves  circulation, reducing swelling and preventing the formation of bags. The application of this active ingredient has a decongesting effect that results in a  visibly more rested and relaxed look. XYLITOL :  A sustainably sourced bioactive that provides hydration and freshness benefits  while supporting the microbiota in skincare and cosmetic applications. When xylitol is dissolved in water present on the skin's surface it provides a cooling effect in formulations where xylitol is included in crystal form.

laCabine FLASH KIT 4X2ML

laCabine FLASH KIT 4X2ML - Exclusive kit of 4 ampoules specially designed for perfect skin
  on the most special occasions. A 4-step routine that provides all the
  benefits needed to achieve a rested and radiant appearance. Prepares,
  illuminates, tightens and adds a touch of colour, enhancing natural beauty
  with an instant good-face effect. 4 Ampoules 2ml. | All types of skin | Daily

Exclusive kit of 4 ampoules specially designed for perfect skin on the most special occasions. A 4-step routine that provides all the benefits needed to achieve a rested and radiant appearance. Prepares, illuminates, tightens and adds a touch of colour, enhancing natural beauty with an instant good-face effect. 4 Ampoules 2ml. | All types of skin | Daily Use

laCabine FLASH KIT 4X2ML - Exclusive kit of 4 ampoules specially designed for perfect skin on the most special occasions. A 4-step routine that provides all the benefits needed to achieve a rested and radiant appearance. Prepares, illuminates, tightens and adds a touch of colour, enhancing natural beauty with an instant good-face effect. 4 Ampoules 2ml. | All types of skin | Daily Use




concentrated facial ampoule for a “Golden Glow” skin that is smooth, soft and
full of vitality with the beauty of the glowing gold. Smooth, soft and full of
vitality skin with the beauty of resplendent gold. Benefits
: •
Antioxidant and anti-fatigue of the skin • Tightening
effect that smoothest and blurs wrinkles instantly • Provides
energy to the skin • Enhances
skin radiance for a

Description Highly concentrated facial ampoule for a “Golden Glow” skin that is smooth, soft and full of vitality with the beauty of the glowing gold. Smooth, soft and full of vitality skin with the beauty of resplendent gold. Benefits : • Antioxidant and anti-fatigue of the skin • Tightening effect that smoothest and blurs wrinkles instantly • Provides energy to the skin • Enhances skin radiance for a "Golden Glow" effect Active Ingredients : PACIFIC RED ALGAE EXTRACT This extract is extracted from an algae that develops mainly in saline and warm environments.  In order for Red Algae to have a tightening effect on our skin, a new technology has been created. These are embedded in a matrix made from natural polymers, when applied to the  face a film is formed that hardens instantly giving a feeling of an immediate tightening effect, smoothing all kinds of wrinkles, whether expression or the characteristics of each  age and also Redefine the facial oval. VITAMIN C WITH GOLD PARTICLES Vitamin C  is a great antioxidant, protects us against the harmful effects of UV radiation  and stimulates collagen synthesis. In addition, it provides luminosity, softens the skin and  prevents the formation of spots on the skin.

LACABINE 24K GOLD FLASH EFFECT AMPOULE 10*2ML SE - Description Highly concentrated facial ampoule for a “Golden Glow” skin that is smooth, soft and full of vitality with the beauty of the glowing gold. Smooth, soft and full of vitality skin with the beauty of resplendent gold. Benefits : • Antioxidant and anti-fatigue of the skin • Tightening effect that smoothest and blurs wrinkles instantly • Provides energy to the skin • Enhances skin radiance for a "Golden Glow" effect Active Ingredients : PACIFIC RED ALGAE EXTRACT This extract is extracted from an algae that develops mainly in saline and warm environments.  In order for Red Algae to have a tightening effect on our skin, a new technology has been created. These are embedded in a matrix made from natural polymers, when applied to the  face a film is formed that hardens instantly giving a feeling of an immediate tightening effect, smoothing all kinds of wrinkles, whether expression or the characteristics of each  age and also Redefine the facial oval. VITAMIN C WITH GOLD PARTICLES Vitamin C  is a great antioxidant, protects us against the harmful effects of UV radiation  and stimulates collagen synthesis. In addition, it provides luminosity, softens the skin and  prevents the formation of spots on the skin.




LACABINE - FLASH  EFFECT 10X2ML - Highly concentrated ampoules for an instant lifting and anti-fatigue effect.What makes them special:
✓ A unique formula with Red Algae with a high firming power.
✓ Created to achieve an immediate tightening effect, eliminate any trace of fatigue, cover imperfections and instantly brighten the face.
✓ Ideal for use on special occasions, events and parties, or daily, when ultra-fast anti-aging and anti-fatigue action is needed.
✓ Gel-fluid texture, fragrance-free and quickly absorbed.

COMPOSITION:Aqua (Water), Hydroxypropyl Methylcellulose, Pullulan, Porphyridium cruentum Extract, Triethylene Glycol, Carbomer, Imidazolidinyl Urea, Phenoxyethanol, Sodium Hydroxide.

Highly concentrated ampoules for an instant lifting and anti-fatigue effect.What makes them special: ✓ A unique formula with Red Algae with a high firming power. ✓ Created to achieve an immediate tightening effect, eliminate any trace of fatigue, cover imperfections and instantly brighten the face. ✓ Ideal for use on special occasions, events and parties, or daily, when ultra-fast anti-aging and anti-fatigue action is needed. ✓ Gel-fluid texture, fragrance-free and quickly absorbed. COMPOSITION:Aqua (Water), Hydroxypropyl Methylcellulose, Pullulan, Porphyridium cruentum Extract, Triethylene Glycol, Carbomer, Imidazolidinyl Urea, Phenoxyethanol, Sodium Hydroxide.

LACABINE - FLASH EFFECT 10X2ML - Highly concentrated ampoules for an instant lifting and anti-fatigue effect.What makes them special: ✓ A unique formula with Red Algae with a high firming power. ✓ Created to achieve an immediate tightening effect, eliminate any trace of fatigue, cover imperfections and instantly brighten the face. ✓ Ideal for use on special occasions, events and parties, or daily, when ultra-fast anti-aging and anti-fatigue action is needed. ✓ Gel-fluid texture, fragrance-free and quickly absorbed. COMPOSITION:Aqua (Water), Hydroxypropyl Methylcellulose, Pullulan, Porphyridium cruentum Extract, Triethylene Glycol, Carbomer, Imidazolidinyl Urea, Phenoxyethanol, Sodium Hydroxide.






LACABINE - GLOBAL ANTI-AGING 10 X 2 ml - Highly concentrated ampoules for an intensive fight against the main signs of aging on the face. What makes them special: ✓ A unique formula withnCoenzima Q10, Swertia Chirata y Hyaluronic Acid Precursors y Colágeno. ✓ They globally combat the main signs of skin aging: wrinkles, loss of firmness, density and dryness. ✓ Pleasant fluid texture, fragrance-free and quickly absorbed. 
 10 Ampoules. 2ml.| All Skin types | Daily Use | Topical Use

Highly concentrated ampoules for an intensive fight against the main signs of aging on the face. What makes them special: ✓ A unique formula withnCoenzima Q10, Swertia Chirata y Hyaluronic Acid Precursors y Colágeno. ✓ They globally combat the main signs of skin aging: wrinkles, loss of firmness, density and dryness. ✓ Pleasant fluid texture, fragrance-free and quickly absorbed. 10 Ampoules. 2ml.| All Skin types | Daily Use | Topical Use

LACABINE - GLOBAL ANTI-AGING 10 X 2 ml - Highly concentrated ampoules for an intensive fight against the main signs of aging on the face. What makes them special: ✓ A unique formula withnCoenzima Q10, Swertia Chirata y Hyaluronic Acid Precursors y Colágeno. ✓ They globally combat the main signs of skin aging: wrinkles, loss of firmness, density and dryness. ✓ Pleasant fluid texture, fragrance-free and quickly absorbed. 10 Ampoules. 2ml.| All Skin types | Daily Use | Topical Use




LACABINE - EYE CONTOUR 10X2ML - Highly concentrated ampoules specially designed to treat the main signs of aging around the eyes. What makes them special: ✓ A unique formula with Caffeine, Encapsulated Hyaluronic Acid, Peptides, Coenzyme Q10 and a natural tensor ingredient. ✓ Reduces bags, dark circles and wrinkles while moisturizing the eye contour for a complete rejuvenating effect on the eyes. ✓ Fragrance-free, ultra-light texture that is quickly absorbed. 
 10 Ampoules. 2ml.| All Skin Type |Daily Use | Oil Free | Topical Use

Highly concentrated ampoules specially designed to treat the main signs of aging around the eyes. What makes them special: ✓ A unique formula with Caffeine, Encapsulated Hyaluronic Acid, Peptides, Coenzyme Q10 and a natural tensor ingredient. ✓ Reduces bags, dark circles and wrinkles while moisturizing the eye contour for a complete rejuvenating effect on the eyes. ✓ Fragrance-free, ultra-light texture that is quickly absorbed. 10 Ampoules. 2ml.| All Skin Type |Daily Use | Oil Free | Topical Use

LACABINE - EYE CONTOUR 10X2ML - Highly concentrated ampoules specially designed to treat the main signs of aging around the eyes. What makes them special: ✓ A unique formula with Caffeine, Encapsulated Hyaluronic Acid, Peptides, Coenzyme Q10 and a natural tensor ingredient. ✓ Reduces bags, dark circles and wrinkles while moisturizing the eye contour for a complete rejuvenating effect on the eyes. ✓ Fragrance-free, ultra-light texture that is quickly absorbed. 10 Ampoules. 2ml.| All Skin Type |Daily Use | Oil Free | Topical Use


LACABINE - VITAMIN C 10X2ML - Ampoules highly concentrated in Vitamin C for a more luminous, hydrated and youthful skin. What makes them special: ✓ A unique formula with Vitamin C, Proteoglicans y Glycopolymers.  ✓ Its great antioxidant, anti-aging and energizing power make facial skin feel more luminous, vital and smooth from the first application. ✓ Pleasant fluid texture without perfume of rapid absorption. 
 10 Ampoules. 2ml.| All skin types | Daily Use | Topical Use

Ampoules highly concentrated in Vitamin C for a more luminous, hydrated and youthful skin. What makes them special: ✓ A unique formula with Vitamin C, Proteoglicans y Glycopolymers.  ✓ Its great antioxidant, anti-aging and energizing power make facial skin feel more luminous, vital and smooth from the first application. ✓ Pleasant fluid texture without perfume of rapid absorption. 10 Ampoules. 2ml.| All skin types | Daily Use | Topical Use

LACABINE - VITAMIN C 10X2ML - Ampoules highly concentrated in Vitamin C for a more luminous, hydrated and youthful skin. What makes them special: ✓ A unique formula with Vitamin C, Proteoglicans y Glycopolymers.  ✓ Its great antioxidant, anti-aging and energizing power make facial skin feel more luminous, vital and smooth from the first application. ✓ Pleasant fluid texture without perfume of rapid absorption. 10 Ampoules. 2ml.| All skin types | Daily Use | Topical Use


LACABINE - ANTI-DARK SPOTS 10X2ML - Highly concentrated ampoules to fight blemishes. And brighten the face more

 What makes it special 
Unique formula with 8 active ingredients,  ✓, recognized for its powerful anti-stain activity such as Vitamin, Fitic System, Azelaic Acid and Niacidamide, a new smart dual encapsulation acid that allows the active ingredients to be released into the skin. Different layers of the skin, which increases its effectiveness and results.
It effectively fights pimples and prevents their reappearance. Provides luminosity to the face
 Incredible milky texture, fragrance-free, and fast absorbing 
ampoules. 2 ml | All skin types |  Daily Use / topical use

Highly concentrated ampoules to fight blemishes. And brighten the face more What makes it special Unique formula with 8 active ingredients, ✓, recognized for its powerful anti-stain activity such as Vitamin, Fitic System, Azelaic Acid and Niacidamide, a new smart dual encapsulation acid that allows the active ingredients to be released into the skin. Different layers of the skin, which increases its effectiveness and results. It effectively fights pimples and prevents their reappearance. Provides luminosity to the face Incredible milky texture, fragrance-free, and fast absorbing ampoules. 2 ml | All skin types |  Daily Use / topical use

LACABINE - ANTI-DARK SPOTS 10X2ML - Highly concentrated ampoules to fight blemishes. And brighten the face more What makes it special Unique formula with 8 active ingredients, ✓, recognized for its powerful anti-stain activity such as Vitamin, Fitic System, Azelaic Acid and Niacidamide, a new smart dual encapsulation acid that allows the active ingredients to be released into the skin. Different layers of the skin, which increases its effectiveness and results. It effectively fights pimples and prevents their reappearance. Provides luminosity to the face Incredible milky texture, fragrance-free, and fast absorbing ampoules. 2 ml | All skin types |  Daily Use / topical use


LACABINE - BOTULINUM LIKE 10X2ML - Highly concentrated ampoules for a wrinkle-filling and

Highly concentrated ampoules for a wrinkle-filling and "ironing" effect, without injections.    What makes them special: ✓ UA unique formula with Anti-Wrinkle Peptides, Phyto-tensor Actives and Hyaluronic Acid. ✓ Innovative technology inspired by the action of wrinkle-smoothing injections but with topical action. ✓ They smooth, fill in and soften wrinkles, especially expression wrinkles, for a true "ironing effect" of the skin. ✓ Ultra-light, fragrance-free fluid texture that is quickly absorbed. 10 Ampoules. 2ml.| All skin types | Daily Use | Topical Use

LACABINE - BOTULINUM LIKE 10X2ML - Highly concentrated ampoules for a wrinkle-filling and "ironing" effect, without injections.    What makes them special: ✓ UA unique formula with Anti-Wrinkle Peptides, Phyto-tensor Actives and Hyaluronic Acid. ✓ Innovative technology inspired by the action of wrinkle-smoothing injections but with topical action. ✓ They smooth, fill in and soften wrinkles, especially expression wrinkles, for a true "ironing effect" of the skin. ✓ Ultra-light, fragrance-free fluid texture that is quickly absorbed. 10 Ampoules. 2ml.| All skin types | Daily Use | Topical Use


LACABINE - LIP UP LIFT 10X2ML - Highly concentrated ampoules specifically designed to enhance the volume, thickness and texture of the lips while moisturizing and reducing contour wrinkles.

