Yasmine Hair Boutique

Yasmine Hair Boutique

7 times natural hena and treatments

7 times natural hena and treatments - يرجى التاكد قبل الدفع حيث ان اشتراكات العروض ترد ولا تستبدل

يرجى التاكد قبل الدفع حيث ان اشتراكات العروض ترد ولا تستبدل

7 times natural hena and treatments - يرجى التاكد قبل الدفع حيث ان اشتراكات العروض ترد ولا تستبدل

Muru muru proten with protection

Muru muru proten with protectionMuru muru proten with protection

Simple make up and hair style

Simple make up and hair styleSimple make up and hair style

Hair and makeup

Hair and makeupHair and makeup

Blow dry 6 times card

Blow dry 6 times cardBlow dry 6 times card

8 times m/p with out nail polish

8 times m/p with out nail polish8 times m/p with out nail polish

7times 50 offer

7times 50 offer7times 50 offer

6 times special hena eshtrak offer

6 times special hena eshtrak offer6 times special hena eshtrak offer

Lash lifting or eyebrow turkish

Lash lifting or eyebrow turkishLash lifting or eyebrow turkish

Hair color offer

Hair color offerHair color offer

Hair vetlizer offer 5 times with home care set

Hair vetlizer offer 5 times with home care setHair vetlizer offer 5 times with home care set

5 times Basic natural hair treatments only or hena only

5 times  Basic natural hair treatments only or hena only5 times Basic natural hair treatments only or hena only







Rose body salt scrub

Rose body salt scrubRose body salt scrub

Lavender herb

Lavender herb - تعمل على تنشيط الدورة الدموية لفروة الرأس والتي تساعد على إنباته تساعد على إنبات الشعر خصوصا في مقدمة الرأس والأجناب تعالج مرض الثعلبة والتي تعمل على إنتاج بصيلات جديدة مفيدة في إطالة الشعر يمكن استخدامه كغسول للمنطقة الحساسة
طريقة الاستخدام
الطريقة الأولى ( تونك الخزامى لإطالة الشعر وإنبات الفراغات)وضع ملعقة من الخزامى في كوب كبير يسكب الماء المغلي عليها ومن ثم يتم تغطية الكوب لكيلا تتطاير الزيوت والاستفادة منها تترك لمدة 3 ساعات ومن ثم تصفى وتوضع في علبة بخاخ تستعمل على فروة الرأس من 3 الى 4 مرات يوميا يتم تغيير الخلطة كل ٤ أيام
الطريقة الثانية
يستخدم منقوع الخزامى في عجنه مع السدر والحناء في نفس الطريقة المتبعة في الطريقة الأولى.

الطريقة الثالثة
لتطويل الشعر وإنباته يشطف الشعر بماء الخزامى بعد استخدام الشامبو والماسك عن طريق سكبه على كامل الشعر
كخطوة أخيرة بعد الاستحمام وعدم غسلة.

تعمل على تنشيط الدورة الدموية لفروة الرأس والتي تساعد على إنباته تساعد على إنبات الشعر خصوصا في مقدمة الرأس والأجناب تعالج مرض الثعلبة والتي تعمل على إنتاج بصيلات جديدة مفيدة في إطالة الشعر يمكن استخدامه كغسول للمنطقة الحساسة طريقة الاستخدام الطريقة الأولى ( تونك الخزامى لإطالة الشعر وإنبات الفراغات)وضع ملعقة من الخزامى في كوب كبير يسكب الماء المغلي عليها ومن ثم يتم تغطية الكوب لكيلا تتطاير الزيوت والاستفادة منها تترك لمدة 3 ساعات ومن ثم تصفى وتوضع في علبة بخاخ تستعمل على فروة الرأس من 3 الى 4 مرات يوميا يتم تغيير الخلطة كل ٤ أيام الطريقة الثانية يستخدم منقوع الخزامى في عجنه مع السدر والحناء في نفس الطريقة المتبعة في الطريقة الأولى. الطريقة الثالثة لتطويل الشعر وإنباته يشطف الشعر بماء الخزامى بعد استخدام الشامبو والماسك عن طريق سكبه على كامل الشعر كخطوة أخيرة بعد الاستحمام وعدم غسلة.

Lavender herb - تعمل على تنشيط الدورة الدموية لفروة الرأس والتي تساعد على إنباته تساعد على إنبات الشعر خصوصا في مقدمة الرأس والأجناب تعالج مرض الثعلبة والتي تعمل على إنتاج بصيلات جديدة مفيدة في إطالة الشعر يمكن استخدامه كغسول للمنطقة الحساسة طريقة الاستخدام الطريقة الأولى ( تونك الخزامى لإطالة الشعر وإنبات الفراغات)وضع ملعقة من الخزامى في كوب كبير يسكب الماء المغلي عليها ومن ثم يتم تغطية الكوب لكيلا تتطاير الزيوت والاستفادة منها تترك لمدة 3 ساعات ومن ثم تصفى وتوضع في علبة بخاخ تستعمل على فروة الرأس من 3 الى 4 مرات يوميا يتم تغيير الخلطة كل ٤ أيام الطريقة الثانية يستخدم منقوع الخزامى في عجنه مع السدر والحناء في نفس الطريقة المتبعة في الطريقة الأولى. الطريقة الثالثة لتطويل الشعر وإنباته يشطف الشعر بماء الخزامى بعد استخدام الشامبو والماسك عن طريق سكبه على كامل الشعر كخطوة أخيرة بعد الاستحمام وعدم غسلة.

Red akar fase and morocan mix scrub

Red akar fase and morocan mix scrub - The  Fassi Akar  scrub and our secret Moroccan mix for smoothness, And clearings the color of the skin ,,, keep in the refrigerator and use in each shower for ten minutes, it is preferred to wear gloves when placed. 750 ml

The Fassi Akar scrub and our secret Moroccan mix for smoothness, And clearings the color of the skin ,,, keep in the refrigerator and use in each shower for ten minutes, it is preferred to wear gloves when placed. 750 ml

Red akar fase and morocan mix scrub - The Fassi Akar scrub and our secret Moroccan mix for smoothness, And clearings the color of the skin ,,, keep in the refrigerator and use in each shower for ten minutes, it is preferred to wear gloves when placed. 750 ml

The Original Moroccan Blue Nile Desert scrub

The Original Moroccan Blue Nile Desert scrub - The Scrub and our morocan secret mixture of the original Moroccan blue Nile , to lighten the body, unify the color and smooth its((free from cortazon)). Keep in the refrigerator and use it in each shower for ten minutes. 750ml

The Scrub and our morocan secret mixture of the original Moroccan blue Nile , to lighten the body, unify the color and smooth its((free from cortazon)). Keep in the refrigerator and use it in each shower for ten minutes. 750ml

The Original Moroccan Blue Nile Desert scrub - The Scrub and our morocan secret mixture of the original Moroccan blue Nile , to lighten the body, unify the color and smooth its((free from cortazon)). Keep in the refrigerator and use it in each shower for ten minutes. 750ml

Soap with Original Moroccan Herbs

Soap with Original Moroccan Herbs - Soap with original Moroccan herbs such as Dad and Lavender herbs tighten the skin and filter it and give it smoothness, it is advised before other mixtures, keep it in the fridge and use it in each shower for ten minutes, it is better to use morocan sponge when applying.. 750ml

Soap with original Moroccan herbs such as Dad and Lavender herbs tighten the skin and filter it and give it smoothness, it is advised before other mixtures, keep it in the fridge and use it in each shower for ten minutes, it is better to use morocan sponge when applying.. 750ml

Soap with Original Moroccan Herbs - Soap with original Moroccan herbs such as Dad and Lavender herbs tighten the skin and filter it and give it smoothness, it is advised before other mixtures, keep it in the fridge and use it in each shower for ten minutes, it is better to use morocan sponge when applying.. 750ml

Turmeric and flowers and marocan herbs scrub

Turmeric and flowers and marocan herbs scrub - Turmeric and flowers and marocan herbs scrub to lighten the body, unify the color and smooth its((free from cortazon)). Keep in the refrigerator and use it in each shower for 10-15 min ...750ml

Turmeric and flowers and marocan herbs scrub to lighten the body, unify the color and smooth its((free from cortazon)). Keep in the refrigerator and use it in each shower for 10-15 min ...750ml

Turmeric and flowers and marocan herbs scrub - Turmeric and flowers and marocan herbs scrub to lighten the body, unify the color and smooth its((free from cortazon)). Keep in the refrigerator and use it in each shower for 10-15 min ...750ml

Morocan bath scrubing gloves

Morocan bath scrubing gloves Morocan bath scrubing gloves

Morocan coffe scrub with argan oil and morocan herbs

Morocan coffe scrub with argan oil and morocan herbs - Morocan coffe scrub with argan oil and morocan herbs like lavender and dad herbs and flowers,,, keep in the fridge and scrub your body with it every time you take a bath..750 ml

Morocan coffe scrub with argan oil and morocan herbs like lavender and dad herbs and flowers,,, keep in the fridge and scrub your body with it every time you take a bath..750 ml

Morocan coffe scrub with argan oil and morocan herbs - Morocan coffe scrub with argan oil and morocan herbs like lavender and dad herbs and flowers,,, keep in the fridge and scrub your body with it every time you take a bath..750 ml

Morocan flowers and herbs and argan oil scrub

Morocan flowers and herbs and argan oil scrub - Use every time you take a bathe for 10 min keep in fridge

Use every time you take a bathe for 10 min keep in fridge

Morocan flowers and herbs and argan oil scrub - Use every time you take a bathe for 10 min keep in fridge

Hair boutique red tint

Hair boutique red tint - Shea ,Cocoa butter  ,And akar fasi and our seceret mixture natural tint and tan ،، keep in fridge and use gloves  .wash before dressing up

Shea ,Cocoa butter ,And akar fasi and our seceret mixture natural tint and tan ،، keep in fridge and use gloves .wash before dressing up

Hair boutique red tint - Shea ,Cocoa butter ,And akar fasi and our seceret mixture natural tint and tan ،، keep in fridge and use gloves .wash before dressing up

Turmeric and lavender and sheia butter

Turmeric and lavender and sheia butter - Turmeric and lavender and sheia butter  for whitening the black spots in body and gives softness and lots of benefits for the body

Turmeric and lavender and sheia butter  for whitening the black spots in body and gives softness and lots of benefits for the body

Turmeric and lavender and sheia butter - Turmeric and lavender and sheia butter  for whitening the black spots in body and gives softness and lots of benefits for the body

Indian Ayurvedic Hair mask 400ml

Indian Ayurvedic Hair mask 400ml - Indian Ayurvedic Traditional Hair Grow Longer and Thicker with Herbs Infused Hair Butter. Made with Shea Butter.