 What makes them special:

 ✓ A unique formula with an active 3D filler effect, Hyaluronic Acid and a Repair Complex. ✓ Indicated for comprehensive care of the lip area and its contour: it increases the volume of the lips as well as moisturizes and smoothes the wrinkles around the lips known as

Highly concentrated ampoules specifically designed to enhance the volume, thickness and texture of the lips while moisturizing and reducing contour wrinkles. What makes them special: ✓ A unique formula with an active 3D filler effect, Hyaluronic Acid and a Repair Complex. ✓ Indicated for comprehensive care of the lip area and its contour: it increases the volume of the lips as well as moisturizes and smoothes the wrinkles around the lips known as "bar code".  ✓ Helps to hydrate and maintain the natural hydration of the skin. ✓ Fragrance-free ultra-smooth rich texture that is quickly absorbed. 10 Ampoules. 2ml.| All Skin Type | Daily Use | Topical Use

LACABINE - LIP UP LIFT 10X2ML - Highly concentrated ampoules specifically designed to enhance the volume, thickness and texture of the lips while moisturizing and reducing contour wrinkles. What makes them special: ✓ A unique formula with an active 3D filler effect, Hyaluronic Acid and a Repair Complex. ✓ Indicated for comprehensive care of the lip area and its contour: it increases the volume of the lips as well as moisturizes and smoothes the wrinkles around the lips known as "bar code".  ✓ Helps to hydrate and maintain the natural hydration of the skin. ✓ Fragrance-free ultra-smooth rich texture that is quickly absorbed. 10 Ampoules. 2ml.| All Skin Type | Daily Use | Topical Use


LACABINE - 3D EYELASHES AND EYEBROWS  10X2ML - Highly concentrated ampoules specifically designed to activate the growth, volume and strength of eyelashes and eyebrows.

 What makes them special:

 ✓ A unique formula with Biomimetic Peptides, Red Clover Flower Extract and a Lipo-Oligopeptide Complex. ✓ It stimulates growth and strengthens, its use is suitable for use on both eyelashes and eyebrows. ✓ The result is longer, thicker, stronger eyelashes and fuller, more beautiful eyebrows. ✓ Fluid rich texture without perfume of rapid absorption. 
 10 Ampoules. 2ml.| All kind of skins | Daily Use | Topical Use

Highly concentrated ampoules specifically designed to activate the growth, volume and strength of eyelashes and eyebrows. What makes them special: ✓ A unique formula with Biomimetic Peptides, Red Clover Flower Extract and a Lipo-Oligopeptide Complex. ✓ It stimulates growth and strengthens, its use is suitable for use on both eyelashes and eyebrows. ✓ The result is longer, thicker, stronger eyelashes and fuller, more beautiful eyebrows. ✓ Fluid rich texture without perfume of rapid absorption. 10 Ampoules. 2ml.| All kind of skins | Daily Use | Topical Use

LACABINE - 3D EYELASHES AND EYEBROWS 10X2ML - Highly concentrated ampoules specifically designed to activate the growth, volume and strength of eyelashes and eyebrows. What makes them special: ✓ A unique formula with Biomimetic Peptides, Red Clover Flower Extract and a Lipo-Oligopeptide Complex. ✓ It stimulates growth and strengthens, its use is suitable for use on both eyelashes and eyebrows. ✓ The result is longer, thicker, stronger eyelashes and fuller, more beautiful eyebrows. ✓ Fluid rich texture without perfume of rapid absorption. 10 Ampoules. 2ml.| All kind of skins | Daily Use | Topical Use


LACABINE - 5xPURE HYALURONIC  10X2ML - Highly concentrated ampoules with 5 types of Hyaluronic Acid that deeply hydrate the skin and fill wrinkles.

 What makes them special:

 ✓ A unique formula with 5 types of Hyaluronic Acid of different molecular weight (high, medium and low) and Ceramides. ✓ The perfect union of the 5 Hyaluronic Acids allows for greater effectiveness by filling wrinkles and providing greater hydration in each of the layers of the epidermis, from the inside to the outside. The skin looks and feels smoother, more hydrated, juicier and younger.  ✓ Smooth, fast absorbing, fragrance-free texture.

 10 Ampoules. 2ml.| All skin types | Daily Use | Topic use

Highly concentrated ampoules with 5 types of Hyaluronic Acid that deeply hydrate the skin and fill wrinkles. What makes them special: ✓ A unique formula with 5 types of Hyaluronic Acid of different molecular weight (high, medium and low) and Ceramides. ✓ The perfect union of the 5 Hyaluronic Acids allows for greater effectiveness by filling wrinkles and providing greater hydration in each of the layers of the epidermis, from the inside to the outside. The skin looks and feels smoother, more hydrated, juicier and younger.  ✓ Smooth, fast absorbing, fragrance-free texture. 10 Ampoules. 2ml.| All skin types | Daily Use | Topic use

LACABINE - 5xPURE HYALURONIC 10X2ML - Highly concentrated ampoules with 5 types of Hyaluronic Acid that deeply hydrate the skin and fill wrinkles. What makes them special: ✓ A unique formula with 5 types of Hyaluronic Acid of different molecular weight (high, medium and low) and Ceramides. ✓ The perfect union of the 5 Hyaluronic Acids allows for greater effectiveness by filling wrinkles and providing greater hydration in each of the layers of the epidermis, from the inside to the outside. The skin looks and feels smoother, more hydrated, juicier and younger.  ✓ Smooth, fast absorbing, fragrance-free texture. 10 Ampoules. 2ml.| All skin types | Daily Use | Topic use


LACABINE - LIFTING V-SHAPE   10X2ML - Highly concentrated anti-gravity ampoules, for a true lifting effect of the facial oval. 

 What makes them special:

 ✓ A unique formula with Firming Peptides, Biotechnological Marine Actives, Tetrapeptides and Carnosine. ✓ Specially designed to actively fight against loss of firmness and aging in the facial oval area. ✓ They help to tighten and firm the skin, while smoothing out any trace of wrinkles, rejuvenating the facial oval, day after day. ✓ Fragrance-free, velvety texture that is quickly absorbed. 
 10 Ampoules. 2ml.| All Skin Type | Dairy Use | Topical Use

Highly concentrated anti-gravity ampoules, for a true lifting effect of the facial oval.  What makes them special: ✓ A unique formula with Firming Peptides, Biotechnological Marine Actives, Tetrapeptides and Carnosine. ✓ Specially designed to actively fight against loss of firmness and aging in the facial oval area. ✓ They help to tighten and firm the skin, while smoothing out any trace of wrinkles, rejuvenating the facial oval, day after day. ✓ Fragrance-free, velvety texture that is quickly absorbed. 10 Ampoules. 2ml.| All Skin Type | Dairy Use | Topical Use

LACABINE - LIFTING V-SHAPE 10X2ML - Highly concentrated anti-gravity ampoules, for a true lifting effect of the facial oval.  What makes them special: ✓ A unique formula with Firming Peptides, Biotechnological Marine Actives, Tetrapeptides and Carnosine. ✓ Specially designed to actively fight against loss of firmness and aging in the facial oval area. ✓ They help to tighten and firm the skin, while smoothing out any trace of wrinkles, rejuvenating the facial oval, day after day. ✓ Fragrance-free, velvety texture that is quickly absorbed. 10 Ampoules. 2ml.| All Skin Type | Dairy Use | Topical Use


LACABINE - ANTI-AGING REVIVING ELIXIR 10X2ML - Highly concentrated ampoules for mature skin that fight against the 3 main signs of aging: dark spots, lack of luminosity and deep wrinkles.

 What makes them special: 
 ✓ A unique formula with Snow Algae Powder, Daisy Flower, Probiotics, Swertia Chirata, Red Marine Algae and Carnosine. ✓ They effectively fight against the main signs of aging in mature skin: dark spots, lack of luminosity and deep wrinkles. ✓ Rich, fragrance-free texture that is quickly absorbed. 
 10 Ampoules. 2ml.| All skin types | Daily Use | Topical Use

Highly concentrated ampoules for mature skin that fight against the 3 main signs of aging: dark spots, lack of luminosity and deep wrinkles. What makes them special: ✓ A unique formula with Snow Algae Powder, Daisy Flower, Probiotics, Swertia Chirata, Red Marine Algae and Carnosine. ✓ They effectively fight against the main signs of aging in mature skin: dark spots, lack of luminosity and deep wrinkles. ✓ Rich, fragrance-free texture that is quickly absorbed. 10 Ampoules. 2ml.| All skin types | Daily Use | Topical Use

LACABINE - ANTI-AGING REVIVING ELIXIR 10X2ML - Highly concentrated ampoules for mature skin that fight against the 3 main signs of aging: dark spots, lack of luminosity and deep wrinkles. What makes them special: ✓ A unique formula with Snow Algae Powder, Daisy Flower, Probiotics, Swertia Chirata, Red Marine Algae and Carnosine. ✓ They effectively fight against the main signs of aging in mature skin: dark spots, lack of luminosity and deep wrinkles. ✓ Rich, fragrance-free texture that is quickly absorbed. 10 Ampoules. 2ml.| All skin types | Daily Use | Topical Use


LACABINE - ANTI-IMPERFECTIONS  10X2ML - Highly concentrated ampoules specially designed to treat the imperfections of acne-prone skin. 

 What makes them special:

 ✓ A unique formula with Salicylic Acid, Allantoin and Buchú. ✓ Dermopurifying action especially indicated to correct small imperfections and impurities of acne-prone skin. ✓ It helps to mattify the skin, prevents shine and dims and reduces the appearance of pores. ✓ Ultra-light, fragrance-free, fast-absorbing texture 
 10 Ampolules. 2ml.| All Skin Types | Daily Use | Topical Use

Highly concentrated ampoules specially designed to treat the imperfections of acne-prone skin.  What makes them special: ✓ A unique formula with Salicylic Acid, Allantoin and Buchú. ✓ Dermopurifying action especially indicated to correct small imperfections and impurities of acne-prone skin. ✓ It helps to mattify the skin, prevents shine and dims and reduces the appearance of pores. ✓ Ultra-light, fragrance-free, fast-absorbing texture 10 Ampolules. 2ml.| All Skin Types | Daily Use | Topical Use

LACABINE - ANTI-IMPERFECTIONS 10X2ML - Highly concentrated ampoules specially designed to treat the imperfections of acne-prone skin.  What makes them special: ✓ A unique formula with Salicylic Acid, Allantoin and Buchú. ✓ Dermopurifying action especially indicated to correct small imperfections and impurities of acne-prone skin. ✓ It helps to mattify the skin, prevents shine and dims and reduces the appearance of pores. ✓ Ultra-light, fragrance-free, fast-absorbing texture 10 Ampolules. 2ml.| All Skin Types | Daily Use | Topical Use


LACABINE- COLLAGEN BOOST 10X2ML - Highly concentrated ampoules specifically designed to combat loss of firmness and sagging of the face.

 What makes them special:

 ✓ A unique formula with Pure Collagen, Spilanthes Acmella, Firming Tetrapeptides and Anti-Pollution Shield. ✓ Powerful firming power thanks to its extra supply of Pure Collagen and to the fact that it stimulates the natural production of collagen and elastin in the skin. ✓ Its daily use helps to recover the firmness lost over time and to achieve firmer, smoother and more elastic skin, achieving a visibly rejuvenated facial expression. ✓ Satin texture and quickly absorbed perfume.

 10 Ampoules. 2ml.| All Skin Type | Daily Use | Topical Use

Highly concentrated ampoules specifically designed to combat loss of firmness and sagging of the face. What makes them special: ✓ A unique formula with Pure Collagen, Spilanthes Acmella, Firming Tetrapeptides and Anti-Pollution Shield. ✓ Powerful firming power thanks to its extra supply of Pure Collagen and to the fact that it stimulates the natural production of collagen and elastin in the skin. ✓ Its daily use helps to recover the firmness lost over time and to achieve firmer, smoother and more elastic skin, achieving a visibly rejuvenated facial expression. ✓ Satin texture and quickly absorbed perfume. 10 Ampoules. 2ml.| All Skin Type | Daily Use | Topical Use

LACABINE- COLLAGEN BOOST 10X2ML - Highly concentrated ampoules specifically designed to combat loss of firmness and sagging of the face. What makes them special: ✓ A unique formula with Pure Collagen, Spilanthes Acmella, Firming Tetrapeptides and Anti-Pollution Shield. ✓ Powerful firming power thanks to its extra supply of Pure Collagen and to the fact that it stimulates the natural production of collagen and elastin in the skin. ✓ Its daily use helps to recover the firmness lost over time and to achieve firmer, smoother and more elastic skin, achieving a visibly rejuvenated facial expression. ✓ Satin texture and quickly absorbed perfume. 10 Ampoules. 2ml.| All Skin Type | Daily Use | Topical Use


LACABINE- SPF 50 PHOTOPROTECTOR  10X2ML - Concentrated ampoules with SPF 50 fluid sunscreen, water resistant, that protect the skin from UVB / UVA radiation and pollution, preventing premature aging of cells. Its protective film prevents contaminating particles from penetrating the skin. Very light texture that melts on contact with the skin to offer rapid absorption and invisible protection. 
 Benefits Protects the skin from solar radiation. Prevents premature aging and pollution. EFFICACY RESULTS High protection factor verified. 
 Fluid feel. 
 *Results obtained from studies of ingredients used compared to a Placebo. 

Concentrated ampoules with SPF 50 fluid sunscreen, water resistant, that protect the skin from UVB / UVA radiation and pollution, preventing premature aging of cells. Its protective film prevents contaminating particles from penetrating the skin. Very light texture that melts on contact with the skin to offer rapid absorption and invisible protection. Benefits Protects the skin from solar radiation. Prevents premature aging and pollution. EFFICACY RESULTS High protection factor verified. Waterproof. Fluid feel. *Results obtained from studies of ingredients used compared to a Placebo. HIGH PROTECTION AGAINST UVA/UVB RADIATION 5/5 WATERPROOF 5/5 UVB / UVA PROTECTION. WATERPROOF. WATERPROOF. ALL SKIN TYPES DAILY USE 2 ML. 0.07 FL. OZ.

LACABINE- SPF 50 PHOTOPROTECTOR 10X2ML - Concentrated ampoules with SPF 50 fluid sunscreen, water resistant, that protect the skin from UVB / UVA radiation and pollution, preventing premature aging of cells. Its protective film prevents contaminating particles from penetrating the skin. Very light texture that melts on contact with the skin to offer rapid absorption and invisible protection. Benefits Protects the skin from solar radiation. Prevents premature aging and pollution. EFFICACY RESULTS High protection factor verified. Waterproof. Fluid feel. *Results obtained from studies of ingredients used compared to a Placebo. HIGH PROTECTION AGAINST UVA/UVB RADIATION 5/5 WATERPROOF 5/5 UVB / UVA PROTECTION. WATERPROOF. WATERPROOF. ALL SKIN TYPES DAILY USE 2 ML. 0.07 FL. OZ.


LACABINE- MULTIVITAMINS 10X2ML - Highly concentrated multi-benefit ampoules for healthy, soft, nourished and youthful skin for longer. 

 What makes them special:

 ✓ A unique formula with 11 types of vitamins (A, B, C, E, F, H and PP), Carnosine and a Natural Tensor. ✓ Feel the benefits that each vitamin brings to your skin, an ultra-powerful combination that provides everything you need to keep your skin healthy, smooth, nourished and young. ✓  Highly antioxidants, daily use prevents aging, fights already visible signs and activates the cellular mechanisms of the skin so that it functions optimally. ✓ Pleasant light texture without perfume of rapid absorption. 
 10 Ampoules. 2ml.| All skin types| Daily Use | Topical Use

Highly concentrated multi-benefit ampoules for healthy, soft, nourished and youthful skin for longer.  What makes them special: ✓ A unique formula with 11 types of vitamins (A, B, C, E, F, H and PP), Carnosine and a Natural Tensor. ✓ Feel the benefits that each vitamin brings to your skin, an ultra-powerful combination that provides everything you need to keep your skin healthy, smooth, nourished and young. ✓  Highly antioxidants, daily use prevents aging, fights already visible signs and activates the cellular mechanisms of the skin so that it functions optimally. ✓ Pleasant light texture without perfume of rapid absorption. 10 Ampoules. 2ml.| All skin types| Daily Use | Topical Use

LACABINE- MULTIVITAMINS 10X2ML - Highly concentrated multi-benefit ampoules for healthy, soft, nourished and youthful skin for longer.  What makes them special: ✓ A unique formula with 11 types of vitamins (A, B, C, E, F, H and PP), Carnosine and a Natural Tensor. ✓ Feel the benefits that each vitamin brings to your skin, an ultra-powerful combination that provides everything you need to keep your skin healthy, smooth, nourished and young. ✓  Highly antioxidants, daily use prevents aging, fights already visible signs and activates the cellular mechanisms of the skin so that it functions optimally. ✓ Pleasant light texture without perfume of rapid absorption. 10 Ampoules. 2ml.| All skin types| Daily Use | Topical Use


LACABINE- PERFECT GLOW  10X2ML - Highly concentrated ampoules for a true

Highly concentrated ampoules for a true "Glow" effect on the face.  What makes them special: ✓ A unique formula with luminous Pigments, Wu-Zhu-Yu Extract, a Niacidamine and Oat complex, Glycopolymers and Carnosine. ✓ They illuminate, hydrate and provide an immediate tensor effect. ✓ Rich texture with a shiny touch without perfume of rapid absorption. 10 Ampoules. 2ml.| All skin types| Daily Use | Topical Use

LACABINE- PERFECT GLOW 10X2ML - Highly concentrated ampoules for a true "Glow" effect on the face.  What makes them special: ✓ A unique formula with luminous Pigments, Wu-Zhu-Yu Extract, a Niacidamine and Oat complex, Glycopolymers and Carnosine. ✓ They illuminate, hydrate and provide an immediate tensor effect. ✓ Rich texture with a shiny touch without perfume of rapid absorption. 10 Ampoules. 2ml.| All skin types| Daily Use | Topical Use


LACABINE MONOACTIVES 20% HYALUR SERUMCREAM 30ML SE - 2-in-1 Cream Serum with 20% Hyaluronic Acid in Solution, moisturises and softens your skin while bringing comfort to your face. What makes it special: ✓ Improves skin hydration and softness. ✓ Reduces wrinkles. ✓ Visibly younger looking skin. ✓ Non-greasy texture. ✓ Provides comfort with a silky finish.  Fast-absorbing serum-cream texture 30ml. | All skin types | Daily use | Topical use

2-in-1 Cream Serum with 20% Hyaluronic Acid in Solution, moisturises and softens your skin while bringing comfort to your face. What makes it special: ✓ Improves skin hydration and softness. ✓ Reduces wrinkles. ✓ Visibly younger looking skin. ✓ Non-greasy texture. ✓ Provides comfort with a silky finish.  Fast-absorbing serum-cream texture 30ml. | All skin types | Daily use | Topical use

LACABINE MONOACTIVES 20% HYALUR SERUMCREAM 30ML SE - 2-in-1 Cream Serum with 20% Hyaluronic Acid in Solution, moisturises and softens your skin while bringing comfort to your face. What makes it special: ✓ Improves skin hydration and softness. ✓ Reduces wrinkles. ✓ Visibly younger looking skin. ✓ Non-greasy texture. ✓ Provides comfort with a silky finish.  Fast-absorbing serum-cream texture 30ml. | All skin types | Daily use | Topical use


LACABINE MONOACTIVES 0.3% RETINO SERUMCREAM 30ML SE - 2-in-1 cream serum with Pro-Retinol (retinol precursor) at 0.3%. Helps stimulate collagen synthesis and improve cell regeneration to smooth wrinkles, while moisturising, nourishing and comforting your face. In just one step your skin visibly younger.

 What makes it special: ✓ Diminishes wrinkles and improves the appearance of fine lines. ✓ Stimulates collagen synthesis and cell renewal. ✓ Improves skin firmness and elasticity. ✓ Corrects all types of blemishes and marks. ✓ Improves skin texture and tone. 
 Fast-absorbing serum-cream texture 30ml | All skin types | Night Use

2-in-1 cream serum with Pro-Retinol (retinol precursor) at 0.3%. Helps stimulate collagen synthesis and improve cell regeneration to smooth wrinkles, while moisturising, nourishing and comforting your face. In just one step your skin visibly younger. What makes it special: ✓ Diminishes wrinkles and improves the appearance of fine lines. ✓ Stimulates collagen synthesis and cell renewal. ✓ Improves skin firmness and elasticity. ✓ Corrects all types of blemishes and marks. ✓ Improves skin texture and tone. Fast-absorbing serum-cream texture 30ml | All skin types | Night Use

LACABINE MONOACTIVES 0.3% RETINO SERUMCREAM 30ML SE - 2-in-1 cream serum with Pro-Retinol (retinol precursor) at 0.3%. Helps stimulate collagen synthesis and improve cell regeneration to smooth wrinkles, while moisturising, nourishing and comforting your face. In just one step your skin visibly younger. What makes it special: ✓ Diminishes wrinkles and improves the appearance of fine lines. ✓ Stimulates collagen synthesis and cell renewal. ✓ Improves skin firmness and elasticity. ✓ Corrects all types of blemishes and marks. ✓ Improves skin texture and tone. Fast-absorbing serum-cream texture 30ml | All skin types | Night Use


LACABINE MONOACTIVES 20% CICA SERUMCREAM 30ML SE - 2-in-1 Cream Serum with 20% CICA (Centella Asiatica) in solution, helps soothe redness and protect the most sensitive skin, while moisturising and comforting your face.

 What makes it special: ✓ Soothing effect. ✓ Minimises redness. ✓ Helps to strengthen the skin's defences. ✓ Antioxidant properties. ✓ Provides comfort, hydration and softness with a silky finish. 
 Fast absorbing serum-cream texture 30ml.| Designed for Sensitive Skin | Daily Use | Topical Use

2-in-1 Cream Serum with 20% CICA (Centella Asiatica) in solution, helps soothe redness and protect the most sensitive skin, while moisturising and comforting your face. What makes it special: ✓ Soothing effect. ✓ Minimises redness. ✓ Helps to strengthen the skin's defences. ✓ Antioxidant properties. ✓ Provides comfort, hydration and softness with a silky finish. Fast absorbing serum-cream texture 30ml.| Designed for Sensitive Skin | Daily Use | Topical Use

LACABINE MONOACTIVES 20% CICA SERUMCREAM 30ML SE - 2-in-1 Cream Serum with 20% CICA (Centella Asiatica) in solution, helps soothe redness and protect the most sensitive skin, while moisturising and comforting your face. What makes it special: ✓ Soothing effect. ✓ Minimises redness. ✓ Helps to strengthen the skin's defences. ✓ Antioxidant properties. ✓ Provides comfort, hydration and softness with a silky finish. Fast absorbing serum-cream texture 30ml.| Designed for Sensitive Skin | Daily Use | Topical Use


LACABINE MONOACTIVES 15% PHA SERUMCREAM 30ML SE - 2-in-1 cream serum with 15% PHA. Exfoliates and renews the skin gently to improve its texture and the appearance of pores, while moisturising and comforting your face.

 What makes it special: ✓ Stimulates skin's natural renewal. ✓ Antioxidant. ✓ Improves skin hydration and softness. ✓ Removes impurities. ✓ Suitable for sensitive skin. 
 Fast-absorbing serum-cream texture 30ml. | All skin types | Night Use

2-in-1 cream serum with 15% PHA. Exfoliates and renews the skin gently to improve its texture and the appearance of pores, while moisturising and comforting your face. What makes it special: ✓ Stimulates skin's natural renewal. ✓ Antioxidant. ✓ Improves skin hydration and softness. ✓ Removes impurities. ✓ Suitable for sensitive skin. Fast-absorbing serum-cream texture 30ml. | All skin types | Night Use

LACABINE MONOACTIVES 15% PHA SERUMCREAM 30ML SE - 2-in-1 cream serum with 15% PHA. Exfoliates and renews the skin gently to improve its texture and the appearance of pores, while moisturising and comforting your face. What makes it special: ✓ Stimulates skin's natural renewal. ✓ Antioxidant. ✓ Improves skin hydration and softness. ✓ Removes impurities. ✓ Suitable for sensitive skin. Fast-absorbing serum-cream texture 30ml. | All skin types | Night Use


LACABINE MONOACTIVES 4% PEPTIDES SERUMCREAM 30ML SE - 2-in-1 cream serum with 4% Peptides. Helps reduce wrinkles by stimulating collagen synthesis. In just one step your skin is visibly younger, firmer and more elastic.

 What makes it special: ✓ Stimulates collagen synthesis. ✓ Reduces wrinkles. ✓ Visibly younger, firmer and more elastic skin. ✓ Lifting effect.

 Fast-absorbing serum-cream texture 30 ml.| For all skin types | Daily Use | Topical Use

2-in-1 cream serum with 4% Peptides. Helps reduce wrinkles by stimulating collagen synthesis. In just one step your skin is visibly younger, firmer and more elastic. What makes it special: ✓ Stimulates collagen synthesis. ✓ Reduces wrinkles. ✓ Visibly younger, firmer and more elastic skin. ✓ Lifting effect. Fast-absorbing serum-cream texture 30 ml.| For all skin types | Daily Use | Topical Use

LACABINE MONOACTIVES 4% PEPTIDES SERUMCREAM 30ML SE - 2-in-1 cream serum with 4% Peptides. Helps reduce wrinkles by stimulating collagen synthesis. In just one step your skin is visibly younger, firmer and more elastic. What makes it special: ✓ Stimulates collagen synthesis. ✓ Reduces wrinkles. ✓ Visibly younger, firmer and more elastic skin. ✓ Lifting effect. Fast-absorbing serum-cream texture 30 ml.| For all skin types | Daily Use | Topical Use


in 1 with 2% prebiotics in solution. helps nourish and strengthen the skin's
protective barrier, while maintaining optimal levels of hydration. In just one
step, your skin feels intensely comforted. Minimum possible ingredients in
their maximum concentration to show off a healthy and beautiful skin regardless
of your skin type. Benefits : - Balances the skin microbiome - Oil free formula - Sebum control - Non-greasy texture - Provides comfort with silky finish.  Active Ingredients : PREBIOTIC COMPLEX; This active ingredient is a seaweed
that is known for its prebiotic activity. It is considered a

Description  Serum Cream 2 in 1 with 2% prebiotics in solution. helps nourish and strengthen the skin's protective barrier, while maintaining optimal levels of hydration. In just one step, your skin feels intensely comforted. Minimum possible ingredients in their maximum concentration to show off a healthy and beautiful skin regardless of your skin type. Benefits : - Balances the skin microbiome - Oil free formula - Sebum control - Non-greasy texture - Provides comfort with silky finish. Active Ingredients : PREBIOTIC COMPLEX; This active ingredient is a seaweed that is known for its prebiotic activity. It is considered a "super food" for the skin, its main benefits are revitalizing and  rejuvenating thanks to its nutritional growth factor while preserving a perfect  balanced microbiome and soothing skin.   ALLANTION ; Allantoin is an active ingredient that is known for its great keratolytic, moisturizing, soothing and anti-irritant properties; it promotes the renewal of epidermal cells.The moisturizing effect results from its ability to increase water retention in the intercellular matrix and keratin, thus softening the skin and making it look healthier.   PROPANEDIOL ; Propanediol is a great natural moisturizing, propanediol will help our skin stay hydrated and reduce the signs of aging. It has excellent sensory properties on skin and helps reduce irritations.   RICE STARACH Rice starch is used to tone the skin and remove sebum, thus leaving a smooth skin