Indian Ayurvedic Traditional Hair Grow Longer and Thicker with Herbs Infused Hair Butter. Made with Shea Butter.

Indian Ayurvedic Hair mask 400ml - Indian Ayurvedic Traditional Hair Grow Longer and Thicker with Herbs Infused Hair Butter. Made with Shea Butter.

Special brown henna 1000ml

Special brown henna 1000ml - Our new special henna with extra herbs and indean mixture

Our new special henna with extra herbs and indean mixture

Special brown henna 1000ml - Our new special henna with extra herbs and indean mixture

Special red henna 1000ml

Special red henna 1000ml - Our new special red henna with extra herbs and  Indian mixture

Our new special red henna with extra herbs and  Indian mixture

Special red henna 1000ml - Our new special red henna with extra herbs and  Indian mixture

Shea Mixture with Coconut Milk

Shea Mixture with Coconut Milk - Our secret mixture is one of the most requested mixtures to nourish and moisturize dry, damaged, dyed hair and also helps to intensify and lengthen the hair. Keep in the fridge from 5-7 days, and if the freezer it will remain the longest ...Way of using applay  on dry hair for an hour and a half, preferably rubbing garlic, chele, aloe vera or oils on the scalp before massaging ...

Our secret mixture is one of the most requested mixtures to nourish and moisturize dry, damaged, dyed hair and also helps to intensify and lengthen the hair. Keep in the fridge from 5-7 days, and if the freezer it will remain the longest ...Way of using applay on dry hair for an hour and a half, preferably rubbing garlic, chele, aloe vera or oils on the scalp before massaging ...

Shea Mixture with Coconut Milk - Our secret mixture is one of the most requested mixtures to nourish and moisturize dry, damaged, dyed hair and also helps to intensify and lengthen the hair. Keep in the fridge from 5-7 days, and if the freezer it will remain the longest ...Way of using applay on dry hair for an hour and a half, preferably rubbing garlic, chele, aloe vera or oils on the scalp before massaging ...

The Famous Indian Mixture

The Famous Indian Mixture - For all hair types, it is a mixture of Indian vegetables and fruits, such as mammal, curry, coconut, and our secret mixture helps to strengthen the hair light, thickening and lengthening .... Keep it in the fridge for 5-7 days, and if the freezer has a longer period of use on dry hair for an hour and a half, it is preferable to rub garlic or Pepper, aloe vera or oils on the scalp before massaging.

For all hair types, it is a mixture of Indian vegetables and fruits, such as mammal, curry, coconut, and our secret mixture helps to strengthen the hair light, thickening and lengthening .... Keep it in the fridge for 5-7 days, and if the freezer has a longer period of use on dry hair for an hour and a half, it is preferable to rub garlic or Pepper, aloe vera or oils on the scalp before massaging.

The Famous Indian Mixture - For all hair types, it is a mixture of Indian vegetables and fruits, such as mammal, curry, coconut, and our secret mixture helps to strengthen the hair light, thickening and lengthening .... Keep it in the fridge for 5-7 days, and if the freezer has a longer period of use on dry hair for an hour and a half, it is preferable to rub garlic or Pepper, aloe vera or oils on the scalp before massaging.

Sidr and rocca mixture

Sidr and rocca mixture - The mixture of Sidr and rocca with our secret mixture to treat and sterilize the fat scalp and treat dandruff can be applied On sculp only if the hair is dry and can be applied to all hair if the hair is greasy and helps to intensify and stop hair loss and lengthening ... keep the fridge from 5-7 days and remain a longer period in the freezer Dry hair for an hour and a half, preferring to rub garlic, chili, aloe vera or oils on the scalp before massaging ... 1000 ml

The mixture of Sidr and rocca with our secret mixture to treat and sterilize the fat scalp and treat dandruff can be applied On sculp only if the hair is dry and can be applied to all hair if the hair is greasy and helps to intensify and stop hair loss and lengthening ... keep the fridge from 5-7 days and remain a longer period in the freezer Dry hair for an hour and a half, preferring to rub garlic, chili, aloe vera or oils on the scalp before massaging ... 1000 ml

Sidr and rocca mixture - The mixture of Sidr and rocca with our secret mixture to treat and sterilize the fat scalp and treat dandruff can be applied On sculp only if the hair is dry and can be applied to all hair if the hair is greasy and helps to intensify and stop hair loss and lengthening ... keep the fridge from 5-7 days and remain a longer period in the freezer Dry hair for an hour and a half, preferring to rub garlic, chili, aloe vera or oils on the scalp before massaging ... 1000 ml

Yemeni Hadhramaut Yemeni Original Red

Yemeni Hadhramaut Yemeni Original Red - Yemeni Hadramautia original red henna with Indian mixture to strengthen hair and intensify its color, imagination, kept in the fridge from 5-7 days and if the freezer has a longer period of use on dry hair for two hours and it is preferable to rub garlic or pepper or aloe vera or oils on the scalp before the massage 1000 ml

Yemeni Hadramautia original red henna with Indian mixture to strengthen hair and intensify its color, imagination, kept in the fridge from 5-7 days and if the freezer has a longer period of use on dry hair for two hours and it is preferable to rub garlic or pepper or aloe vera or oils on the scalp before the massage 1000 ml

Yemeni Hadhramaut Yemeni Original Red - Yemeni Hadramautia original red henna with Indian mixture to strengthen hair and intensify its color, imagination, kept in the fridge from 5-7 days and if the freezer has a longer period of use on dry hair for two hours and it is preferable to rub garlic or pepper or aloe vera or oils on the scalp before the massage 1000 ml

Yemeni Hadhramaut Henna Original Brown

Yemeni Hadhramaut Henna Original Brown - Yemeni Hadramouti original brown henna with coffee and Indian mixture and our secret mixture to strengthen hair and intensify its color imagination ,,, kept in the refrigerator from 5-7 days and if the freezer has a longer period of use on dry hair for two hours and preferably rub garlic or pepper or aloe vera or oils on the scalp Before massages. 1000 ml

Yemeni Hadramouti original brown henna with coffee and Indian mixture and our secret mixture to strengthen hair and intensify its color imagination ,,, kept in the refrigerator from 5-7 days and if the freezer has a longer period of use on dry hair for two hours and preferably rub garlic or pepper or aloe vera or oils on the scalp Before massages. 1000 ml

Yemeni Hadhramaut Henna Original Brown - Yemeni Hadramouti original brown henna with coffee and Indian mixture and our secret mixture to strengthen hair and intensify its color imagination ,,, kept in the refrigerator from 5-7 days and if the freezer has a longer period of use on dry hair for two hours and preferably rub garlic or pepper or aloe vera or oils on the scalp Before massages. 1000 ml

Mixture of Athmad and Herbal Oils

Mixture of Athmad and Herbal Oils - A mixture of athmad and herbal oils with our secret mixture, such as garlic, to help germinate, stop hair loss and lengthen the hair .. Put it on the scalp or hair complet hair and preferably rub garlic, pepper or aloe vera on the scalp before doing the massage and jeep for two hours twice a week.... 500ml

A mixture of athmad and herbal oils with our secret mixture, such as garlic, to help germinate, stop hair loss and lengthen the hair .. Put it on the scalp or hair complet hair and preferably rub garlic, pepper or aloe vera on the scalp before doing the massage and jeep for two hours twice a week.... 500ml

Mixture of Athmad and Herbal Oils - A mixture of athmad and herbal oils with our secret mixture, such as garlic, to help germinate, stop hair loss and lengthen the hair .. Put it on the scalp or hair complet hair and preferably rub garlic, pepper or aloe vera on the scalp before doing the massage and jeep for two hours twice a week.... 500ml

mixture of Alaas tree oil and qatran oil and black castor oil and our secret herbs ا

mixture of Alaas tree oil and qatran oil and black castor oil and our secret herbs ا - A mixture of alaas tree oil and pure qatran and black castor oils , is one of our most powerful oil blends that help in germination, treating baldness, stopping hair loss, delaying the appearance of gray hair and strengthening hair .. It is put on the scalp or hair completely and it is preferable to rub garlic, pepper or aloe vera on the scalp before doing the massage and staying there for two hours. ... 500 ml

A mixture of alaas tree oil and pure qatran and black castor oils , is one of our most powerful oil blends that help in germination, treating baldness, stopping hair loss, delaying the appearance of gray hair and strengthening hair .. It is put on the scalp or hair completely and it is preferable to rub garlic, pepper or aloe vera on the scalp before doing the massage and staying there for two hours. ... 500 ml

mixture of Alaas tree oil and qatran oil and black castor oil and our secret herbs ا - A mixture of alaas tree oil and pure qatran and black castor oils , is one of our most powerful oil blends that help in germination, treating baldness, stopping hair loss, delaying the appearance of gray hair and strengthening hair .. It is put on the scalp or hair completely and it is preferable to rub garlic, pepper or aloe vera on the scalp before doing the massage and staying there for two hours. ... 500 ml

A mixture of Oils for oily sculp and dandrof

A mixture of Oils for oily sculp and dandrof - A mixture of oils for oily hair and sculp and dandrif from herbs, and Sidr and mehlab and Our secret mixture ,,helps to treat the scalp, intensifies, stops hair loss and lengthens the hair. It is placed on the scalp or hair completely, preferably rubbing garlic, pepper, or aloe vera on the scalp before doing the massage and keep for two hours ... 500 ml

A mixture of oils for oily hair and sculp and dandrif from herbs, and Sidr and mehlab and Our secret mixture ,,helps to treat the scalp, intensifies, stops hair loss and lengthens the hair. It is placed on the scalp or hair completely, preferably rubbing garlic, pepper, or aloe vera on the scalp before doing the massage and keep for two hours ... 500 ml

A mixture of Oils for oily sculp and dandrof - A mixture of oils for oily hair and sculp and dandrif from herbs, and Sidr and mehlab and Our secret mixture ,,helps to treat the scalp, intensifies, stops hair loss and lengthens the hair. It is placed on the scalp or hair completely, preferably rubbing garlic, pepper, or aloe vera on the scalp before doing the massage and keep for two hours ... 500 ml

magic mixture mask with argan oil

magic mixture  mask with argan oil - our secret magic mixture with organ oil and bokhor fragrance to nourish and moisturize dry, damaged dyed hair and also help to intensify and lengthen the hair...way of using wash hair with shampoo then apply on the hair for 40 min and wash, 750 ml

our secret magic mixture with organ oil and bokhor fragrance to nourish and moisturize dry, damaged dyed hair and also help to intensify and lengthen the hair...way of using wash hair with shampoo then apply on the hair for 40 min and wash, 750 ml

magic mixture mask with argan oil - our secret magic mixture with organ oil and bokhor fragrance to nourish and moisturize dry, damaged dyed hair and also help to intensify and lengthen the hair...way of using wash hair with shampoo then apply on the hair for 40 min and wash, 750 ml

charcoal and caviar hair mask

charcoal and caviar hair mask - our charcoal and caviar and our secret mixture mask  to nourish and moisturize dry, damaged dyed hair and also help to intensify and lengthen the hair...way of using wash hair with shampoo then apply on the hair for 40 min and wash, 750 ml

our charcoal and caviar and our secret mixture mask to nourish and moisturize dry, damaged dyed hair and also help to intensify and lengthen the hair...way of using wash hair with shampoo then apply on the hair for 40 min and wash, 750 ml

charcoal and caviar hair mask - our charcoal and caviar and our secret mixture mask to nourish and moisturize dry, damaged dyed hair and also help to intensify and lengthen the hair...way of using wash hair with shampoo then apply on the hair for 40 min and wash, 750 ml

Chocolate and butter hair mask

Chocolate and butter hair mask - our chocolate and butter hair mask to nourish and moisturize dry, damaged dyed hair and also help to intensify and lengthen the hair... Way of using applay  on dry hair for an hour and a half, preferably rubbing garlic, chele, aloe vera or oils on the scalp before massaging ...

our chocolate and butter hair mask to nourish and moisturize dry, damaged dyed hair and also help to intensify and lengthen the hair... Way of using applay on dry hair for an hour and a half, preferably rubbing garlic, chele, aloe vera or oils on the scalp before massaging ...

Chocolate and butter hair mask - our chocolate and butter hair mask to nourish and moisturize dry, damaged dyed hair and also help to intensify and lengthen the hair... Way of using applay on dry hair for an hour and a half, preferably rubbing garlic, chele, aloe vera or oils on the scalp before massaging ...

Blue ice cream hair mask for blonde and colored hair

Blue ice cream hair mask for blonde and colored hair - Ice_cream blue shampo is key for healthy-looking shiny blonde, bright hair.      It combines the restructuring benefits of vitamins and blue and violet pigment to brighten and neutralize un wanted yellow tones ,                                                       It nourish and moisturize dry, damaged, dyed hair and also helps to intensify and lengthen the hair...Way of using applay  hair  after shampo for 20-30 min,750 ml

Ice_cream blue shampo is key for healthy-looking shiny blonde, bright hair. It combines the restructuring benefits of vitamins and blue and violet pigment to brighten and neutralize un wanted yellow tones , It nourish and moisturize dry, damaged, dyed hair and also helps to intensify and lengthen the hair...Way of using applay hair after shampo for 20-30 min,750 ml

Blue ice cream hair mask for blonde and colored hair - Ice_cream blue shampo is key for healthy-looking shiny blonde, bright hair. It combines the restructuring benefits of vitamins and blue and violet pigment to brighten and neutralize un wanted yellow tones , It nourish and moisturize dry, damaged, dyed hair and also helps to intensify and lengthen the hair...Way of using applay hair after shampo for 20-30 min,750 ml

garlic and herbal oils with our secret mixture,

garlic and herbal oils with our secret mixture, - A mixture of garlic and herbal oils with our secret mixture, such as garlic, rosemary, mahlab to help hair growth, stop hair loss and lengthen the hair .. Put it on the scalp or complet hair and preferably rub garlic, chele or aloe vera on the scalp before doing the massage and keep on for two hours ....500 ml

A mixture of garlic and herbal oils with our secret mixture, such as garlic, rosemary, mahlab to help hair growth, stop hair loss and lengthen the hair .. Put it on the scalp or complet hair and preferably rub garlic, chele or aloe vera on the scalp before doing the massage and keep on for two hours ....500 ml

garlic and herbal oils with our secret mixture, - A mixture of garlic and herbal oils with our secret mixture, such as garlic, rosemary, mahlab to help hair growth, stop hair loss and lengthen the hair .. Put it on the scalp or complet hair and preferably rub garlic, chele or aloe vera on the scalp before doing the massage and keep on for two hours ....500 ml

After hena coffe and butter hair mask

After hena coffe and butter hair mask - Coffee and butter and our secret mixture to soften the hair after hena and makes the color stays longer,,, keep in fridge use after washing bair from hena anf after shampo for 30 min and wash ,,, u can use it with out puting hena befor on dry hair for an hour and wash with shampo and conditioner ... dont use on blonde hair it mught get darker

Coffee and butter and our secret mixture to soften the hair after hena and makes the color stays longer,,, keep in fridge use after washing bair from hena anf after shampo for 30 min and wash ,,, u can use it with out puting hena befor on dry hair for an hour and wash with shampo and conditioner ... dont use on blonde hair it mught get darker

After hena coffe and butter hair mask - Coffee and butter and our secret mixture to soften the hair after hena and makes the color stays longer,,, keep in fridge use after washing bair from hena anf after shampo for 30 min and wash ,,, u can use it with out puting hena befor on dry hair for an hour and wash with shampo and conditioner ... dont use on blonde hair it mught get darker


CURL MANIFESTO HUILE SUBLIME REPAIR 50 ML - CURL MANIFESTO HUILE SUBLIME REPAIR 50 ML Nourishing multi-use hair and scalp oil  very curly and coily hair

CURL MANIFESTO HUILE SUBLIME REPAIR 50 ML Nourishing multi-use hair and scalp oil  very curly and coily hair

CURL MANIFESTO HUILE SUBLIME REPAIR 50 ML - CURL MANIFESTO HUILE SUBLIME REPAIR 50 ML Nourishing multi-use hair and scalp oil  very curly and coily hair

Symbiose - Fondant Apaisant Essentiel 200ml

Symbiose - Fondant Apaisant Essentiel 200ml - Symbiose Fondant Apaisant Essentiel by Kérastase is a sulfate-free and silicon-free detangling soothing cellular conditioner for sensitive scalp, prone to dandruff. Contains salicylic acid for a breathable scalp and bifidus for a healthy scalp.

A hydrating formula to soothe discomforts and preserve the scalp barrier. Intensely caring yet lightweight for the scalp and lengths.

Reduce scalp sensitivity after the 1st application and overtime boost hair vitality*

The Fondant Apaisant Essentiel has a very sensorial and luxurious white balmy texture combined with a luxurious fine fragrance.

*Clinical test results after 4 weeks of use

Symbiose Fondant Apaisant Essentiel by Kérastase is a sulfate-free and silicon-free detangling soothing cellular conditioner for sensitive scalp, prone to dandruff. Contains salicylic acid for a breathable scalp and bifidus for a healthy scalp. A hydrating formula to soothe discomforts and preserve the scalp barrier. Intensely caring yet lightweight for the scalp and lengths. Reduce scalp sensitivity after the 1st application and overtime boost hair vitality* The Fondant Apaisant Essentiel has a very sensorial and luxurious white balmy texture combined with a luxurious fine fragrance. *Clinical test results after 4 weeks of use

Symbiose - Fondant Apaisant Essentiel 200ml - Symbiose Fondant Apaisant Essentiel by Kérastase is a sulfate-free and silicon-free detangling soothing cellular conditioner for sensitive scalp, prone to dandruff. Contains salicylic acid for a breathable scalp and bifidus for a healthy scalp. A hydrating formula to soothe discomforts and preserve the scalp barrier. Intensely caring yet lightweight for the scalp and lengths. Reduce scalp sensitivity after the 1st application and overtime boost hair vitality* The Fondant Apaisant Essentiel has a very sensorial and luxurious white balmy texture combined with a luxurious fine fragrance. *Clinical test results after 4 weeks of use

Sérum Potentialiste 90ml

Sérum Potentialiste 90ml - The first universal defense serum for unbalanced scalps. Powered by microbiome science. Hydrated, healthy & revitalized scalp.Ingredients:Aqua / Water, Alcohol Denat., Bifida Ferment Lysate, Ascorbyl Glucoside, Aminomethyl Propanol, Peg-40 Hydrogenated Castor Oil, Carbomer, Mannose, Polysorbate 21, Alpha-Glucan Oligosaccharide, Phenoxyethanol, Glycerin, Pentylene Glycol, Polymnia Sonchifolia Root Juice, Faex Extract / Yeast Extract, Sodium Benzoate, Maltodextrin, Limonene, Geraniol, Hexyl Cinnamal, Benzyl Benzoate, Benzyl Alcohol, Lactobacillus, Linalool, Citral, Parfum / Fragrance

The first universal defense serum for unbalanced scalps. Powered by microbiome science. Hydrated, healthy & revitalized scalp.Ingredients:Aqua / Water, Alcohol Denat., Bifida Ferment Lysate, Ascorbyl Glucoside, Aminomethyl Propanol, Peg-40 Hydrogenated Castor Oil, Carbomer, Mannose, Polysorbate 21, Alpha-Glucan Oligosaccharide, Phenoxyethanol, Glycerin, Pentylene Glycol, Polymnia Sonchifolia Root Juice, Faex Extract / Yeast Extract, Sodium Benzoate, Maltodextrin, Limonene, Geraniol, Hexyl Cinnamal, Benzyl Benzoate, Benzyl Alcohol, Lactobacillus, Linalool, Citral, Parfum / Fragrance

Sérum Potentialiste 90ml - The first universal defense serum for unbalanced scalps. Powered by microbiome science. Hydrated, healthy & revitalized scalp.Ingredients:Aqua / Water, Alcohol Denat., Bifida Ferment Lysate, Ascorbyl Glucoside, Aminomethyl Propanol, Peg-40 Hydrogenated Castor Oil, Carbomer, Mannose, Polysorbate 21, Alpha-Glucan Oligosaccharide, Phenoxyethanol, Glycerin, Pentylene Glycol, Polymnia Sonchifolia Root Juice, Faex Extract / Yeast Extract, Sodium Benzoate, Maltodextrin, Limonene, Geraniol, Hexyl Cinnamal, Benzyl Benzoate, Benzyl Alcohol, Lactobacillus, Linalool, Citral, Parfum / Fragrance

Specifique Bain Divalent Shampoo 250ml

Specifique Bain Divalent Shampoo 250ml - Hypoallergenic silicone free shampoo cleanses and soothes the scalp to reduce itchiness, and gives hair a light, airy feel.How to UseApply a quarter size amount of Bain Divalent silicone free shampoo to wet hair, massage from scalp to ends, then rinse.Step 1: Apply the Kérastase Bain Divalent Shampoo for oily scalp and dry hair to wet hair.
Step 2: Massage well.
Step 3: Use lukewarm water and rinse thoroughly.