LACABINE MONOACTIVE 2% PREBIOTIC COMP SERUMCR 30ML - Description  Serum Cream 2 in 1 with 2% prebiotics in solution. helps nourish and strengthen the skin's protective barrier, while maintaining optimal levels of hydration. In just one step, your skin feels intensely comforted. Minimum possible ingredients in their maximum concentration to show off a healthy and beautiful skin regardless of your skin type. Benefits : - Balances the skin microbiome - Oil free formula - Sebum control - Non-greasy texture - Provides comfort with silky finish. Active Ingredients : PREBIOTIC COMPLEX; This active ingredient is a seaweed that is known for its prebiotic activity. It is considered a "super food" for the skin, its main benefits are revitalizing and  rejuvenating thanks to its nutritional growth factor while preserving a perfect  balanced microbiome and soothing skin.   ALLANTION ; Allantoin is an active ingredient that is known for its great keratolytic, moisturizing, soothing and anti-irritant properties; it promotes the renewal of epidermal cells.The moisturizing effect results from its ability to increase water retention in the intercellular matrix and keratin, thus softening the skin and making it look healthier.   PROPANEDIOL ; Propanediol is a great natural moisturizing, propanediol will help our skin stay hydrated and reduce the signs of aging. It has excellent sensory properties on skin and helps reduce irritations.   RICE STARACH Rice starch is used to tone the skin and remove sebum, thus leaving a smooth skin


LACABINE MONOACTIVE  CFFEINE SERUMCREAM 30ML - Description  Serum Cream 2 in 1 with 5

Description Serum Cream 2 in 1 with 5

LACABINE MONOACTIVE CFFEINE SERUMCREAM 30ML - Description Serum Cream 2 in 1 with 5


LACABINE MONOACTIVE  SRAMIDES SERUMCREAM 30ML - Description  Serum Cream 2 in 1 with 5

Description Serum Cream 2 in 1 with 5

LACABINE MONOACTIVE SRAMIDES SERUMCREAM 30ML - Description Serum Cream 2 in 1 with 5


LACABINE MONOACTIVE 10% COLLAGEN COMP SERUMCR 30ML - Description  Serum Cream 2 in 1 with 10% Collagen Complex, helps to
remodel and provide firmness to mature skin while moisturizing. In just one
step your skin feels intensely firmed. Minimum possible ingredients in their
maximum concentration to show off a healthy and beautiful skin regardless of
your skin type. Benefits : - Provides firmness - Remodels the structure of the skin - Prevents premature aging - Non-greasy texture - Provides comfort with silky finish. Active Ingredients : COLLAGEN COMPLEX ; powerful combination of two types of
collagen, vegetable marine collagen and collagen like;   PURE HYDROLYZED
COLLAGEN  ;Collagen hydrolysate Its
function is to ensure skin resistance, firmness and  elasticity. It also helps correct wrinkles as
it decreases their thickness and improves 
the appearance. VEGETABLE MARINE COLLAGEN  ;It is an extract of Mediterranean brown
algae, mainly Fucus and Laminaria, obtained by a special process that drags its
protein part, as well as vitamins and trace elements. The amino acid
composition of these proteins is similar to that of collagen in the connective  tissue of human skin. This plant collagen provides
nutrition and hydration, helps regenerate the skin and protects from harmful
environmental agents such as solar UV radiation, wind or temperature  changes.   COLLAGEN-LIKE  It is a fragment of human collagen type 1 is synthesized,
with biotechnology, from a  transient expression in plants of the technological
platform of wild plants as  bio factories. Nicotiana Benthamian Hexapeptide-40
sh-Polypeptide-47 is obtained  from the plant Nicotiana Benthamian grown in Spain. ALLANTION ; Allantoin is an active ingredient that is
known for its great keratolytic, moisturizing, soothing and anti-irritant
properties; it promotes the renewal of epidermal cells.The moisturizing effect
results from its ability to increase water retention in the intercellular
matrix and keratin, thus softening the skin and making it look healthier. PROPANEDIOL ; Propanediol is a great natural
moisturizing, propanediol will help our skin stay hydrated and reduce the signs
of aging. It has excellent sensory properties on skin and helps reduce
irritations. SHEAS BUTTER  Shea
Butter is a vegetable lipid extracted from the shea tree that is often used as
an  emollient in cosmetics. This active ingredient offers
great hydration, being perfect for combating dryness and providing comfort to
the skin while protecting it

Description Serum Cream 2 in 1 with 10% Collagen Complex, helps to remodel and provide firmness to mature skin while moisturizing. In just one step your skin feels intensely firmed. Minimum possible ingredients in their maximum concentration to show off a healthy and beautiful skin regardless of your skin type. Benefits : - Provides firmness - Remodels the structure of the skin - Prevents premature aging - Non-greasy texture - Provides comfort with silky finish. Active Ingredients : COLLAGEN COMPLEX ; powerful combination of two types of collagen, vegetable marine collagen and collagen like;  PURE HYDROLYZED COLLAGEN  ;Collagen hydrolysate Its function is to ensure skin resistance, firmness and  elasticity. It also helps correct wrinkles as it decreases their thickness and improves  the appearance. VEGETABLE MARINE COLLAGEN  ;It is an extract of Mediterranean brown algae, mainly Fucus and Laminaria, obtained by a special process that drags its protein part, as well as vitamins and trace elements. The amino acid composition of these proteins is similar to that of collagen in the connective tissue of human skin. This plant collagen provides nutrition and hydration, helps regenerate the skin and protects from harmful environmental agents such as solar UV radiation, wind or temperature changes.   COLLAGEN-LIKE It is a fragment of human collagen type 1 is synthesized, with biotechnology, from a transient expression in plants of the technological platform of wild plants as bio factories. Nicotiana Benthamian Hexapeptide-40 sh-Polypeptide-47 is obtained from the plant Nicotiana Benthamian grown in Spain. ALLANTION ; Allantoin is an active ingredient that is known for its great keratolytic, moisturizing, soothing and anti-irritant properties; it promotes the renewal of epidermal cells.The moisturizing effect results from its ability to increase water retention in the intercellular matrix and keratin, thus softening the skin and making it look healthier. PROPANEDIOL ; Propanediol is a great natural moisturizing, propanediol will help our skin stay hydrated and reduce the signs of aging. It has excellent sensory properties on skin and helps reduce irritations. SHEAS BUTTER  Shea Butter is a vegetable lipid extracted from the shea tree that is often used as an emollient in cosmetics. This active ingredient offers great hydration, being perfect for combating dryness and providing comfort to the skin while protecting it

LACABINE MONOACTIVE 10% COLLAGEN COMP SERUMCR 30ML - Description Serum Cream 2 in 1 with 10% Collagen Complex, helps to remodel and provide firmness to mature skin while moisturizing. In just one step your skin feels intensely firmed. Minimum possible ingredients in their maximum concentration to show off a healthy and beautiful skin regardless of your skin type. Benefits : - Provides firmness - Remodels the structure of the skin - Prevents premature aging - Non-greasy texture - Provides comfort with silky finish. Active Ingredients : COLLAGEN COMPLEX ; powerful combination of two types of collagen, vegetable marine collagen and collagen like;  PURE HYDROLYZED COLLAGEN  ;Collagen hydrolysate Its function is to ensure skin resistance, firmness and  elasticity. It also helps correct wrinkles as it decreases their thickness and improves  the appearance. VEGETABLE MARINE COLLAGEN  ;It is an extract of Mediterranean brown algae, mainly Fucus and Laminaria, obtained by a special process that drags its protein part, as well as vitamins and trace elements. The amino acid composition of these proteins is similar to that of collagen in the connective tissue of human skin. This plant collagen provides nutrition and hydration, helps regenerate the skin and protects from harmful environmental agents such as solar UV radiation, wind or temperature changes.   COLLAGEN-LIKE It is a fragment of human collagen type 1 is synthesized, with biotechnology, from a transient expression in plants of the technological platform of wild plants as bio factories. Nicotiana Benthamian Hexapeptide-40 sh-Polypeptide-47 is obtained from the plant Nicotiana Benthamian grown in Spain. ALLANTION ; Allantoin is an active ingredient that is known for its great keratolytic, moisturizing, soothing and anti-irritant properties; it promotes the renewal of epidermal cells.The moisturizing effect results from its ability to increase water retention in the intercellular matrix and keratin, thus softening the skin and making it look healthier. PROPANEDIOL ; Propanediol is a great natural moisturizing, propanediol will help our skin stay hydrated and reduce the signs of aging. It has excellent sensory properties on skin and helps reduce irritations. SHEAS BUTTER  Shea Butter is a vegetable lipid extracted from the shea tree that is often used as an emollient in cosmetics. This active ingredient offers great hydration, being perfect for combating dryness and providing comfort to the skin while protecting it


LACABINE MULTI ACTIVE COLLECTION   5X PURE HYALURONIC SERUM 30ML SE - Description  Serum Cream 2 in 1 with 10% Collagen Complex, helps to
remodel and provide firmness to mature skin while moisturizing. In just one
step your skin feels intensely firmed. Minimum possible ingredients in their
maximum concentration to show off a healthy and beautiful skin regardless of
your skin type. Benefits : - Provides firmness - Remodels the structure of the skin - Prevents premature aging - Non-greasy texture - Provides comfort with silky finish. Active Ingredients : COLLAGEN COMPLEX ; powerful combination of two types of
collagen, vegetable marine collagen and collagen like;   PURE HYDROLYZED
COLLAGEN  ;Collagen hydrolysate Its
function is to ensure skin resistance, firmness and  elasticity. It also helps correct wrinkles as
it decreases their thickness and improves 
the appearance. VEGETABLE MARINE COLLAGEN  ;It is an extract of Mediterranean brown
algae, mainly Fucus and Laminaria, obtained by a special process that drags its
protein part, as well as vitamins and trace elements. The amino acid
composition of these proteins is similar to that of collagen in the connective  tissue of human skin. This plant collagen provides
nutrition and hydration, helps regenerate the skin and protects from harmful
environmental agents such as solar UV radiation, wind or temperature  changes.   COLLAGEN-LIKE  It is a fragment of human collagen type 1 is synthesized,
with biotechnology, from a  transient expression in plants of the technological
platform of wild plants as  bio factories. Nicotiana Benthamian Hexapeptide-40
sh-Polypeptide-47 is obtained  from the plant Nicotiana Benthamian grown in Spain. ALLANTION ; Allantoin is an active ingredient that is
known for its great keratolytic, moisturizing, soothing and anti-irritant
properties; it promotes the renewal of epidermal cells.The moisturizing effect
results from its ability to increase water retention in the intercellular
matrix and keratin, thus softening the skin and making it look healthier. PROPANEDIOL ; Propanediol is a great natural
moisturizing, propanediol will help our skin stay hydrated and reduce the signs
of aging. It has excellent sensory properties on skin and helps reduce
irritations. SHEAS BUTTER  Shea
Butter is a vegetable lipid extracted from the shea tree that is often used as
an  emollient in cosmetics. This active ingredient offers
great hydration, being perfect for combating dryness and providing comfort to
the skin while protecting it

Description Serum Cream 2 in 1 with 10% Collagen Complex, helps to remodel and provide firmness to mature skin while moisturizing. In just one step your skin feels intensely firmed. Minimum possible ingredients in their maximum concentration to show off a healthy and beautiful skin regardless of your skin type. Benefits : - Provides firmness - Remodels the structure of the skin - Prevents premature aging - Non-greasy texture - Provides comfort with silky finish. Active Ingredients : COLLAGEN COMPLEX ; powerful combination of two types of collagen, vegetable marine collagen and collagen like;  PURE HYDROLYZED COLLAGEN  ;Collagen hydrolysate Its function is to ensure skin resistance, firmness and  elasticity. It also helps correct wrinkles as it decreases their thickness and improves  the appearance. VEGETABLE MARINE COLLAGEN  ;It is an extract of Mediterranean brown algae, mainly Fucus and Laminaria, obtained by a special process that drags its protein part, as well as vitamins and trace elements. The amino acid composition of these proteins is similar to that of collagen in the connective tissue of human skin. This plant collagen provides nutrition and hydration, helps regenerate the skin and protects from harmful environmental agents such as solar UV radiation, wind or temperature changes.   COLLAGEN-LIKE It is a fragment of human collagen type 1 is synthesized, with biotechnology, from a transient expression in plants of the technological platform of wild plants as bio factories. Nicotiana Benthamian Hexapeptide-40 sh-Polypeptide-47 is obtained from the plant Nicotiana Benthamian grown in Spain. ALLANTION ; Allantoin is an active ingredient that is known for its great keratolytic, moisturizing, soothing and anti-irritant properties; it promotes the renewal of epidermal cells.The moisturizing effect results from its ability to increase water retention in the intercellular matrix and keratin, thus softening the skin and making it look healthier. PROPANEDIOL ; Propanediol is a great natural moisturizing, propanediol will help our skin stay hydrated and reduce the signs of aging. It has excellent sensory properties on skin and helps reduce irritations. SHEAS BUTTER  Shea Butter is a vegetable lipid extracted from the shea tree that is often used as an emollient in cosmetics. This active ingredient offers great hydration, being perfect for combating dryness and providing comfort to the skin while protecting it

LACABINE MULTI ACTIVE COLLECTION 5X PURE HYALURONIC SERUM 30ML SE - Description Serum Cream 2 in 1 with 10% Collagen Complex, helps to remodel and provide firmness to mature skin while moisturizing. In just one step your skin feels intensely firmed. Minimum possible ingredients in their maximum concentration to show off a healthy and beautiful skin regardless of your skin type. Benefits : - Provides firmness - Remodels the structure of the skin - Prevents premature aging - Non-greasy texture - Provides comfort with silky finish. Active Ingredients : COLLAGEN COMPLEX ; powerful combination of two types of collagen, vegetable marine collagen and collagen like;  PURE HYDROLYZED COLLAGEN  ;Collagen hydrolysate Its function is to ensure skin resistance, firmness and  elasticity. It also helps correct wrinkles as it decreases their thickness and improves  the appearance. VEGETABLE MARINE COLLAGEN  ;It is an extract of Mediterranean brown algae, mainly Fucus and Laminaria, obtained by a special process that drags its protein part, as well as vitamins and trace elements. The amino acid composition of these proteins is similar to that of collagen in the connective tissue of human skin. This plant collagen provides nutrition and hydration, helps regenerate the skin and protects from harmful environmental agents such as solar UV radiation, wind or temperature changes.   COLLAGEN-LIKE It is a fragment of human collagen type 1 is synthesized, with biotechnology, from a transient expression in plants of the technological platform of wild plants as bio factories. Nicotiana Benthamian Hexapeptide-40 sh-Polypeptide-47 is obtained from the plant Nicotiana Benthamian grown in Spain. ALLANTION ; Allantoin is an active ingredient that is known for its great keratolytic, moisturizing, soothing and anti-irritant properties; it promotes the renewal of epidermal cells.The moisturizing effect results from its ability to increase water retention in the intercellular matrix and keratin, thus softening the skin and making it look healthier. PROPANEDIOL ; Propanediol is a great natural moisturizing, propanediol will help our skin stay hydrated and reduce the signs of aging. It has excellent sensory properties on skin and helps reduce irritations. SHEAS BUTTER  Shea Butter is a vegetable lipid extracted from the shea tree that is often used as an emollient in cosmetics. This active ingredient offers great hydration, being perfect for combating dryness and providing comfort to the skin while protecting it