Hypoallergenic silicone free shampoo cleanses and soothes the scalp to reduce itchiness, and gives hair a light, airy feel.How to UseApply a quarter size amount of Bain Divalent silicone free shampoo to wet hair, massage from scalp to ends, then rinse.Step 1: Apply the Kérastase Bain Divalent Shampoo for oily scalp and dry hair to wet hair. Step 2: Massage well. Step 3: Use lukewarm water and rinse thoroughly.

Specifique Bain Divalent Shampoo 250ml - Hypoallergenic silicone free shampoo cleanses and soothes the scalp to reduce itchiness, and gives hair a light, airy feel.How to UseApply a quarter size amount of Bain Divalent silicone free shampoo to wet hair, massage from scalp to ends, then rinse.Step 1: Apply the Kérastase Bain Divalent Shampoo for oily scalp and dry hair to wet hair. Step 2: Massage well. Step 3: Use lukewarm water and rinse thoroughly.

Densifique Bain Densité Shampoo 250ml

Densifique Bain Densité Shampoo 250ml - A gentle but thorough shampoo that leaves hair with more substance, resilience and strength for hair lacking density or for thinning hair.How to UseApply a quarter size amount of Bain Densité to wet hair, massage from scalp to ends, then rinse.

A gentle but thorough shampoo that leaves hair with more substance, resilience and strength for hair lacking density or for thinning hair.How to UseApply a quarter size amount of Bain Densité to wet hair, massage from scalp to ends, then rinse.

Densifique Bain Densité Shampoo 250ml - A gentle but thorough shampoo that leaves hair with more substance, resilience and strength for hair lacking density or for thinning hair.How to UseApply a quarter size amount of Bain Densité to wet hair, massage from scalp to ends, then rinse.

Densifique Sérum Jeunesse 100ml

Densifique Sérum Jeunesse 100ml - Youth-activating serum for thinning hair that lacks density. Men and Women, including color-treated hair. Graying hair. Protects the hair melanin (source of the hair’s natural pigmentation). Offsets the loss of overall hair quality due to the graying process. Shine and manageability. Improves hair density. How to Use:  Apply 10-12 pumps directly onto the scalp. Massage with the fingers.
Apply 4-6 pumps to the lengths, then use a comb to distribute the product evenly. Do not rinse Ingredients:  STEMOXYDINE®
ANTI-OX CELLULAR® : antioxidant complex that prevents melanin loss
TEXTURIZING POLYMER: instant densifying action on the hair fiber

Youth-activating serum for thinning hair that lacks density. Men and Women, including color-treated hair. Graying hair. Protects the hair melanin (source of the hair’s natural pigmentation). Offsets the loss of overall hair quality due to the graying process. Shine and manageability. Improves hair density. How to Use:  Apply 10-12 pumps directly onto the scalp. Massage with the fingers. Apply 4-6 pumps to the lengths, then use a comb to distribute the product evenly. Do not rinse Ingredients:  STEMOXYDINE® ANTI-OX CELLULAR® : antioxidant complex that prevents melanin loss TEXTURIZING POLYMER: instant densifying action on the hair fiber

Densifique Sérum Jeunesse 100ml - Youth-activating serum for thinning hair that lacks density. Men and Women, including color-treated hair. Graying hair. Protects the hair melanin (source of the hair’s natural pigmentation). Offsets the loss of overall hair quality due to the graying process. Shine and manageability. Improves hair density. How to Use:  Apply 10-12 pumps directly onto the scalp. Massage with the fingers. Apply 4-6 pumps to the lengths, then use a comb to distribute the product evenly. Do not rinse Ingredients:  STEMOXYDINE® ANTI-OX CELLULAR® : antioxidant complex that prevents melanin loss TEXTURIZING POLYMER: instant densifying action on the hair fiber

Densifique Masque Densité Mask

Densifique Masque Densité Mask - Densifique Masque Densité is a thickening hair mask for hair experiencing loss of density. Infused with Hyaluronic acid, Gluco peptide and Ceramides, this hair mask hydrates and gives resilience and plumpness to the hair while restoring uniformity at the roots. It strengthens hair, leaving it regenerated from root to tip. Hair looks fuller with more body.How to UseStep 1: After shampooing, apply a generous amount of the mask to damp hair.
Step 2: Leave it on for upto five minutes.
Step 3: Rinse thoroughly

Densifique Masque Densité is a thickening hair mask for hair experiencing loss of density. Infused with Hyaluronic acid, Gluco peptide and Ceramides, this hair mask hydrates and gives resilience and plumpness to the hair while restoring uniformity at the roots. It strengthens hair, leaving it regenerated from root to tip. Hair looks fuller with more body.How to UseStep 1: After shampooing, apply a generous amount of the mask to damp hair. Step 2: Leave it on for upto five minutes. Step 3: Rinse thoroughly

Densifique Masque Densité Mask - Densifique Masque Densité is a thickening hair mask for hair experiencing loss of density. Infused with Hyaluronic acid, Gluco peptide and Ceramides, this hair mask hydrates and gives resilience and plumpness to the hair while restoring uniformity at the roots. It strengthens hair, leaving it regenerated from root to tip. Hair looks fuller with more body.How to UseStep 1: After shampooing, apply a generous amount of the mask to damp hair. Step 2: Leave it on for upto five minutes. Step 3: Rinse thoroughly

Masque Revitalisant Essentiel 200ml

Masque Revitalisant Essentiel 200ml - Symbiose Masque Revitalisant Essentiel by Kérastase is a sulfate-free intense revitalizing mask for damaged hair, prone to dandruff. With salicylic acid for a breathable scalp and squalane for intense fiber care.

An ultra-caring formula, specifically designed for people experiencing dandruff and having damaged hair fiber. Soothes discomforts and preserves scalp barrier, helps eliminate remaining residues trapped in the lengths with its strong detangling action, replenishes fiber moisture, and brings intense nutrition to the hair fiber.

The Masque Revitalisant Essentiel has a rich creamy white butter sensorial texture combined with a luxurious fine fragrance.

Symbiose Masque Revitalisant Essentiel by Kérastase is a sulfate-free intense revitalizing mask for damaged hair, prone to dandruff. With salicylic acid for a breathable scalp and squalane for intense fiber care. An ultra-caring formula, specifically designed for people experiencing dandruff and having damaged hair fiber. Soothes discomforts and preserves scalp barrier, helps eliminate remaining residues trapped in the lengths with its strong detangling action, replenishes fiber moisture, and brings intense nutrition to the hair fiber. The Masque Revitalisant Essentiel has a rich creamy white butter sensorial texture combined with a luxurious fine fragrance.

Masque Revitalisant Essentiel 200ml - Symbiose Masque Revitalisant Essentiel by Kérastase is a sulfate-free intense revitalizing mask for damaged hair, prone to dandruff. With salicylic acid for a breathable scalp and squalane for intense fiber care. An ultra-caring formula, specifically designed for people experiencing dandruff and having damaged hair fiber. Soothes discomforts and preserves scalp barrier, helps eliminate remaining residues trapped in the lengths with its strong detangling action, replenishes fiber moisture, and brings intense nutrition to the hair fiber. The Masque Revitalisant Essentiel has a rich creamy white butter sensorial texture combined with a luxurious fine fragrance.

Micro-Peeling Cellulaire 200ml

Micro-Peeling Cellulaire 200ml - Symbiose Micro-Peeling Cellulaire by Kérastase is a silicone free micro-exfoliating cellular treatment. It is a purifying formula with micro-peeling acid and plant-based beads. It instantly transparent gel formula at a biological and visible level, purifying the scalp and soothing discomfort without stripping. After usage, the roots are lifted and hair revitalized.*

Exfoliating beads and gentle acid prepare the scalp for anti-dandruff actives to penetrate deeper. To be followed by Symbiose shampoo, for optimal results.

The Micro-Peeling Cellulaire has a very sensorial and luxury texture with its transparent gel formula enriched with argan & apricot shells powder combined with a luxurious fine fragrance.

Symbiose Micro-Peeling Cellulaire contains 1.9% Salicylic Acid.

To be used prior to your Symbiose Shampoo.

*please refer to the benefit section.

Symbiose Micro-Peeling Cellulaire by Kérastase is a silicone free micro-exfoliating cellular treatment. It is a purifying formula with micro-peeling acid and plant-based beads. It instantly transparent gel formula at a biological and visible level, purifying the scalp and soothing discomfort without stripping. After usage, the roots are lifted and hair revitalized.* Exfoliating beads and gentle acid prepare the scalp for anti-dandruff actives to penetrate deeper. To be followed by Symbiose shampoo, for optimal results. The Micro-Peeling Cellulaire has a very sensorial and luxury texture with its transparent gel formula enriched with argan & apricot shells powder combined with a luxurious fine fragrance. Symbiose Micro-Peeling Cellulaire contains 1.9% Salicylic Acid. To be used prior to your Symbiose Shampoo. *please refer to the benefit section.

Micro-Peeling Cellulaire 200ml - Symbiose Micro-Peeling Cellulaire by Kérastase is a silicone free micro-exfoliating cellular treatment. It is a purifying formula with micro-peeling acid and plant-based beads. It instantly transparent gel formula at a biological and visible level, purifying the scalp and soothing discomfort without stripping. After usage, the roots are lifted and hair revitalized.* Exfoliating beads and gentle acid prepare the scalp for anti-dandruff actives to penetrate deeper. To be followed by Symbiose shampoo, for optimal results. The Micro-Peeling Cellulaire has a very sensorial and luxury texture with its transparent gel formula enriched with argan & apricot shells powder combined with a luxurious fine fragrance. Symbiose Micro-Peeling Cellulaire contains 1.9% Salicylic Acid. To be used prior to your Symbiose Shampoo. *please refer to the benefit section.

Bain Pureté Anti-Pelliculaire 250ml

Bain Pureté Anti-Pelliculaire 250ml - Symbiose Bain Pureté Anti-Pelliculaire by Kérastase is a silicone and sulfate-free purifying anti-dandruff cellular shampoo for oily sensitive scalp prone to dandruff, containing piroctone olamine that acts on all the causes of dandruff and salicylic acid, for breathable scalp.

A caring yet breathable foaming formula to remove dandruff while preventing oil buildup. Exfoliates instantly and removes visible dandruff, calms scalp sensitivity, balances oil levels​, and boosts hair vitality​.

Up to 7 weeks of anti-dandruff efficacy.*

The Bain Pureté Anti-Pelliculaire, like all Kérastase bains, has this very luxurious and sensorial texture, transparent liquid formula with natural yellow undertones combined with a luxurious fine fragrance.