LACABINE MULTI ACTIVE COLLECTION   ANTI AGING REVIVING ELIXIR  SERUM 30ML SE - Description  Highly concentrated serum for mature skin that fight
against the 3 main signs of aging: dark spots, lack of luminosity and deep
wrinkles. A unique formula with Snow Algae Powder, Daisy Flower, Probiotics,
Swertiamarin, Marine Red Algae and Carnosine. They effectively fight against
the main signs of aging in mature skin: spots, lack of luminosity and deep
wrinkles. Benefits : • 100% of the volunteers feel
their skin plumper* • 100% of the volunteers feel
their skin younger and more vital* • 85% of the volunteers feel
like their wrinkles have been smoothed out* Active Ingredients : PROBIOTICS COMPLEX: The probiotic used in our
ampoules stimulates cellular self-renewal, as over time this decreases and as a
result the skin becomes drier and more vulnerable. It also accelerates the
recovery of the skin barrier, induces the production of precursors for skin
differentiation and improves cell-to-cell cohesion to reinforce the skin
barrier function SNOW ALGA POWDER ; Enhancement of cellular
defenses against oxidative stress, cellular detoxification, and repair of the
cells themselves.   DAISY EXTRACT:  
It significantly brightens the face for radiant skin and promotes the
reduction of melanin and thus skin pigmentations. RED ALGAE Red-brown algae that  instantly giving a feeling of an immediate
tightening effect, smoothing all types of wrinkles
whether they are expression lines or age wrinkles. Moreover, it redefines the
facial oval.   SWERTIAMARIN ;Swertia Chirata is a plant  has multiple therapeutic properties thanks to
one of the active ingredients it contains,

Description Highly concentrated serum for mature skin that fight against the 3 main signs of aging: dark spots, lack of luminosity and deep wrinkles. A unique formula with Snow Algae Powder, Daisy Flower, Probiotics, Swertiamarin, Marine Red Algae and Carnosine. They effectively fight against the main signs of aging in mature skin: spots, lack of luminosity and deep wrinkles. Benefits : • 100% of the volunteers feel their skin plumper* • 100% of the volunteers feel their skin younger and more vital* • 85% of the volunteers feel like their wrinkles have been smoothed out* Active Ingredients : PROBIOTICS COMPLEX: The probiotic used in our ampoules stimulates cellular self-renewal, as over time this decreases and as a result the skin becomes drier and more vulnerable. It also accelerates the recovery of the skin barrier, induces the production of precursors for skin differentiation and improves cell-to-cell cohesion to reinforce the skin barrier function SNOW ALGA POWDER ; Enhancement of cellular defenses against oxidative stress, cellular detoxification, and repair of the cells themselves.   DAISY EXTRACT:   It significantly brightens the face for radiant skin and promotes the reduction of melanin and thus skin pigmentations. RED ALGAE Red-brown algae that  instantly giving a feeling of an immediate tightening effect, smoothing all types of wrinkles whether they are expression lines or age wrinkles. Moreover, it redefines the facial oval.   SWERTIAMARIN ;Swertia Chirata is a plant  has multiple therapeutic properties thanks to one of the active ingredients it contains, swertiamarin.

LACABINE MULTI ACTIVE COLLECTION ANTI AGING REVIVING ELIXIR SERUM 30ML SE - Description Highly concentrated serum for mature skin that fight against the 3 main signs of aging: dark spots, lack of luminosity and deep wrinkles. A unique formula with Snow Algae Powder, Daisy Flower, Probiotics, Swertiamarin, Marine Red Algae and Carnosine. They effectively fight against the main signs of aging in mature skin: spots, lack of luminosity and deep wrinkles. Benefits : • 100% of the volunteers feel their skin plumper* • 100% of the volunteers feel their skin younger and more vital* • 85% of the volunteers feel like their wrinkles have been smoothed out* Active Ingredients : PROBIOTICS COMPLEX: The probiotic used in our ampoules stimulates cellular self-renewal, as over time this decreases and as a result the skin becomes drier and more vulnerable. It also accelerates the recovery of the skin barrier, induces the production of precursors for skin differentiation and improves cell-to-cell cohesion to reinforce the skin barrier function SNOW ALGA POWDER ; Enhancement of cellular defenses against oxidative stress, cellular detoxification, and repair of the cells themselves.   DAISY EXTRACT:   It significantly brightens the face for radiant skin and promotes the reduction of melanin and thus skin pigmentations. RED ALGAE Red-brown algae that  instantly giving a feeling of an immediate tightening effect, smoothing all types of wrinkles whether they are expression lines or age wrinkles. Moreover, it redefines the facial oval.   SWERTIAMARIN ;Swertia Chirata is a plant  has multiple therapeutic properties thanks to one of the active ingredients it contains, swertiamarin.


laCabine MONOACTIVE 20% SQUALANE SERUM CREAM 30ML - 2 in 1 Serum Cream with 20% Squalane Oil, with an anti-aging
  effect that helps to keep the skin young, nourished and moisturised. In just
  one step, get a young, smooth and splendid skin

2 in 1 Serum Cream with 20% Squalane Oil, with an anti-aging effect that helps to keep the skin young, nourished and moisturised. In just one step, get a young, smooth and splendid skin

laCabine MONOACTIVE 20% SQUALANE SERUM CREAM 30ML - 2 in 1 Serum Cream with 20% Squalane Oil, with an anti-aging effect that helps to keep the skin young, nourished and moisturised. In just one step, get a young, smooth and splendid skin


laCabine MONOACTIVE 2% ALPHA ARBUTIN SERUM CREAM 30ML - 2-in-1 Serum Cream with 2% Alpha Arbutin. Helps improve the
  appearance of hyperpigmentation and prevents its appearance. In just one
  step, your skin feels healthier, more even and luminous.  Minimum possible ingredients in maximum
  concentration for healthy, beautiful skin.

2-in-1 Serum Cream with 2% Alpha Arbutin. Helps improve the appearance of hyperpigmentation and prevents its appearance. In just one step, your skin feels healthier, more even and luminous.  Minimum possible ingredients in maximum concentration for healthy, beautiful skin.

laCabine MONOACTIVE 2% ALPHA ARBUTIN SERUM CREAM 30ML - 2-in-1 Serum Cream with 2% Alpha Arbutin. Helps improve the appearance of hyperpigmentation and prevents its appearance. In just one step, your skin feels healthier, more even and luminous.  Minimum possible ingredients in maximum concentration for healthy, beautiful skin.


LACABINE MULTI ACTIVE COLLECTION   BOTULINUM  SERUM 30ML SE - Description  Highly concentrated serum for a wrinkle-filling and

Description Highly concentrated serum for a wrinkle-filling and "ironing" effect, without injections.Thanks to the different biological properties of phospholipids and their affinity with the skin, it improves the absorption of active ingredients on the face and in the internal layers of the skin. Benefits : • Visible reduction of the wrinkle appearance in 5 minutes. • In 30 minutes, 80% of the volunteers feel their skin more Moisturized. • In 4 weeks, 76% of the volunteers feel their skin softer and  more beautiful. Active Ingredients : PHYTO TENSOR + HYALURONIC ACID Hyaluronic acid is a polysaccharide of the glycosaminoglycan type composed of repeating polymeric disaccharides of D-glucuronic acid and N-acetyl-D-glucosamine. In humans, it  is abundant in the skin and joints. For an instantly visible effect we use a complex of Hyaluronic Acid with Natural  Polysaccharides, which provide smoothness and diminish the appearance of facial wrinkles with a gentle tightening effect in a matter of minutes. ANTI WRINKLE PEPTIDES :  contains proteins with diverse functions . Among these proteins is the muscle acetylcholine membrane receptor antagonist (Walgreen 1). This protein blocks neuromuscular contraction.

LACABINE MULTI ACTIVE COLLECTION BOTULINUM SERUM 30ML SE - Description Highly concentrated serum for a wrinkle-filling and "ironing" effect, without injections.Thanks to the different biological properties of phospholipids and their affinity with the skin, it improves the absorption of active ingredients on the face and in the internal layers of the skin. Benefits : • Visible reduction of the wrinkle appearance in 5 minutes. • In 30 minutes, 80% of the volunteers feel their skin more Moisturized. • In 4 weeks, 76% of the volunteers feel their skin softer and  more beautiful. Active Ingredients : PHYTO TENSOR + HYALURONIC ACID Hyaluronic acid is a polysaccharide of the glycosaminoglycan type composed of repeating polymeric disaccharides of D-glucuronic acid and N-acetyl-D-glucosamine. In humans, it  is abundant in the skin and joints. For an instantly visible effect we use a complex of Hyaluronic Acid with Natural  Polysaccharides, which provide smoothness and diminish the appearance of facial wrinkles with a gentle tightening effect in a matter of minutes. ANTI WRINKLE PEPTIDES :  contains proteins with diverse functions . Among these proteins is the muscle acetylcholine membrane receptor antagonist (Walgreen 1). This protein blocks neuromuscular contraction.


laCabine MONOACTIVE 10% GLYCOLIC ACID SERUM CREAM 30ML - 2-in-1 Serum Cream with 10% Glycolic Acid. Alpha-hydroxy acid
  (AHA) with an intense peeling effect that helps accelerate cell renewal and
  improves the appearance of wrinkles and skin. In just one step, achieve
  perfect, radiant skin.

2-in-1 Serum Cream with 10% Glycolic Acid. Alpha-hydroxy acid (AHA) with an intense peeling effect that helps accelerate cell renewal and improves the appearance of wrinkles and skin. In just one step, achieve perfect, radiant skin.

laCabine MONOACTIVE 10% GLYCOLIC ACID SERUM CREAM 30ML - 2-in-1 Serum Cream with 10% Glycolic Acid. Alpha-hydroxy acid (AHA) with an intense peeling effect that helps accelerate cell renewal and improves the appearance of wrinkles and skin. In just one step, achieve perfect, radiant skin.


LACABINE MULTI ACTIVE COLLECTION   DARK SPOT CORRECTOR  SERUM 30ML SE - Description  Highly concentrated serum to combat dark spots and
provide greater luminosity to the face.A unique formula with 8 active
ingredients, recognized for their powerful depigmenting activity such as
Vitamin C, Niacinamide, Azelaic Acid and Phytic Acid. They effectively combat
dark spots, prevent their reappearance and provide luminosity to the face. Benefits : • Visibly diminishes blemishes
in 4 weeks*. • Day after day the skin
becomes more even and luminous*. Active Ingredients : DOUBLE ENCAPSULATION ANTI-DARK SPOT SYSTEM This active ingredient is made up of 5 ingredients
encapsulated in an intelligent structure that allows them to penetrate and be
retained in the different layers of the skin at the same time to carry out
their anti-spot function.  WHITE MULBERRY COMPLEX AND PHYTIC ACID The combination of these two natural depigmenting active
ingredients has keratolytic and melanin synthesis inhibiting properties that
allow an exfoliating, depigmenting, and renewing action on the outer layers of
the skin. NATURE TENSOR Oat extract obtained through the purification of a
natural fraction of sugars derived from oats that perfectly matches the structure of the skin.  100% natural
tightener, it provides an instant and long-lasting anti-wrinkle effect.  Improves the appearance of the skin making it
smoother and without roughness

Description Highly concentrated serum to combat dark spots and provide greater luminosity to the face.A unique formula with 8 active ingredients, recognized for their powerful depigmenting activity such as Vitamin C, Niacinamide, Azelaic Acid and Phytic Acid. They effectively combat dark spots, prevent their reappearance and provide luminosity to the face. Benefits : • Visibly diminishes blemishes in 4 weeks*. • Day after day the skin becomes more even and luminous*. Active Ingredients : DOUBLE ENCAPSULATION ANTI-DARK SPOT SYSTEM This active ingredient is made up of 5 ingredients encapsulated in an intelligent structure that allows them to penetrate and be retained in the different layers of the skin at the same time to carry out their anti-spot function. WHITE MULBERRY COMPLEX AND PHYTIC ACID The combination of these two natural depigmenting active ingredients has keratolytic and melanin synthesis inhibiting properties that allow an exfoliating, depigmenting, and renewing action on the outer layers of the skin. NATURE TENSOR Oat extract obtained through the purification of a natural fraction of sugars derived from oats that perfectly matches the structure of the skin. 100% natural tightener, it provides an instant and long-lasting anti-wrinkle effect. Improves the appearance of the skin making it smoother and without roughness

LACABINE MULTI ACTIVE COLLECTION DARK SPOT CORRECTOR SERUM 30ML SE - Description Highly concentrated serum to combat dark spots and provide greater luminosity to the face.A unique formula with 8 active ingredients, recognized for their powerful depigmenting activity such as Vitamin C, Niacinamide, Azelaic Acid and Phytic Acid. They effectively combat dark spots, prevent their reappearance and provide luminosity to the face. Benefits : • Visibly diminishes blemishes in 4 weeks*. • Day after day the skin becomes more even and luminous*. Active Ingredients : DOUBLE ENCAPSULATION ANTI-DARK SPOT SYSTEM This active ingredient is made up of 5 ingredients encapsulated in an intelligent structure that allows them to penetrate and be retained in the different layers of the skin at the same time to carry out their anti-spot function. WHITE MULBERRY COMPLEX AND PHYTIC ACID The combination of these two natural depigmenting active ingredients has keratolytic and melanin synthesis inhibiting properties that allow an exfoliating, depigmenting, and renewing action on the outer layers of the skin. NATURE TENSOR Oat extract obtained through the purification of a natural fraction of sugars derived from oats that perfectly matches the structure of the skin. 100% natural tightener, it provides an instant and long-lasting anti-wrinkle effect. Improves the appearance of the skin making it smoother and without roughness


LACABINE MULTI ACTIVE COLLECTION   EYE CONTOUR SERUM 30ML SE - Description  Highly concentrated serum specially designed to treat the
main signs of aging (puffiness, dark circles and (wrinkles) around the eyes.
Reduces puffiness, dark circles and wrinkles while moisturizing the eye contour
for a complete rejuvenating effect on the eyes. Benefits : • In 7 days there is a visible
reduction of wrinkles around the eyes*. • In 14 days there is a
visible fading of dark circles under the eyes*. • 70% of volunteers say that
puffiness of bags is reduced**   Active Ingredients : TETRAPEPTIDE ; anti-edema properties that has
proven efficacy in reducing eye bags. effect, increasing skin elasticity and
smoothens. NATURAL TENSOR: it provides an instant and
long-lasting anti-wrinkle effect.  Improves the appearance of the skin making it smoother
and without roughness. ENCAPSULATED HYLARUNIC ACID ; increases the
Hyaluronic Acid content in the dermis leading to a volumizing effect that fills
wrinkles from the inside.  LACATE OG MENTHOL 
properties on the eye contour and a pleasant refreshing effect. CAFFEINE  Caffeine is
preventing the formation of bags due to its draining effect.