*Clinical test results on 34 people during 4 weeks, 3 applications per week

Symbiose Bain Pureté Anti-Pelliculaire by Kérastase is a silicone and sulfate-free purifying anti-dandruff cellular shampoo for oily sensitive scalp prone to dandruff, containing piroctone olamine that acts on all the causes of dandruff and salicylic acid, for breathable scalp. A caring yet breathable foaming formula to remove dandruff while preventing oil buildup. Exfoliates instantly and removes visible dandruff, calms scalp sensitivity, balances oil levels​, and boosts hair vitality​. Up to 7 weeks of anti-dandruff efficacy.* The Bain Pureté Anti-Pelliculaire, like all Kérastase bains, has this very luxurious and sensorial texture, transparent liquid formula with natural yellow undertones combined with a luxurious fine fragrance. *Clinical test results on 34 people during 4 weeks, 3 applications per week

Bain Pureté Anti-Pelliculaire 250ml - Symbiose Bain Pureté Anti-Pelliculaire by Kérastase is a silicone and sulfate-free purifying anti-dandruff cellular shampoo for oily sensitive scalp prone to dandruff, containing piroctone olamine that acts on all the causes of dandruff and salicylic acid, for breathable scalp. A caring yet breathable foaming formula to remove dandruff while preventing oil buildup. Exfoliates instantly and removes visible dandruff, calms scalp sensitivity, balances oil levels​, and boosts hair vitality​. Up to 7 weeks of anti-dandruff efficacy.* The Bain Pureté Anti-Pelliculaire, like all Kérastase bains, has this very luxurious and sensorial texture, transparent liquid formula with natural yellow undertones combined with a luxurious fine fragrance. *Clinical test results on 34 people during 4 weeks, 3 applications per week

Kerastase with Love Divalent Mask Gift Set

Kerastase with Love Divalent Mask Gift Set - The Divalent Mask Gift Set by Kerastase is a hair care package that includes a shampoo, a conditioner, and a hair mask designed for individuals with oily roots and dry ends. This gift set is perfect for those who want to achieve balanced and healthy-looking hair. The set includes a shampoo, conditioner, and hair mask that work together to regulate excess oil production on the scalp while also nourishing the hair. If you're looking for a comprehensive hair care solution, the Divalent Mask Gift Set by Kerastase is definitely worth considering. Set includes: • Bain Divalent Shampoo  • Specifique Masque Rehydratant  • Argile Equilibrante

The Divalent Mask Gift Set by Kerastase is a hair care package that includes a shampoo, a conditioner, and a hair mask designed for individuals with oily roots and dry ends. This gift set is perfect for those who want to achieve balanced and healthy-looking hair. The set includes a shampoo, conditioner, and hair mask that work together to regulate excess oil production on the scalp while also nourishing the hair. If you're looking for a comprehensive hair care solution, the Divalent Mask Gift Set by Kerastase is definitely worth considering. Set includes: • Bain Divalent Shampoo  • Specifique Masque Rehydratant  • Argile Equilibrante

Kerastase with Love Divalent Mask Gift Set - The Divalent Mask Gift Set by Kerastase is a hair care package that includes a shampoo, a conditioner, and a hair mask designed for individuals with oily roots and dry ends. This gift set is perfect for those who want to achieve balanced and healthy-looking hair. The set includes a shampoo, conditioner, and hair mask that work together to regulate excess oil production on the scalp while also nourishing the hair. If you're looking for a comprehensive hair care solution, the Divalent Mask Gift Set by Kerastase is definitely worth considering. Set includes: • Bain Divalent Shampoo  • Specifique Masque Rehydratant  • Argile Equilibrante

Bain Crème Anti-Pelliculaire 250ml

Bain Crème Anti-Pelliculaire 250ml - Symbiose Bain Crème Anti-Pelliculaire by Kérastase is a silicone and sulfate-free moisturizing anti-dandruff cellular shampoo for dry sensitive scalp, prone to dandruff. Contains piroctone olamine that acts on all the causes of dandruff and salicylic acid for a breathable scalp.

A creamy yet breathable foaming formula that removes dandruff and flakes while moisturizing and soothing dry scalp. Exfoliates instantly and removes visible dandruff & flakes on the scalp without stripping fiber.

Up to 7 weeks of anti-dandruff efficacy.*

The Bain Crème Anti-Pelliculaire has a creamy white texture combined with a luxurious fine fragrance.

Symbiose Bain Crème Anti-Pelliculaire by Kérastase is a silicone and sulfate-free moisturizing anti-dandruff cellular shampoo for dry sensitive scalp, prone to dandruff. Contains piroctone olamine that acts on all the causes of dandruff and salicylic acid for a breathable scalp. A creamy yet breathable foaming formula that removes dandruff and flakes while moisturizing and soothing dry scalp. Exfoliates instantly and removes visible dandruff & flakes on the scalp without stripping fiber. Up to 7 weeks of anti-dandruff efficacy.* The Bain Crème Anti-Pelliculaire has a creamy white texture combined with a luxurious fine fragrance.

Bain Crème Anti-Pelliculaire 250ml - Symbiose Bain Crème Anti-Pelliculaire by Kérastase is a silicone and sulfate-free moisturizing anti-dandruff cellular shampoo for dry sensitive scalp, prone to dandruff. Contains piroctone olamine that acts on all the causes of dandruff and salicylic acid for a breathable scalp. A creamy yet breathable foaming formula that removes dandruff and flakes while moisturizing and soothing dry scalp. Exfoliates instantly and removes visible dandruff & flakes on the scalp without stripping fiber. Up to 7 weeks of anti-dandruff efficacy.* The Bain Crème Anti-Pelliculaire has a creamy white texture combined with a luxurious fine fragrance.

Chronologiste Masque Intense Régénérant Hair Mask 200ml

Chronologiste Masque Intense Régénérant Hair Mask 200ml - Chronologiste Masque Intense Régénérant is a youth revitalizing hair mask that provides intense nourishment. Powered with Hyaluronic acid, Abyssine and Vitamin E, this hair mask hydrates hair, imparts shine and gives long-lasting frizz-control. Infused with the signature Chronologiste scent of fine fragrances, including tea rose, light woods and musk, Masque Intense Régénérant is a luxurious sensorial experience that adds youthful bounce and voluptuosity to hair.How to UseStep 1 - Apply on hair, from roots to ends after shampoo
Step 2 - Rinse after 5 minutes
In case of contact with eyes, rinse immediately and thoroughly.

Chronologiste Masque Intense Régénérant is a youth revitalizing hair mask that provides intense nourishment. Powered with Hyaluronic acid, Abyssine and Vitamin E, this hair mask hydrates hair, imparts shine and gives long-lasting frizz-control. Infused with the signature Chronologiste scent of fine fragrances, including tea rose, light woods and musk, Masque Intense Régénérant is a luxurious sensorial experience that adds youthful bounce and voluptuosity to hair.How to UseStep 1 - Apply on hair, from roots to ends after shampoo Step 2 - Rinse after 5 minutes In case of contact with eyes, rinse immediately and thoroughly.

Chronologiste Masque Intense Régénérant Hair Mask 200ml - Chronologiste Masque Intense Régénérant is a youth revitalizing hair mask that provides intense nourishment. Powered with Hyaluronic acid, Abyssine and Vitamin E, this hair mask hydrates hair, imparts shine and gives long-lasting frizz-control. Infused with the signature Chronologiste scent of fine fragrances, including tea rose, light woods and musk, Masque Intense Régénérant is a luxurious sensorial experience that adds youthful bounce and voluptuosity to hair.How to UseStep 1 - Apply on hair, from roots to ends after shampoo Step 2 - Rinse after 5 minutes In case of contact with eyes, rinse immediately and thoroughly.

Sérum Universel Hair Serum 40ml

Sérum Universel Hair Serum 40ml - Anti-aging hair serum with hyaluronic acid to revitalize scalp and hair.How to UseStep 1 - Take the required amount of Chronologiste Serum and apply it to dry or wet hair. Start from mid-lengths and glide your hands to the ends
Step 2 - Leave in and proceed with your styling.

Anti-aging hair serum with hyaluronic acid to revitalize scalp and hair.How to UseStep 1 - Take the required amount of Chronologiste Serum and apply it to dry or wet hair. Start from mid-lengths and glide your hands to the ends Step 2 - Leave in and proceed with your styling.

Sérum Universel Hair Serum 40ml - Anti-aging hair serum with hyaluronic acid to revitalize scalp and hair.How to UseStep 1 - Take the required amount of Chronologiste Serum and apply it to dry or wet hair. Start from mid-lengths and glide your hands to the ends Step 2 - Leave in and proceed with your styling.

Pré-Cleanse Régénérant Hair Scrub 200ml

Pré-Cleanse Régénérant Hair Scrub 200ml - Purifying pre-shampoo. Removes impurities for a balanced scalp. Deep cleansing on hair & scalp.* Pollution particle removal.*

Purifying pre-shampoo. Removes impurities for a balanced scalp. Deep cleansing on hair & scalp.* Pollution particle removal.*

Pré-Cleanse Régénérant Hair Scrub 200ml - Purifying pre-shampoo. Removes impurities for a balanced scalp. Deep cleansing on hair & scalp.* Pollution particle removal.*

Chronologiste L'Huile De Parfum Hair Fragrance-In-Oil Serum 100ml

Chronologiste L'Huile De Parfum Hair Fragrance-In-Oil Serum 100ml - L'Huile de Parfum Fragrance in Hair Oil is luxurious leave-in hair perfume for sensually scented lengths and ends. Enriched with Argan oil, Vitamin E, Myrrh extract, Jasmin flower extract, this fragrant serum offers heat protection up to 230 degrees while also leaving hair strengthened and shiny.How to UseStep 1 -Apply 1-2 pumps on dry hair.
Step 2 - Leave-in. Do not rinse.

L'Huile de Parfum Fragrance in Hair Oil is luxurious leave-in hair perfume for sensually scented lengths and ends. Enriched with Argan oil, Vitamin E, Myrrh extract, Jasmin flower extract, this fragrant serum offers heat protection up to 230 degrees while also leaving hair strengthened and shiny.How to UseStep 1 -Apply 1-2 pumps on dry hair. Step 2 - Leave-in. Do not rinse.

Chronologiste L'Huile De Parfum Hair Fragrance-In-Oil Serum 100ml - L'Huile de Parfum Fragrance in Hair Oil is luxurious leave-in hair perfume for sensually scented lengths and ends. Enriched with Argan oil, Vitamin E, Myrrh extract, Jasmin flower extract, this fragrant serum offers heat protection up to 230 degrees while also leaving hair strengthened and shiny.How to UseStep 1 -Apply 1-2 pumps on dry hair. Step 2 - Leave-in. Do not rinse.