Description Highly concentrated serum specially designed to treat the main signs of aging (puffiness, dark circles and (wrinkles) around the eyes. Reduces puffiness, dark circles and wrinkles while moisturizing the eye contour for a complete rejuvenating effect on the eyes. Benefits : • In 7 days there is a visible reduction of wrinkles around the eyes*. • In 14 days there is a visible fading of dark circles under the eyes*. • 70% of volunteers say that puffiness of bags is reduced**   Active Ingredients : TETRAPEPTIDE ; anti-edema properties that has proven efficacy in reducing eye bags. effect, increasing skin elasticity and smoothens. NATURAL TENSOR: it provides an instant and long-lasting anti-wrinkle effect. Improves the appearance of the skin making it smoother and without roughness. ENCAPSULATED HYLARUNIC ACID ; increases the Hyaluronic Acid content in the dermis leading to a volumizing effect that fills wrinkles from the inside. LACATE OG MENTHOL  properties on the eye contour and a pleasant refreshing effect. CAFFEINE  Caffeine is preventing the formation of bags due to its draining effect.

LACABINE MULTI ACTIVE COLLECTION EYE CONTOUR SERUM 30ML SE - Description Highly concentrated serum specially designed to treat the main signs of aging (puffiness, dark circles and (wrinkles) around the eyes. Reduces puffiness, dark circles and wrinkles while moisturizing the eye contour for a complete rejuvenating effect on the eyes. Benefits : • In 7 days there is a visible reduction of wrinkles around the eyes*. • In 14 days there is a visible fading of dark circles under the eyes*. • 70% of volunteers say that puffiness of bags is reduced**   Active Ingredients : TETRAPEPTIDE ; anti-edema properties that has proven efficacy in reducing eye bags. effect, increasing skin elasticity and smoothens. NATURAL TENSOR: it provides an instant and long-lasting anti-wrinkle effect. Improves the appearance of the skin making it smoother and without roughness. ENCAPSULATED HYLARUNIC ACID ; increases the Hyaluronic Acid content in the dermis leading to a volumizing effect that fills wrinkles from the inside. LACATE OG MENTHOL  properties on the eye contour and a pleasant refreshing effect. CAFFEINE  Caffeine is preventing the formation of bags due to its draining effect.


laCabine MONOACTIVE 10%  VITAMIN E SERUM CREAM 30ML - 2-in-1 Serum Cream with 10% Vitamin E, known for its
  ultra-powerful antioxidant properties and its ability to intensely hydrate
  the skin. In just one step, discover smoother, velvety soft skin

2-in-1 Serum Cream with 10% Vitamin E, known for its ultra-powerful antioxidant properties and its ability to intensely hydrate the skin. In just one step, discover smoother, velvety soft skin

laCabine MONOACTIVE 10%  VITAMIN E SERUM CREAM 30ML - 2-in-1 Serum Cream with 10% Vitamin E, known for its ultra-powerful antioxidant properties and its ability to intensely hydrate the skin. In just one step, discover smoother, velvety soft skin


LACABINE MULTI ACTIVE COLLECTION   COLLAGEN BOOST  SERUM 30ML SE - Description  Highly concentrated serum specifically designed to combat
the loss of firmness and sagging of the face.  Its daily use helps to recover the firmness lost with the
passage of time and to achieve a firmer, smoother and more elastic skin,
achieving a visibly rejuvenated facial expression  Benefits : • Stimulate natural collagen
production by more than 80% in volunteers*. • Firmer skin in 4 weeks**    Active Ingredients : PURE COLLAGEN: Collagen is  a film genic effect that hydrates the skin,
delaying the formation of wrinkles, increasing water retention, providing
smoothness and firmness to the face, restoring smoothness and a healthy
appearance to the skin. PATENTED TRIPEPTED ; Patented small tripeptide
with the optimal size for penetration into the deepest layers of the skin. By
decreasing oxidative stress, it causes a decrease in the production of enzymes
and cytokinin that would cause collagen degradation. TETRAPEPTIDE ; This tetrapeptide has its main
action in a protein called Mohawk. Mohawk is a transcription factor (protein)
that binds to DNA and regulates the synthesis 
of new collagen for proper bio tensegrity.  What tetrapeptide does once it is in our skin
is to increase this protein to counteract the
degeneration of collagen fibrils as we age and thus increase up to 9
different types of collagen. SPILANTHES ACMELLA: The extract of this plant is a set of
all-natural active ingredients. Acmella extract stimulates fibroblast activity,
increases cellular dynamism and thus reorganizes and tightens the collagen
fiber network. Skin density and firmness are then rapidly increased, resulting
in a reduction of skin roughness

Description Highly concentrated serum specifically designed to combat the loss of firmness and sagging of the face. Its daily use helps to recover the firmness lost with the passage of time and to achieve a firmer, smoother and more elastic skin, achieving a visibly rejuvenated facial expression Benefits : • Stimulate natural collagen production by more than 80% in volunteers*. • Firmer skin in 4 weeks**   Active Ingredients : PURE COLLAGEN: Collagen is  a film genic effect that hydrates the skin, delaying the formation of wrinkles, increasing water retention, providing smoothness and firmness to the face, restoring smoothness and a healthy appearance to the skin. PATENTED TRIPEPTED ; Patented small tripeptide with the optimal size for penetration into the deepest layers of the skin. By decreasing oxidative stress, it causes a decrease in the production of enzymes and cytokinin that would cause collagen degradation. TETRAPEPTIDE ; This tetrapeptide has its main action in a protein called Mohawk. Mohawk is a transcription factor (protein) that binds to DNA and regulates the synthesis  of new collagen for proper bio tensegrity.  What tetrapeptide does once it is in our skin is to increase this protein to counteract the degeneration of collagen fibrils as we age and thus increase up to 9 different types of collagen. SPILANTHES ACMELLA: The extract of this plant is a set of all-natural active ingredients. Acmella extract stimulates fibroblast activity, increases cellular dynamism and thus reorganizes and tightens the collagen fiber network. Skin density and firmness are then rapidly increased, resulting in a reduction of skin roughness

LACABINE MULTI ACTIVE COLLECTION COLLAGEN BOOST SERUM 30ML SE - Description Highly concentrated serum specifically designed to combat the loss of firmness and sagging of the face. Its daily use helps to recover the firmness lost with the passage of time and to achieve a firmer, smoother and more elastic skin, achieving a visibly rejuvenated facial expression Benefits : • Stimulate natural collagen production by more than 80% in volunteers*. • Firmer skin in 4 weeks**   Active Ingredients : PURE COLLAGEN: Collagen is  a film genic effect that hydrates the skin, delaying the formation of wrinkles, increasing water retention, providing smoothness and firmness to the face, restoring smoothness and a healthy appearance to the skin. PATENTED TRIPEPTED ; Patented small tripeptide with the optimal size for penetration into the deepest layers of the skin. By decreasing oxidative stress, it causes a decrease in the production of enzymes and cytokinin that would cause collagen degradation. TETRAPEPTIDE ; This tetrapeptide has its main action in a protein called Mohawk. Mohawk is a transcription factor (protein) that binds to DNA and regulates the synthesis  of new collagen for proper bio tensegrity.  What tetrapeptide does once it is in our skin is to increase this protein to counteract the degeneration of collagen fibrils as we age and thus increase up to 9 different types of collagen. SPILANTHES ACMELLA: The extract of this plant is a set of all-natural active ingredients. Acmella extract stimulates fibroblast activity, increases cellular dynamism and thus reorganizes and tightens the collagen fiber network. Skin density and firmness are then rapidly increased, resulting in a reduction of skin roughness




LACABINE MONOACTIVE 20% SUPERVIT C SERUMCREAM 30ML - Description  2-in-1 Cream Serum with 20% Vitamin-C in Solution,
moisturizes and softens your skin, the maximum antioxidant power for visibly
brighter and more hydrated skin. Minimum possible ingredients in their maximum
concentration to show off healthy and beautiful skin regardless of your skin
type.   Benefits : Illuminates and Hydrates - Antioxidant - Prevents premature aging - Non-greasy texture (OIL FREE) - Provides comfort with a silky finish Active Ingredients : KAKADU PLUM EXTRACT The fruit called Kakadu,  The Kakadu plum is currently the richest
natural  fruit in vitamin C known,
containing 3.5 to 5.5%, about ten times more than orange. Kakadu plum has been
shown to have a high antioxidant activity, as well as  antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory. In
cosmetics, Kakadu plum is attributed anti-wrinkle effects due to the
contribution  of vitamin C to the
stimulation of collagen and hyaluronic acid production. ALLANTOIN : Allantoin helps the natural desquamation
of the stratum corneum and  increasing
the smoothness of the skin.   PROPANEDIOL : Propanediol is a great natural
moisturizing, emollient and preservative that provides high  hydration to the skin. With aging, the skin
loses its natural moisturizing factor, propanediol  will help our skin stay hydrated and reduce
the signs of aging. It has excellent sensory properties on skin and helps
reduce irritations.   SHEA BUTTER : Shea Butter is a vegetable lipid
extracted from the shea tree that is often used as an  emollient in cosmetics. This active ingredient offers great
hydration, being perfect for combating dryness and providing comfort to the
skin while protecting it

Description 2-in-1 Cream Serum with 20% Vitamin-C in Solution, moisturizes and softens your skin, the maximum antioxidant power for visibly brighter and more hydrated skin. Minimum possible ingredients in their maximum concentration to show off healthy and beautiful skin regardless of your skin type.   Benefits : Illuminates and Hydrates - Antioxidant - Prevents premature aging - Non-greasy texture (OIL FREE) - Provides comfort with a silky finish Active Ingredients : KAKADU PLUM EXTRACT The fruit called Kakadu,  The Kakadu plum is currently the richest natural  fruit in vitamin C known, containing 3.5 to 5.5%, about ten times more than orange. Kakadu plum has been shown to have a high antioxidant activity, as well as  antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory. In cosmetics, Kakadu plum is attributed anti-wrinkle effects due to the contribution  of vitamin C to the stimulation of collagen and hyaluronic acid production. ALLANTOIN : Allantoin helps the natural desquamation of the stratum corneum and  increasing the smoothness of the skin.   PROPANEDIOL : Propanediol is a great natural moisturizing, emollient and preservative that provides high  hydration to the skin. With aging, the skin loses its natural moisturizing factor, propanediol  will help our skin stay hydrated and reduce the signs of aging. It has excellent sensory properties on skin and helps reduce irritations.   SHEA BUTTER : Shea Butter is a vegetable lipid extracted from the shea tree that is often used as an emollient in cosmetics. This active ingredient offers great hydration, being perfect for combating dryness and providing comfort to the skin while protecting it

LACABINE MONOACTIVE 20% SUPERVIT C SERUMCREAM 30ML - Description 2-in-1 Cream Serum with 20% Vitamin-C in Solution, moisturizes and softens your skin, the maximum antioxidant power for visibly brighter and more hydrated skin. Minimum possible ingredients in their maximum concentration to show off healthy and beautiful skin regardless of your skin type.   Benefits : Illuminates and Hydrates - Antioxidant - Prevents premature aging - Non-greasy texture (OIL FREE) - Provides comfort with a silky finish Active Ingredients : KAKADU PLUM EXTRACT The fruit called Kakadu,  The Kakadu plum is currently the richest natural  fruit in vitamin C known, containing 3.5 to 5.5%, about ten times more than orange. Kakadu plum has been shown to have a high antioxidant activity, as well as  antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory. In cosmetics, Kakadu plum is attributed anti-wrinkle effects due to the contribution  of vitamin C to the stimulation of collagen and hyaluronic acid production. ALLANTOIN : Allantoin helps the natural desquamation of the stratum corneum and  increasing the smoothness of the skin.   PROPANEDIOL : Propanediol is a great natural moisturizing, emollient and preservative that provides high  hydration to the skin. With aging, the skin loses its natural moisturizing factor, propanediol  will help our skin stay hydrated and reduce the signs of aging. It has excellent sensory properties on skin and helps reduce irritations.   SHEA BUTTER : Shea Butter is a vegetable lipid extracted from the shea tree that is often used as an emollient in cosmetics. This active ingredient offers great hydration, being perfect for combating dryness and providing comfort to the skin while protecting it








LC MONOACTIVE 15% NIACINAMIDE SERUM CREAM 30ML - سيرم كريم  2 في 1 يحتوي على 15% من النياسيناميد. يساعد على تصحيح جميع أنواع العيوب والعلامات، مما يوفر اللمعان ويوحد لون البشرة مع ترطيب البشرة وتوفير الراحة لوجهك.   
 ما الذي يجعلها مميزة؟ 
 ✓  يعزز الترطيب والإشراق. 
 ✓  يصحح جميع أنواع العيوب والعلامات. 
 ✓  يحسن تجانس البشرة. 
 ✓  تأثير مضاد للأكسدة.  
 ✓  يوفر الراحة والترطيب والنعومة مع لمسة نهائية حريرية