Chronologiste Bain Régénérant Shampoo 250ml

Chronologiste Bain Régénérant Shampoo 250ml - Chronologiste Bain Régénérant shampoo is a youth revitalising shampoo that fights the signs of an ageing scalp and hair. Powered with Abyssine, Hyaluronic acid and Vitamin E, this shampoo provides long-lasting hydration to the scalp and added moisture, shine and strength to the fibre. Infused with the signature Chronologiste scent of fine fragrances, including tea rose, light woods and musk, Bain Régénérant shampoo is a luxurious sensorial experience that adds youthful bounce and voluptuosity to hair.How to UseStep 1 - Apply shampoo on wet hair and massage gently
Step 2 - Rinse thoroughly
Step 3 - For extra nourishment, follow up with Masque Intense Régénérant

Chronologiste Bain Régénérant shampoo is a youth revitalising shampoo that fights the signs of an ageing scalp and hair. Powered with Abyssine, Hyaluronic acid and Vitamin E, this shampoo provides long-lasting hydration to the scalp and added moisture, shine and strength to the fibre. Infused with the signature Chronologiste scent of fine fragrances, including tea rose, light woods and musk, Bain Régénérant shampoo is a luxurious sensorial experience that adds youthful bounce and voluptuosity to hair.How to UseStep 1 - Apply shampoo on wet hair and massage gently Step 2 - Rinse thoroughly Step 3 - For extra nourishment, follow up with Masque Intense Régénérant

Chronologiste Bain Régénérant Shampoo 250ml - Chronologiste Bain Régénérant shampoo is a youth revitalising shampoo that fights the signs of an ageing scalp and hair. Powered with Abyssine, Hyaluronic acid and Vitamin E, this shampoo provides long-lasting hydration to the scalp and added moisture, shine and strength to the fibre. Infused with the signature Chronologiste scent of fine fragrances, including tea rose, light woods and musk, Bain Régénérant shampoo is a luxurious sensorial experience that adds youthful bounce and voluptuosity to hair.How to UseStep 1 - Apply shampoo on wet hair and massage gently Step 2 - Rinse thoroughly Step 3 - For extra nourishment, follow up with Masque Intense Régénérant

Discipline Keratine Thermique Blow Dry Primer

Discipline Keratine Thermique Blow Dry Primer - Discipline Keratine Thermique Blow Dry Primer is an anti-frizz heat protectant for medium to thick, unmanageable hair in need of smoothness. Its unique Thermo Protecting Agents coat the hair fibre, protecting it from heat styling tools up to 180 degrees while its anti-humidity and anti-frizz properties ensure styled hair stays smoother and shinier for longer.How to UseStep 1: Apply a quarter size amount to towel-dried hair.
Step 2: Detangle your hair with a comb. Do not rinse.
Step 3: Blow dry and style your hair as usual.

Discipline Keratine Thermique Blow Dry Primer is an anti-frizz heat protectant for medium to thick, unmanageable hair in need of smoothness. Its unique Thermo Protecting Agents coat the hair fibre, protecting it from heat styling tools up to 180 degrees while its anti-humidity and anti-frizz properties ensure styled hair stays smoother and shinier for longer.How to UseStep 1: Apply a quarter size amount to towel-dried hair. Step 2: Detangle your hair with a comb. Do not rinse. Step 3: Blow dry and style your hair as usual.

Discipline Keratine Thermique Blow Dry Primer - Discipline Keratine Thermique Blow Dry Primer is an anti-frizz heat protectant for medium to thick, unmanageable hair in need of smoothness. Its unique Thermo Protecting Agents coat the hair fibre, protecting it from heat styling tools up to 180 degrees while its anti-humidity and anti-frizz properties ensure styled hair stays smoother and shinier for longer.How to UseStep 1: Apply a quarter size amount to towel-dried hair. Step 2: Detangle your hair with a comb. Do not rinse. Step 3: Blow dry and style your hair as usual.

Specifique Masque Rehydratant Mask 200ml

Specifique Masque Rehydratant Mask 200ml - Relieves fiber thirst with nutrients , restores hair quality, detangles each hair (+82%*) strand with a lightweight finish & leaves hair hydrated, soft (+53%*) and shiny (+60,8%*)
*when combined with bain or/and clay.How to UseStep 1 - After rinsing off the shampoo, apply the mask to hair (mid-length to ends).
Step 2 - Massage gently.
Step 3 - Rinse thoroughly with water.

Relieves fiber thirst with nutrients , restores hair quality, detangles each hair (+82%*) strand with a lightweight finish & leaves hair hydrated, soft (+53%*) and shiny (+60,8%*) *when combined with bain or/and clay.How to UseStep 1 - After rinsing off the shampoo, apply the mask to hair (mid-length to ends). Step 2 - Massage gently. Step 3 - Rinse thoroughly with water.

Specifique Masque Rehydratant Mask 200ml - Relieves fiber thirst with nutrients , restores hair quality, detangles each hair (+82%*) strand with a lightweight finish & leaves hair hydrated, soft (+53%*) and shiny (+60,8%*) *when combined with bain or/and clay.How to UseStep 1 - After rinsing off the shampoo, apply the mask to hair (mid-length to ends). Step 2 - Massage gently. Step 3 - Rinse thoroughly with water.

Genesis Haircare Bundle For Normal to Oily Hair

Genesis Haircare Bundle For Normal to Oily Hair - Help reduce unwanted hair fall and shedding with the Kérastase Genesis Bundle for Normal to Oily Hair. This innovative range combines luxurious haircare with scientific solutions to leave your tresses feeling softer and stronger with renewed shine. This collection aims to combat the dual causes of hair fall, strands being lost from the root as well as strands that break and fall due to damage. Maintain thick, healthy locks with this targeted haircare range. Genesis Bain Hydra-Fortifiant Shampoo (250ml)
A shampoo specially formulated for those that suffer from weak hair, that helps to strengthen your strands for a healthier appearance. Working to prevent breakage and falling, locks will seem smoother and fuller with up to 80.9

Help reduce unwanted hair fall and shedding with the Kérastase Genesis Bundle for Normal to Oily Hair. This innovative range combines luxurious haircare with scientific solutions to leave your tresses feeling softer and stronger with renewed shine. This collection aims to combat the dual causes of hair fall, strands being lost from the root as well as strands that break and fall due to damage. Maintain thick, healthy locks with this targeted haircare range. Genesis Bain Hydra-Fortifiant Shampoo (250ml) A shampoo specially formulated for those that suffer from weak hair, that helps to strengthen your strands for a healthier appearance. Working to prevent breakage and falling, locks will seem smoother and fuller with up to 80.9

Genesis Haircare Bundle For Normal to Oily Hair - Help reduce unwanted hair fall and shedding with the Kérastase Genesis Bundle for Normal to Oily Hair. This innovative range combines luxurious haircare with scientific solutions to leave your tresses feeling softer and stronger with renewed shine. This collection aims to combat the dual causes of hair fall, strands being lost from the root as well as strands that break and fall due to damage. Maintain thick, healthy locks with this targeted haircare range. Genesis Bain Hydra-Fortifiant Shampoo (250ml) A shampoo specially formulated for those that suffer from weak hair, that helps to strengthen your strands for a healthier appearance. Working to prevent breakage and falling, locks will seem smoother and fuller with up to 80.9

Oleo Relax Mask 200ml

Oleo Relax Mask 200ml - Smoothing masque for unruly voluminous hair. This rich masque repairs hair & protects it from heat styling tools at temperatures rising up to 230 degrees. It nourishes the hair thanks to it's deep penetrating oil-in-masque formula, leaving hair soft to touch with durable shine. How to Apply:  Apply the mask to damp, cleansed hair from roots to ends. Massage into the hair fiber and spread along the lengths for volume control. Leave in for 5 minutes then rinse thoroughly. Ingredients: Coconut oil: Hydrate and protect hair, leaving it durably nourished and supple.
Rosa Canina fruit oil: This moisturizing oil is highly concentrated in Vitamin C and can provide an anti-oxidative benefit.
Plukenetia volubilis seed oil: Enriched with fatty acids such as Omega 3, Omega 6 and Omega 9, the seeds of the plukenetia volubilis nourish the fiber and offer emollience.

Smoothing masque for unruly voluminous hair. This rich masque repairs hair & protects it from heat styling tools at temperatures rising up to 230 degrees. It nourishes the hair thanks to it's deep penetrating oil-in-masque formula, leaving hair soft to touch with durable shine. How to Apply:  Apply the mask to damp, cleansed hair from roots to ends. Massage into the hair fiber and spread along the lengths for volume control. Leave in for 5 minutes then rinse thoroughly. Ingredients: Coconut oil: Hydrate and protect hair, leaving it durably nourished and supple. Rosa Canina fruit oil: This moisturizing oil is highly concentrated in Vitamin C and can provide an anti-oxidative benefit. Plukenetia volubilis seed oil: Enriched with fatty acids such as Omega 3, Omega 6 and Omega 9, the seeds of the plukenetia volubilis nourish the fiber and offer emollience.

Oleo Relax Mask 200ml - Smoothing masque for unruly voluminous hair. This rich masque repairs hair & protects it from heat styling tools at temperatures rising up to 230 degrees. It nourishes the hair thanks to it's deep penetrating oil-in-masque formula, leaving hair soft to touch with durable shine. How to Apply:  Apply the mask to damp, cleansed hair from roots to ends. Massage into the hair fiber and spread along the lengths for volume control. Leave in for 5 minutes then rinse thoroughly. Ingredients: Coconut oil: Hydrate and protect hair, leaving it durably nourished and supple. Rosa Canina fruit oil: This moisturizing oil is highly concentrated in Vitamin C and can provide an anti-oxidative benefit. Plukenetia volubilis seed oil: Enriched with fatty acids such as Omega 3, Omega 6 and Omega 9, the seeds of the plukenetia volubilis nourish the fiber and offer emollience.