سيرم كريم  2 في 1 يحتوي على 15% من النياسيناميد. يساعد على تصحيح جميع أنواع العيوب والعلامات، مما يوفر اللمعان ويوحد لون البشرة مع ترطيب البشرة وتوفير الراحة لوجهك.   ما الذي يجعلها مميزة؟ ✓  يعزز الترطيب والإشراق. ✓  يصحح جميع أنواع العيوب والعلامات. ✓  يحسن تجانس البشرة. ✓  تأثير مضاد للأكسدة.  ✓  يوفر الراحة والترطيب والنعومة مع لمسة نهائية حريرية

LC MONOACTIVE 15% NIACINAMIDE SERUM CREAM 30ML - سيرم كريم  2 في 1 يحتوي على 15% من النياسيناميد. يساعد على تصحيح جميع أنواع العيوب والعلامات، مما يوفر اللمعان ويوحد لون البشرة مع ترطيب البشرة وتوفير الراحة لوجهك.   ما الذي يجعلها مميزة؟ ✓  يعزز الترطيب والإشراق. ✓  يصحح جميع أنواع العيوب والعلامات. ✓  يحسن تجانس البشرة. ✓  تأثير مضاد للأكسدة.  ✓  يوفر الراحة والترطيب والنعومة مع لمسة نهائية حريرية


LACABINE VITAMIN C CREAM 50 ml - Illuminating cream with Vitamin C for a more luminous, hydrated and youthful skin.A unique formula with encapsulated Vitamin C, Proteoglycans and Glycopolymers. Its great antioxidant, anti-aging and energizing power make facial skin feel more luminous, revitalized and smooth from the first application. Use it together with your laCabine Vit-C ampoules to have the best luminosity for your skin

50ml. | All skin types | Daily Use | Fragrance-free, fast-absorbing ultra-fluid texture

Illuminating cream with Vitamin C for a more luminous, hydrated and youthful skin.A unique formula with encapsulated Vitamin C, Proteoglycans and Glycopolymers. Its great antioxidant, anti-aging and energizing power make facial skin feel more luminous, revitalized and smooth from the first application. Use it together with your laCabine Vit-C ampoules to have the best luminosity for your skin 50ml. | All skin types | Daily Use | Fragrance-free, fast-absorbing ultra-fluid texture

LACABINE VITAMIN C CREAM 50 ml - Illuminating cream with Vitamin C for a more luminous, hydrated and youthful skin.A unique formula with encapsulated Vitamin C, Proteoglycans and Glycopolymers. Its great antioxidant, anti-aging and energizing power make facial skin feel more luminous, revitalized and smooth from the first application. Use it together with your laCabine Vit-C ampoules to have the best luminosity for your skin 50ml. | All skin types | Daily Use | Fragrance-free, fast-absorbing ultra-fluid texture


LACABINE PURE 5xHIALURÓNIC CREAM 50 ml - Highly moisturizing and wrinkle-filling cream with 5 types of Hyaluronic Acid that act on the different layers of the skin. A unique formula with 5 types of Hyaluronic Acid of different molecular weight (high, medium and low), Ceramides, Squalane, Soft Focus Pearls y Anti-Pollution Shield. The perfect union of the 5 Hyaluronic Acids allows greater efficiency thanks to the fact that they fill in wrinkles and provide greater hydration in each of the layers of the epidermis, from the inside to the outside. The skin looks and feels softer, more hydrated, juicier and younger. Use it together with your laCabine 5xPure Hyaluronic ampoules to have the best moisturizing-replenishing duo for your skin. 
 50ml. | All skin types | Daily Use | Light texture without greasy feel

Highly moisturizing and wrinkle-filling cream with 5 types of Hyaluronic Acid that act on the different layers of the skin. A unique formula with 5 types of Hyaluronic Acid of different molecular weight (high, medium and low), Ceramides, Squalane, Soft Focus Pearls y Anti-Pollution Shield. The perfect union of the 5 Hyaluronic Acids allows greater efficiency thanks to the fact that they fill in wrinkles and provide greater hydration in each of the layers of the epidermis, from the inside to the outside. The skin looks and feels softer, more hydrated, juicier and younger. Use it together with your laCabine 5xPure Hyaluronic ampoules to have the best moisturizing-replenishing duo for your skin. 50ml. | All skin types | Daily Use | Light texture without greasy feel

LACABINE PURE 5xHIALURÓNIC CREAM 50 ml - Highly moisturizing and wrinkle-filling cream with 5 types of Hyaluronic Acid that act on the different layers of the skin. A unique formula with 5 types of Hyaluronic Acid of different molecular weight (high, medium and low), Ceramides, Squalane, Soft Focus Pearls y Anti-Pollution Shield. The perfect union of the 5 Hyaluronic Acids allows greater efficiency thanks to the fact that they fill in wrinkles and provide greater hydration in each of the layers of the epidermis, from the inside to the outside. The skin looks and feels softer, more hydrated, juicier and younger. Use it together with your laCabine 5xPure Hyaluronic ampoules to have the best moisturizing-replenishing duo for your skin. 50ml. | All skin types | Daily Use | Light texture without greasy feel


LACABINE BOTULINUM-LIKE CREAM 50 ML SE - Anti-wrinkle cream for an

Anti-wrinkle cream for an "ironing" and wrinkle-filling effect, without injections. A unique formula with Beautifying Peptides, Squalane, Soft-Focus Pearls and Anti-Pollution Shield. Innovative technology inspired by the action of wrinkle-smoothing injections but with topical action. Helps smooth, fill and soften wrinkles, especially expression wrinkles, for a true "ironing effect" of the skin. Use it with your laCabine Botulinum Effect ampoules to have the best anti-wrinkle duo for your skin. 50ml. | All skin types | Daily Use | Fragrance-free, fast-absorbing fresh texture

LACABINE BOTULINUM-LIKE CREAM 50 ML SE - Anti-wrinkle cream for an "ironing" and wrinkle-filling effect, without injections. A unique formula with Beautifying Peptides, Squalane, Soft-Focus Pearls and Anti-Pollution Shield. Innovative technology inspired by the action of wrinkle-smoothing injections but with topical action. Helps smooth, fill and soften wrinkles, especially expression wrinkles, for a true "ironing effect" of the skin. Use it with your laCabine Botulinum Effect ampoules to have the best anti-wrinkle duo for your skin. 50ml. | All skin types | Daily Use | Fragrance-free, fast-absorbing fresh texture


LACABINE COLLAGEN BOOST CREAM 50 ML SE - Facial cream specifically designed to combat loss of firmness and sagging of the skin. A unique formula with Pure Collagen, Pro-Collagen Peptides, Squalane, Soft Focus Pearls and Anti-Pollution Shield. Powerful firming power thanks to its extra supply of Pure Collagen and to the fact that it stimulates the natural production of collagen and elastin in the skin. Its daily use helps to restore skin firmness and to achieve firmer, smoother and more elastic skin, obtaining a visibly rejuvenated complexion. Use it together with your Collagen Boost ampoules to have the best firming duo for your skin.

 50ml. | All skin types | Daily Use | Satin texture with fast-absorbing perfume

Facial cream specifically designed to combat loss of firmness and sagging of the skin. A unique formula with Pure Collagen, Pro-Collagen Peptides, Squalane, Soft Focus Pearls and Anti-Pollution Shield. Powerful firming power thanks to its extra supply of Pure Collagen and to the fact that it stimulates the natural production of collagen and elastin in the skin. Its daily use helps to restore skin firmness and to achieve firmer, smoother and more elastic skin, obtaining a visibly rejuvenated complexion. Use it together with your Collagen Boost ampoules to have the best firming duo for your skin. 50ml. | All skin types | Daily Use | Satin texture with fast-absorbing perfume

LACABINE COLLAGEN BOOST CREAM 50 ML SE - Facial cream specifically designed to combat loss of firmness and sagging of the skin. A unique formula with Pure Collagen, Pro-Collagen Peptides, Squalane, Soft Focus Pearls and Anti-Pollution Shield. Powerful firming power thanks to its extra supply of Pure Collagen and to the fact that it stimulates the natural production of collagen and elastin in the skin. Its daily use helps to restore skin firmness and to achieve firmer, smoother and more elastic skin, obtaining a visibly rejuvenated complexion. Use it together with your Collagen Boost ampoules to have the best firming duo for your skin. 50ml. | All skin types | Daily Use | Satin texture with fast-absorbing perfume


LACABINE REVIVE ELIXIR CREAM 50 ml - Anti-aging cream especially indicated for mature skin that fights against the 3 main signs of aging: dark spots, lack of luminosity and deep wrinkles. A unique formula with Snow Algae Powder, Daisy Flower, Shea Butter, Soft-Focus Pearls and Anti-Pollution Shield. It effectively fights against the main signs of aging in mature skin: dark spots, lack of luminosity and deep wrinkles. Use it together with your laCabine ampoulesAnti-aging Reviving Elixir to have the best anti-aging-luminosity duo for your skin.

 50ml. | All skin types | Daily Use | Fast-absorbing fragrance-free nourishing texture

Anti-aging cream especially indicated for mature skin that fights against the 3 main signs of aging: dark spots, lack of luminosity and deep wrinkles. A unique formula with Snow Algae Powder, Daisy Flower, Shea Butter, Soft-Focus Pearls and Anti-Pollution Shield. It effectively fights against the main signs of aging in mature skin: dark spots, lack of luminosity and deep wrinkles. Use it together with your laCabine ampoulesAnti-aging Reviving Elixir to have the best anti-aging-luminosity duo for your skin. 50ml. | All skin types | Daily Use | Fast-absorbing fragrance-free nourishing texture

LACABINE REVIVE ELIXIR CREAM 50 ml - Anti-aging cream especially indicated for mature skin that fights against the 3 main signs of aging: dark spots, lack of luminosity and deep wrinkles. A unique formula with Snow Algae Powder, Daisy Flower, Shea Butter, Soft-Focus Pearls and Anti-Pollution Shield. It effectively fights against the main signs of aging in mature skin: dark spots, lack of luminosity and deep wrinkles. Use it together with your laCabine ampoulesAnti-aging Reviving Elixir to have the best anti-aging-luminosity duo for your skin. 50ml. | All skin types | Daily Use | Fast-absorbing fragrance-free nourishing texture


laCabine COLLAGEN BOOST EYE CONTOUR 15ML - Gel-cream specially formulated for a firming action on the
  eyelids and eye contour. with visibly smoother and tighter skin around the

Gel-cream specially formulated for a firming action on the eyelids and eye contour. with visibly smoother and tighter skin around the eyes.

laCabine COLLAGEN BOOST EYE CONTOUR 15ML - Gel-cream specially formulated for a firming action on the eyelids and eye contour. with visibly smoother and tighter skin around the eyes.


laCabine 5x PURE HYALURONIC EYE CONTOUR 15ML - Specially formulated gel to protect the eye contour sensitive
  skin with 5 types of Hyaluronic Acid and triple action: moisturising,
  anti-dark circles and puffs.

Specially formulated gel to protect the eye contour sensitive skin with 5 types of Hyaluronic Acid and triple action: moisturising, anti-dark circles and puffs.

laCabine 5x PURE HYALURONIC EYE CONTOUR 15ML - Specially formulated gel to protect the eye contour sensitive skin with 5 types of Hyaluronic Acid and triple action: moisturising, anti-dark circles and puffs.


LC BOTULINUM EFFECT EYE CONTOUR 15ML - كريم جل مصمم خصيصًا لمفعول مكثف للغاية مضاد للتجاعيد وإضاءة محيط العين. تركيبة فريدة من نوعها تحتوي على الببتيدات التجميلية ومستخلص الطحالب الدقيقة والجزيئات الدقيقة المضيئة والسكوالان . يساعد على تنعيم الخطوط الدقيقة وتجاعيد قدم الغراب، مع توفير تأثير أكثر نعومة وتجديدًا وإضاءة لمنطقة محيط العين. والنتيجة هي محيط عين متجدد وخالي من التجاعيد وأكثر إشراقًا. استخدميه مع أمبولات وكريم تأثير البوتولينوم للحصول على أفضل رعاية مضادة للتجاعيد لبشرتك.  
 15 مل. | جميع أنواع البشرة | الاستخدام اليومي | ملمس جل كريمي ناعم مع جزيئات دقيقة مضيئة

كريم جل مصمم خصيصًا لمفعول مكثف للغاية مضاد للتجاعيد وإضاءة محيط العين. تركيبة فريدة من نوعها تحتوي على الببتيدات التجميلية ومستخلص الطحالب الدقيقة والجزيئات الدقيقة المضيئة والسكوالان . يساعد على تنعيم الخطوط الدقيقة وتجاعيد قدم الغراب، مع توفير تأثير أكثر نعومة وتجديدًا وإضاءة لمنطقة محيط العين. والنتيجة هي محيط عين متجدد وخالي من التجاعيد وأكثر إشراقًا. استخدميه مع أمبولات وكريم تأثير البوتولينوم للحصول على أفضل رعاية مضادة للتجاعيد لبشرتك.  15 مل. | جميع أنواع البشرة | الاستخدام اليومي | ملمس جل كريمي ناعم مع جزيئات دقيقة مضيئة

LC BOTULINUM EFFECT EYE CONTOUR 15ML - كريم جل مصمم خصيصًا لمفعول مكثف للغاية مضاد للتجاعيد وإضاءة محيط العين. تركيبة فريدة من نوعها تحتوي على الببتيدات التجميلية ومستخلص الطحالب الدقيقة والجزيئات الدقيقة المضيئة والسكوالان . يساعد على تنعيم الخطوط الدقيقة وتجاعيد قدم الغراب، مع توفير تأثير أكثر نعومة وتجديدًا وإضاءة لمنطقة محيط العين. والنتيجة هي محيط عين متجدد وخالي من التجاعيد وأكثر إشراقًا. استخدميه مع أمبولات وكريم تأثير البوتولينوم للحصول على أفضل رعاية مضادة للتجاعيد لبشرتك.  15 مل. | جميع أنواع البشرة | الاستخدام اليومي | ملمس جل كريمي ناعم مع جزيئات دقيقة مضيئة


Lacabine VIT-C EYE CONTOUR 15ML - Specifically formulated for the eye contour, it fades dark
  circles and signs of fatigue while moisturizing and nourishing the skin for
  softness and comfort.

Specifically formulated for the eye contour, it fades dark circles and signs of fatigue while moisturizing and nourishing the skin for softness and comfort.