Kérastase Scrub Energisant 325g

Kérastase Scrub Energisant  325g - Kérastase Scrub Apaisant 250ml Intensely purifying scrub cleanser with sea salt  oily prone scalp

Kérastase Scrub Apaisant 250ml Intensely purifying scrub cleanser with sea salt  oily prone scalp

Kérastase Scrub Energisant 325g - Kérastase Scrub Apaisant 250ml Intensely purifying scrub cleanser with sea salt  oily prone scalp

BLOND ABSOLU cicaplasme 150 ML

BLOND ABSOLU cicaplasme 150 ML - BLOND ABSOLU cicaplasme 150 ML Universal fortifying heat-protecting serum Lightened or highlighted hair

BLOND ABSOLU cicaplasme 150 ML Universal fortifying heat-protecting serum Lightened or highlighted hair

BLOND ABSOLU cicaplasme 150 ML - BLOND ABSOLU cicaplasme 150 ML Universal fortifying heat-protecting serum Lightened or highlighted hair


BLOND ABSOLU BAIN ULTRA-VIOLET 250 ML - BLOND ABSOLU BAIN ULTRA-VIOLET 250 ML Anti-brass purple shampoo  Lightened,cool blonde or grey hair

BLOND ABSOLU BAIN ULTRA-VIOLET 250 ML Anti-brass purple shampoo  Lightened,cool blonde or grey hair

BLOND ABSOLU BAIN ULTRA-VIOLET 250 ML - BLOND ABSOLU BAIN ULTRA-VIOLET 250 ML Anti-brass purple shampoo  Lightened,cool blonde or grey hair



CHRONOLOGISTE THERMIQUE REGENERANT 150ML Youth revitalizing blow-dry care Lengths and ends



DISCIPLINE Masque OLEO RELAX 200 ML - DISCIPLINE Masque OLEO RELAX 200 ML Control-in motion masque  Voluminous and unruly hair

DISCIPLINE Masque OLEO RELAX 200 ML Control-in motion masque  Voluminous and unruly hair

DISCIPLINE Masque OLEO RELAX 200 ML - DISCIPLINE Masque OLEO RELAX 200 ML Control-in motion masque  Voluminous and unruly hair


RESISTANCE EXTENTIONISTE THERMIQUE 150ml - RESISTANCE EXTENTIONISTE THERMIQUE 150ml Length caring gel cream Blowdry-dry care for healthy-looking lenghths

RESISTANCE EXTENTIONISTE THERMIQUE 150ml Length caring gel cream Blowdry-dry care for healthy-looking lenghths

RESISTANCE EXTENTIONISTE THERMIQUE 150ml - RESISTANCE EXTENTIONISTE THERMIQUE 150ml Length caring gel cream Blowdry-dry care for healthy-looking lenghths


ELIXIR ULTIME L’HUILE Rose 100ml - ELIXIR ULTIME L’HUILE Rose 100ml Radiance sublimating oil color treated hair

ELIXIR ULTIME L’HUILE Rose 100ml Radiance sublimating oil color treated hair

ELIXIR ULTIME L’HUILE Rose 100ml - ELIXIR ULTIME L’HUILE Rose 100ml Radiance sublimating oil color treated hair

Discipline fondant Fluidealiste 200ml

Discipline fondant  Fluidealiste 200ml - Discipline fondant  Fluidealiste 200ml Smooth-in-motion care For all unruly hair

Discipline fondant  Fluidealiste 200ml Smooth-in-motion care For all unruly hair

Discipline fondant Fluidealiste 200ml - Discipline fondant  Fluidealiste 200ml Smooth-in-motion care For all unruly hair

Kérastase Scrub Apaisant 250ml

Kérastase Scrub Apaisant 250ml - Kérastase Scrub Apaisant 250ml Soothing scrub cleanser with sweet orangr peel for all types of hair and scalp,even sensitive

Kérastase Scrub Apaisant 250ml Soothing scrub cleanser with sweet orangr peel for all types of hair and scalp,even sensitive

Kérastase Scrub Apaisant 250ml - Kérastase Scrub Apaisant 250ml Soothing scrub cleanser with sweet orangr peel for all types of hair and scalp,even sensitive

Nutritive Hair Nourishment Mask Set

Nutritive Hair Nourishment Mask Set - A giftset that comes with a shampoo and mask at a special price. Make sure to nourish your hair. 
Set includes:
1. Nutritive Shampoo for Dry Hair 250ml - Gentle shampoo that cleanses the hair while providing optimal fiber nutrition for dry, sensitized Hair.
2. Nutritive Mask for Thick Dry Hair 200ml - Nourishing treatment for intense nutrition, for dry hair and extremely sensitized hair, for thick hair. Creamy and rich, with an intense ability to coat and nourish. How to Use:
Step 1: Apply a quarter size amount of Bain Satin 2 to wet hair and scalp, massage head using palms of hands, emulsify and rinse thoroughly.
Step 2: Apply a quarter size amount of Masquintense hair mask to wet hair throughout mid-lengths and ends and massage through. Leave on for 5-10 minutes and rinse thoroughly

A giftset that comes with a shampoo and mask at a special price. Make sure to nourish your hair. Set includes: 1. Nutritive Shampoo for Dry Hair 250ml - Gentle shampoo that cleanses the hair while providing optimal fiber nutrition for dry, sensitized Hair. 2. Nutritive Mask for Thick Dry Hair 200ml - Nourishing treatment for intense nutrition, for dry hair and extremely sensitized hair, for thick hair. Creamy and rich, with an intense ability to coat and nourish. How to Use: Step 1: Apply a quarter size amount of Bain Satin 2 to wet hair and scalp, massage head using palms of hands, emulsify and rinse thoroughly. Step 2: Apply a quarter size amount of Masquintense hair mask to wet hair throughout mid-lengths and ends and massage through. Leave on for 5-10 minutes and rinse thoroughly

Nutritive Hair Nourishment Mask Set - A giftset that comes with a shampoo and mask at a special price. Make sure to nourish your hair. Set includes: 1. Nutritive Shampoo for Dry Hair 250ml - Gentle shampoo that cleanses the hair while providing optimal fiber nutrition for dry, sensitized Hair. 2. Nutritive Mask for Thick Dry Hair 200ml - Nourishing treatment for intense nutrition, for dry hair and extremely sensitized hair, for thick hair. Creamy and rich, with an intense ability to coat and nourish. How to Use: Step 1: Apply a quarter size amount of Bain Satin 2 to wet hair and scalp, massage head using palms of hands, emulsify and rinse thoroughly. Step 2: Apply a quarter size amount of Masquintense hair mask to wet hair throughout mid-lengths and ends and massage through. Leave on for 5-10 minutes and rinse thoroughly

Kérastase Specifique Argile Equilibrante Weekend Purifying Cleansing Clay 250ml

Kérastase Specifique Argile Equilibrante Weekend Purifying Cleansing Clay 250ml - Kérastase Specifique Argile Equilibrante Weekend Purifying Cleansing Clay 250ml oily roots,sensitized lengths

Kérastase Specifique Argile Equilibrante Weekend Purifying Cleansing Clay 250ml oily roots,sensitized lengths

Kérastase Specifique Argile Equilibrante Weekend Purifying Cleansing Clay 250ml - Kérastase Specifique Argile Equilibrante Weekend Purifying Cleansing Clay 250ml oily roots,sensitized lengths

Kérastase Silk White Eye Mask For Sleeping

Kérastase Silk White Eye Mask For Sleeping - Kérastase Silk White Eye Mask For Sleeping

Kérastase Silk White Eye Mask For Sleeping

Kérastase Silk White Eye Mask For Sleeping - Kérastase Silk White Eye Mask For Sleeping

Kérastase Symbiose Serum Cellulaire Nuit 90ml

Kérastase Symbiose Serum Cellulaire Nuit 90ml - Kérastase Symbiose Serum Cellulaire Nuit  Anti-Pelliculaire Intensif  Intensive Anti-Dandruff  Cellular Night Serum 90ml

Kérastase Symbiose Serum Cellulaire Nuit  Anti-Pelliculaire Intensif  Intensive Anti-Dandruff  Cellular Night Serum 90ml

Kérastase Symbiose Serum Cellulaire Nuit 90ml - Kérastase Symbiose Serum Cellulaire Nuit  Anti-Pelliculaire Intensif  Intensive Anti-Dandruff  Cellular Night Serum 90ml

Kérastase Densifique Densifying treatment Mousse 150ml

Kérastase Densifique  Densifying treatment Mousse 150ml - Kérastase Densifique  Densifying treatment Mousse  Hair Visibly Lacking Density

Kérastase Densifique  Densifying treatment Mousse  Hair Visibly Lacking Density

Kérastase Densifique Densifying treatment Mousse 150ml - Kérastase Densifique  Densifying treatment Mousse  Hair Visibly Lacking Density

Kérastase Refreshing Dry Shampoo 150g

Kérastase Refreshing Dry Shampoo 150g - Kérastase Fresh Affair Refreshing Dry Shampoo  Fine Fragrance roots and hair refreshing dry shampoo for all hair types

Kérastase Fresh Affair Refreshing Dry Shampoo  Fine Fragrance roots and hair refreshing dry shampoo for all hair types

Kérastase Refreshing Dry Shampoo 150g - Kérastase Fresh Affair Refreshing Dry Shampoo  Fine Fragrance roots and hair refreshing dry shampoo for all hair types

Divalent - Coffret for Sensitive & Oily Hair

Divalent - Coffret for Sensitive & Oily Hair - Limited-edition shampoo, argile shampoo & mask set to take care of oily roots and sensitized lengths.

Bring home salon-level care, infused with Mentholm Vitamin B6 and Amino Acids that will help balance sebum level on hair while removing pollution & impurities without stripping.

The shampoo purifies the scalp to reduce excess oil and odors, the argile deeply cleans scalp and hair and the mask restores hair quality.


+92% VOLUME***


*System Of Bain Riche Chroma Respect + Masque Chroma Filler

**System Of Bain Riche Chroma Respect + Soin Acide Chroma Gloss + Masque Chroma Filler Vs. Untreated Hair

***Instrumental Test: Bain Riche Chroma Respect + Soin Acide Chroma Gloss

Limited-edition shampoo, argile shampoo & mask set to take care of oily roots and sensitized lengths. Bring home salon-level care, infused with Mentholm Vitamin B6 and Amino Acids that will help balance sebum level on hair while removing pollution & impurities without stripping. The shampoo purifies the scalp to reduce excess oil and odors, the argile deeply cleans scalp and hair and the mask restores hair quality. Benefits+82% HYDRATED AND NOURISHED HAIR* +50% SOFTNESS** +92% VOLUME*** +60% SHINIER HAIR**** *System Of Bain Riche Chroma Respect + Masque Chroma Filler **System Of Bain Riche Chroma Respect + Soin Acide Chroma Gloss + Masque Chroma Filler Vs. Untreated Hair ***Instrumental Test: Bain Riche Chroma Respect + Soin Acide Chroma Gloss

Divalent - Coffret for Sensitive & Oily Hair - Limited-edition shampoo, argile shampoo & mask set to take care of oily roots and sensitized lengths. Bring home salon-level care, infused with Mentholm Vitamin B6 and Amino Acids that will help balance sebum level on hair while removing pollution & impurities without stripping. The shampoo purifies the scalp to reduce excess oil and odors, the argile deeply cleans scalp and hair and the mask restores hair quality. Benefits+82% HYDRATED AND NOURISHED HAIR* +50% SOFTNESS** +92% VOLUME*** +60% SHINIER HAIR**** *System Of Bain Riche Chroma Respect + Masque Chroma Filler **System Of Bain Riche Chroma Respect + Soin Acide Chroma Gloss + Masque Chroma Filler Vs. Untreated Hair ***Instrumental Test: Bain Riche Chroma Respect + Soin Acide Chroma Gloss

The Hair Loss Regime - Specifique Set

The Hair Loss Regime - Specifique Set - Introducing the ultimate scalp set to combat hair thinning and promote a healthy scalp. The set includes Specifique Anti-chute cure, a leave-in treatment designed to fight against the appearance of thinning hair while recapturing volume, shine, and flexibility. Along with it, you also get a complimentary Soothing Fusio scrub, a gentle cleansing treatment that removes product buildup and combats dryness, dandruff, and flakiness in sensitive scalps. Formulated with a gel texture, this soothing scrub replaces your traditional shampoo and effectively cleanses the scalp and hair from pollution particles and sebum, up to 22% more than traditional shampoo. It leaves the scalp and fibre smoothed and primed for other treatments while leaving hair looking gorgeous, and shinier, with more volume and a lightweight feel. This easy-to-rinse scrub leaves the scalp free to breathe and sets the foundation for a healthy scalp and beautiful hair. Get ready to feel confident and love your hair with this scalp set.