Lacabine VIT-C EYE CONTOUR 15ML - Specifically formulated for the eye contour, it fades dark circles and signs of fatigue while moisturizing and nourishing the skin for softness and comfort.


LC NATURE SKIN FOOD GEL LIMPIADOR CITRUS LOVE 250ML - منظف البشرة من لاكابين . جل التنظيف الأنزيمي بمكونات طبيعية بنسبة 99%، ينظف البشرة بشكل فعال دون تجفيفها، ويتركها منتعشة ومشرقة. 
 كوكتيل الحب الحقيقي مع إنزيمات الفاكهة الفائقة والبريبايوتكس وفيتامين C لبشرة متوهجة بشكل طبيعي. 
 يحتوي على مكونات مثل الأناناس الأنزيمي المعروف بقوته المضيئة والمتجددة، واليوزو الذي يساعد على استعادة الترطيب وفيتامين C الذي ينير البشرة وينشطها.

منظف البشرة من لاكابين . جل التنظيف الأنزيمي بمكونات طبيعية بنسبة 99%، ينظف البشرة بشكل فعال دون تجفيفها، ويتركها منتعشة ومشرقة. كوكتيل الحب الحقيقي مع إنزيمات الفاكهة الفائقة والبريبايوتكس وفيتامين C لبشرة متوهجة بشكل طبيعي. يحتوي على مكونات مثل الأناناس الأنزيمي المعروف بقوته المضيئة والمتجددة، واليوزو الذي يساعد على استعادة الترطيب وفيتامين C الذي ينير البشرة وينشطها.

LC NATURE SKIN FOOD GEL LIMPIADOR CITRUS LOVE 250ML - منظف البشرة من لاكابين . جل التنظيف الأنزيمي بمكونات طبيعية بنسبة 99%، ينظف البشرة بشكل فعال دون تجفيفها، ويتركها منتعشة ومشرقة. كوكتيل الحب الحقيقي مع إنزيمات الفاكهة الفائقة والبريبايوتكس وفيتامين C لبشرة متوهجة بشكل طبيعي. يحتوي على مكونات مثل الأناناس الأنزيمي المعروف بقوته المضيئة والمتجددة، واليوزو الذي يساعد على استعادة الترطيب وفيتامين C الذي ينير البشرة وينشطها.


LC VIT-C CLEANSING MOUSSE 150ML - رغوة تنظيف تحتوي على تركيبة حصرية تعتمد على فيتامين C وKakadu Plum للتنظيف الحسي للمساعدة في تنشيط وتعزيز الإشراق.   
 ما الذي يجعلها مميزة؟ 
 ✓  تنظيف سهل وعميق. 
 ✓إضفاء  إشراقة إضافية على البشرة. 
 ✓  ينشط البشرة بفضل مزيجه من المكونات النشطة. 
 ✓  يضمن مستوى ممتاز من ترطيب البشرة. 
 ✓  رائحته اللطيفة تمزج بين روائح الحمضيات مع لمحات من الخشب وخشب الصندل.

رغوة تنظيف تحتوي على تركيبة حصرية تعتمد على فيتامين C وKakadu Plum للتنظيف الحسي للمساعدة في تنشيط وتعزيز الإشراق.   ما الذي يجعلها مميزة؟ ✓  تنظيف سهل وعميق. ✓إضفاء  إشراقة إضافية على البشرة. ✓  ينشط البشرة بفضل مزيجه من المكونات النشطة. ✓  يضمن مستوى ممتاز من ترطيب البشرة. ✓  رائحته اللطيفة تمزج بين روائح الحمضيات مع لمحات من الخشب وخشب الصندل.

LC VIT-C CLEANSING MOUSSE 150ML - رغوة تنظيف تحتوي على تركيبة حصرية تعتمد على فيتامين C وKakadu Plum للتنظيف الحسي للمساعدة في تنشيط وتعزيز الإشراق.   ما الذي يجعلها مميزة؟ ✓  تنظيف سهل وعميق. ✓إضفاء  إشراقة إضافية على البشرة. ✓  ينشط البشرة بفضل مزيجه من المكونات النشطة. ✓  يضمن مستوى ممتاز من ترطيب البشرة. ✓  رائحته اللطيفة تمزج بين روائح الحمضيات مع لمحات من الخشب وخشب الصندل.


LACABINE - MICELLAR TONIC 200 ML (SE - Multi-action micellar toner infused with hyaluronic acid for your skin. Refreshes, hydrates, calms and restores the PH of the skin after cleansing, preparing it for next cosmetic products.

 200ml. | All skin types | Daily use

Multi-action micellar toner infused with hyaluronic acid for your skin. Refreshes, hydrates, calms and restores the PH of the skin after cleansing, preparing it for next cosmetic products. 200ml. | All skin types | Daily use

LACABINE - MICELLAR TONIC 200 ML (SE - Multi-action micellar toner infused with hyaluronic acid for your skin. Refreshes, hydrates, calms and restores the PH of the skin after cleansing, preparing it for next cosmetic products. 200ml. | All skin types | Daily use


LACABINE - MICELLAR BIPHASSE EYE MAKE UP REMOVER 100 ML (SE) - Ultra-effective biphasic make-up remover for eyes and lips infused with hyaluronic acid. Removes waterproof makeup. Ultra-gentle formula that respects the eyes and lashes. Ophthalmologically tested.

 100ml. | All skin types | Daily use

Ultra-effective biphasic make-up remover for eyes and lips infused with hyaluronic acid. Removes waterproof makeup. Ultra-gentle formula that respects the eyes and lashes. Ophthalmologically tested. 100ml. | All skin types | Daily use

LACABINE - MICELLAR BIPHASSE EYE MAKE UP REMOVER 100 ML (SE) - Ultra-effective biphasic make-up remover for eyes and lips infused with hyaluronic acid. Removes waterproof makeup. Ultra-gentle formula that respects the eyes and lashes. Ophthalmologically tested. 100ml. | All skin types | Daily use


LACABINE- MICELAR WATER 400 ML (SE) - Rejuvenating micellar water 3 in 1, an infusion of hyaluronic acid for your skin. Deep cleanses, hydrates and rejuvenates in a single gesture Ultra-gentle formula respects the biological balance of the skin 
 400ml. | All skin types | Daily use

Rejuvenating micellar water 3 in 1, an infusion of hyaluronic acid for your skin. Deep cleanses, hydrates and rejuvenates in a single gesture Ultra-gentle formula respects the biological balance of the skin 400ml. | All skin types | Daily use

LACABINE- MICELAR WATER 400 ML (SE) - Rejuvenating micellar water 3 in 1, an infusion of hyaluronic acid for your skin. Deep cleanses, hydrates and rejuvenates in a single gesture Ultra-gentle formula respects the biological balance of the skin 400ml. | All skin types | Daily use




laCabine FLASH HAIR KERATIN AMPOULES 7X5ML SE - Highly concentrated hair ampoule that restructures the hair
  keratin fibres, protecting it from external aggressions, repairing it and
  reducing the risk of breakage.

Highly concentrated hair ampoule that restructures the hair keratin fibres, protecting it from external aggressions, repairing it and reducing the risk of breakage.

laCabine FLASH HAIR KERATIN AMPOULES 7X5ML SE - Highly concentrated hair ampoule that restructures the hair keratin fibres, protecting it from external aggressions, repairing it and reducing the risk of breakage.


















LACABINE-AMPOULES FLASH HAIR SPLIT ENDS REPAIR 7X5ML SE - Highly concentrated hair ampoule that repairs and softens split ends, improving their appearance instantly. A unique formula with a Complex of Soy Lecithin and Black Oats, Betaine, Panthenol and Conditioning Agents.
 7 Ampoules. 5ml. | Dry or Damaged Hair | Daily Use | Topical Use | Shake before using

Highly concentrated hair ampoule that repairs and softens split ends, improving their appearance instantly. A unique formula with a Complex of Soy Lecithin and Black Oats, Betaine, Panthenol and Conditioning Agents. 7 Ampoules. 5ml. | Dry or Damaged Hair | Daily Use | Topical Use | Shake before using

LACABINE-AMPOULES FLASH HAIR SPLIT ENDS REPAIR 7X5ML SE - Highly concentrated hair ampoule that repairs and softens split ends, improving their appearance instantly. A unique formula with a Complex of Soy Lecithin and Black Oats, Betaine, Panthenol and Conditioning Agents. 7 Ampoules. 5ml. | Dry or Damaged Hair | Daily Use | Topical Use | Shake before using


LACABINE AMPOULES FLASH HAIR DEFIN CURLS  7X5ML SE - Highly concentrated hair ampoule that is capable of defining the curl and controlling frizz even in the most rebellious curls.
A unique formula with a Complex of Wheat Germ, Almond Oil and Argan Oil.
7 Ampoules. 5ml. | Curly hair | Daily Use | Topical Use | Shake before using

Highly concentrated hair ampoule that is capable of defining the curl and controlling frizz even in the most rebellious curls. A unique formula with a Complex of Wheat Germ, Almond Oil and Argan Oil. 7 Ampoules. 5ml. | Curly hair | Daily Use | Topical Use | Shake before using

LACABINE AMPOULES FLASH HAIR DEFIN CURLS  7X5ML SE - Highly concentrated hair ampoule that is capable of defining the curl and controlling frizz even in the most rebellious curls. A unique formula with a Complex of Wheat Germ, Almond Oil and Argan Oil. 7 Ampoules. 5ml. | Curly hair | Daily Use | Topical Use | Shake before using


LACABINE AMPOUL FLASH HAIR MOISTUR HYALUR 7X5ML SE - Highly concentrated capillary ampoule that acts on the hair providing maximum hydration instantly and in the long term so that it looks healthy, hydrated and luminous. A unique formula that contains 3 types of Hyaluronic Acid, Betaine, Panthenol and Conditioning Agents. 
 7 Ampoules. 5ml. | Fine, dry or damaged hair| Daily Use | Topical Use | Shake before using

Highly concentrated capillary ampoule that acts on the hair providing maximum hydration instantly and in the long term so that it looks healthy, hydrated and luminous. A unique formula that contains 3 types of Hyaluronic Acid, Betaine, Panthenol and Conditioning Agents. 7 Ampoules. 5ml. | Fine, dry or damaged hair| Daily Use | Topical Use | Shake before using

LACABINE AMPOUL FLASH HAIR MOISTUR HYALUR 7X5ML SE - Highly concentrated capillary ampoule that acts on the hair providing maximum hydration instantly and in the long term so that it looks healthy, hydrated and luminous. A unique formula that contains 3 types of Hyaluronic Acid, Betaine, Panthenol and Conditioning Agents. 7 Ampoules. 5ml. | Fine, dry or damaged hair| Daily Use | Topical Use | Shake before using


LACABINE AMPOUL FLASH HAIR FLASH 11 IN 1 7X5ML SE - Capillary ampoule, highly concentrated with 11 benefits in 1 single application, provides comprehensive care and protection, as well as a unique finish so that the hair looks healthy and incredibly beautiful. A unique formula with Vegetable Collagen, Hydrolyzed Rice and Quinoa Proteins, Betaine, Panthenol and Conditioning Agents.
 7 Ampoules. 5ml. | All types of hair | Daily Use | Topical Use |Shake before using

Capillary ampoule, highly concentrated with 11 benefits in 1 single application, provides comprehensive care and protection, as well as a unique finish so that the hair looks healthy and incredibly beautiful. A unique formula with Vegetable Collagen, Hydrolyzed Rice and Quinoa Proteins, Betaine, Panthenol and Conditioning Agents. 7 Ampoules. 5ml. | All types of hair | Daily Use | Topical Use |Shake before using

LACABINE AMPOUL FLASH HAIR FLASH 11 IN 1 7X5ML SE - Capillary ampoule, highly concentrated with 11 benefits in 1 single application, provides comprehensive care and protection, as well as a unique finish so that the hair looks healthy and incredibly beautiful. A unique formula with Vegetable Collagen, Hydrolyzed Rice and Quinoa Proteins, Betaine, Panthenol and Conditioning Agents. 7 Ampoules. 5ml. | All types of hair | Daily Use | Topical Use |Shake before using


LACABINE AMPOUL FLASH HAIR TOTAL REPAIR 7X5ML SE - Highly concentrated hair ampoule that is ideal for damaged hair as it hydrates, softens and nourishes the hair while sealing the hair fiber and maintaining the intense color. A unique formula with Abyssinian Oil and an Enriching Oil Complex with Avocado, Sunflower, Macadamia and Rosehip Oil. 7 Ampoules. 5ml. | Damaged hair | Daily Use | Topical Use | Shake before using

Highly concentrated hair ampoule that is ideal for damaged hair as it hydrates, softens and nourishes the hair while sealing the hair fiber and maintaining the intense color. A unique formula with Abyssinian Oil and an Enriching Oil Complex with Avocado, Sunflower, Macadamia and Rosehip Oil. 7 Ampoules. 5ml. | Damaged hair | Daily Use | Topical Use | Shake before using

LACABINE AMPOUL FLASH HAIR TOTAL REPAIR 7X5ML SE - Highly concentrated hair ampoule that is ideal for damaged hair as it hydrates, softens and nourishes the hair while sealing the hair fiber and maintaining the intense color. A unique formula with Abyssinian Oil and an Enriching Oil Complex with Avocado, Sunflower, Macadamia and Rosehip Oil. 7 Ampoules. 5ml. | Damaged hair | Daily Use | Topical Use | Shake before using


LACABINE AMPOULES FLASH HAIR SUBLIM SHINE 7X5ML SE - Capillary ampoule, highly concentrated that provides luminosity and softness to the hair. A unique formula with Argan and Jojoba Oil and luminous pigments. 7 Ampoules. 5ml. | Devitalized hair | Daily Use | Topical Use | Shake before using

Capillary ampoule, highly concentrated that provides luminosity and softness to the hair. A unique formula with Argan and Jojoba Oil and luminous pigments. 7 Ampoules. 5ml. | Devitalized hair | Daily Use | Topical Use | Shake before using

LACABINE AMPOULES FLASH HAIR SUBLIM SHINE 7X5ML SE - Capillary ampoule, highly concentrated that provides luminosity and softness to the hair. A unique formula with Argan and Jojoba Oil and luminous pigments. 7 Ampoules. 5ml. | Devitalized hair | Daily Use | Topical Use | Shake before using