Introducing the ultimate scalp set to combat hair thinning and promote a healthy scalp. The set includes Specifique Anti-chute cure, a leave-in treatment designed to fight against the appearance of thinning hair while recapturing volume, shine, and flexibility. Along with it, you also get a complimentary Soothing Fusio scrub, a gentle cleansing treatment that removes product buildup and combats dryness, dandruff, and flakiness in sensitive scalps. Formulated with a gel texture, this soothing scrub replaces your traditional shampoo and effectively cleanses the scalp and hair from pollution particles and sebum, up to 22% more than traditional shampoo. It leaves the scalp and fibre smoothed and primed for other treatments while leaving hair looking gorgeous, and shinier, with more volume and a lightweight feel. This easy-to-rinse scrub leaves the scalp free to breathe and sets the foundation for a healthy scalp and beautiful hair. Get ready to feel confident and love your hair with this scalp set.

The Hair Loss Regime - Specifique Set - Introducing the ultimate scalp set to combat hair thinning and promote a healthy scalp. The set includes Specifique Anti-chute cure, a leave-in treatment designed to fight against the appearance of thinning hair while recapturing volume, shine, and flexibility. Along with it, you also get a complimentary Soothing Fusio scrub, a gentle cleansing treatment that removes product buildup and combats dryness, dandruff, and flakiness in sensitive scalps. Formulated with a gel texture, this soothing scrub replaces your traditional shampoo and effectively cleanses the scalp and hair from pollution particles and sebum, up to 22% more than traditional shampoo. It leaves the scalp and fibre smoothed and primed for other treatments while leaving hair looking gorgeous, and shinier, with more volume and a lightweight feel. This easy-to-rinse scrub leaves the scalp free to breathe and sets the foundation for a healthy scalp and beautiful hair. Get ready to feel confident and love your hair with this scalp set.

Greasy Hair Regimen

Greasy Hair Regimen - Specifique Serum:   -Fights scalp imbalances.
- Preserves the protective scalp barrier against external damages.
- Soothes and calms the scalp.
- Leaves the scalp feeling fresh, healthier and stronger.
- the roots are lifted up.
- Revitalized the scalp.
 Specifique Masque: - Relieves fiber thirst with nutrients
- Restores hair quality
- Detangles each hair (+82%*) strand with a lightweight finish
- Leaves hair hydrated, soft (+53%*) and shiny (+60,8%*)
*when combined with bain or/and clay- Helps balance sebum level on hair ( Cleanability +52%*) - Removing pollution & impurities without stripping: - Deeply cleans scalp and hair - Adds more volume (+74,3%*) - Nourishes hair. - Provides a rootlift effect. - Leaves scalp invigorated and refreshed *test instrumental, after application of bain Specifique Argile Clay:  - Relieves fiber thirst with nutrients
- Restores hair quality
- Detangles each hair (+82%*) strand with a lightweight finish
- Leaves hair hydrated, soft (+53%*) and shiny (+60,8%*) *when combined with bain or/and clay- Helps balance sebum level on hair ( Cleanability +52%*) - Removing pollution & impurities without stripping: - Deeply cleans scalp and hair - Adds more volume (+74,3%*) - Nourishes hair. - Provides a rootlift effect. - Leaves scalp invigorated and refreshed *test instrumental, after application of bain Use serum once daily (in the morning or before going to bed) during a 3 weeks period. Apply 3 doses on dry or towel-dried scalp, section by section. 1 dose = 1 pipette until the mark. Do not rinse  Apply masque to shampooed, towel-dried hair. Leave on for 5 minutes. Rinse thoroughly. Once a week, apply argile mask to roots of wet hair, lather and pull through lengths. Rinse thoroughly.

Specifique Serum:   -Fights scalp imbalances. - Preserves the protective scalp barrier against external damages. - Soothes and calms the scalp. - Leaves the scalp feeling fresh, healthier and stronger. - the roots are lifted up. - Revitalized the scalp. Specifique Masque: - Relieves fiber thirst with nutrients - Restores hair quality - Detangles each hair (+82%*) strand with a lightweight finish - Leaves hair hydrated, soft (+53%*) and shiny (+60,8%*) *when combined with bain or/and clay- Helps balance sebum level on hair ( Cleanability +52%*) - Removing pollution & impurities without stripping: - Deeply cleans scalp and hair - Adds more volume (+74,3%*) - Nourishes hair. - Provides a rootlift effect. - Leaves scalp invigorated and refreshed *test instrumental, after application of bain Specifique Argile Clay:  - Relieves fiber thirst with nutrients - Restores hair quality - Detangles each hair (+82%*) strand with a lightweight finish - Leaves hair hydrated, soft (+53%*) and shiny (+60,8%*) *when combined with bain or/and clay- Helps balance sebum level on hair ( Cleanability +52%*) - Removing pollution & impurities without stripping: - Deeply cleans scalp and hair - Adds more volume (+74,3%*) - Nourishes hair. - Provides a rootlift effect. - Leaves scalp invigorated and refreshed *test instrumental, after application of bain Use serum once daily (in the morning or before going to bed) during a 3 weeks period. Apply 3 doses on dry or towel-dried scalp, section by section. 1 dose = 1 pipette until the mark. Do not rinse  Apply masque to shampooed, towel-dried hair. Leave on for 5 minutes. Rinse thoroughly. Once a week, apply argile mask to roots of wet hair, lather and pull through lengths. Rinse thoroughly.

Greasy Hair Regimen - Specifique Serum:   -Fights scalp imbalances. - Preserves the protective scalp barrier against external damages. - Soothes and calms the scalp. - Leaves the scalp feeling fresh, healthier and stronger. - the roots are lifted up. - Revitalized the scalp. Specifique Masque: - Relieves fiber thirst with nutrients - Restores hair quality - Detangles each hair (+82%*) strand with a lightweight finish - Leaves hair hydrated, soft (+53%*) and shiny (+60,8%*) *when combined with bain or/and clay- Helps balance sebum level on hair ( Cleanability +52%*) - Removing pollution & impurities without stripping: - Deeply cleans scalp and hair - Adds more volume (+74,3%*) - Nourishes hair. - Provides a rootlift effect. - Leaves scalp invigorated and refreshed *test instrumental, after application of bain Specifique Argile Clay:  - Relieves fiber thirst with nutrients - Restores hair quality - Detangles each hair (+82%*) strand with a lightweight finish - Leaves hair hydrated, soft (+53%*) and shiny (+60,8%*) *when combined with bain or/and clay- Helps balance sebum level on hair ( Cleanability +52%*) - Removing pollution & impurities without stripping: - Deeply cleans scalp and hair - Adds more volume (+74,3%*) - Nourishes hair. - Provides a rootlift effect. - Leaves scalp invigorated and refreshed *test instrumental, after application of bain Use serum once daily (in the morning or before going to bed) during a 3 weeks period. Apply 3 doses on dry or towel-dried scalp, section by section. 1 dose = 1 pipette until the mark. Do not rinse  Apply masque to shampooed, towel-dried hair. Leave on for 5 minutes. Rinse thoroughly. Once a week, apply argile mask to roots of wet hair, lather and pull through lengths. Rinse thoroughly.

Discipline Oléo-Relax Advanced Hair Oil 100ml

Discipline Oléo-Relax Advanced Hair Oil 100ml - Control-in-motion hair oil for voluminous, unruly and frizzy hair. Perfect for creating a sleek and shiny hair look. This hair oil moisturizes hair, suppresses unwanted volume and provides heat protection up to 230°C. Infused with Morpho-Huiles, it is tailor made for frizzy hair, making hair easier to style and imparting an all-day shine. How to Use:  Apply 2-4 pumps of Sérum Oléo-Relax to towel-dried hair or dry hair, focusing on mid-lengths and ends. Style as usual. In case of contact with eyes, rinse them immediately. Ingredients:  Morpho-Huiles Technology formulated with powerful ingredients to control shape and shine.
Infused with Shorea Butter, Virgin Coconut Oil, Rosa Muscata Fruit Oil, and Inca Peanut Oil.

Control-in-motion hair oil for voluminous, unruly and frizzy hair. Perfect for creating a sleek and shiny hair look. This hair oil moisturizes hair, suppresses unwanted volume and provides heat protection up to 230°C. Infused with Morpho-Huiles, it is tailor made for frizzy hair, making hair easier to style and imparting an all-day shine. How to Use:  Apply 2-4 pumps of Sérum Oléo-Relax to towel-dried hair or dry hair, focusing on mid-lengths and ends. Style as usual. In case of contact with eyes, rinse them immediately. Ingredients:  Morpho-Huiles Technology formulated with powerful ingredients to control shape and shine. Infused with Shorea Butter, Virgin Coconut Oil, Rosa Muscata Fruit Oil, and Inca Peanut Oil.

Discipline Oléo-Relax Advanced Hair Oil 100ml - Control-in-motion hair oil for voluminous, unruly and frizzy hair. Perfect for creating a sleek and shiny hair look. This hair oil moisturizes hair, suppresses unwanted volume and provides heat protection up to 230°C. Infused with Morpho-Huiles, it is tailor made for frizzy hair, making hair easier to style and imparting an all-day shine. How to Use:  Apply 2-4 pumps of Sérum Oléo-Relax to towel-dried hair or dry hair, focusing on mid-lengths and ends. Style as usual. In case of contact with eyes, rinse them immediately. Ingredients:  Morpho-Huiles Technology formulated with powerful ingredients to control shape and shine. Infused with Shorea Butter, Virgin Coconut Oil, Rosa Muscata Fruit Oil, and Inca Peanut Oil.

Discipline Fluidissime Anti-Frizz Spray 150ml

Discipline Fluidissime Anti-Frizz Spray 150ml - Product BenefitsDiscipline Fluidissime is an anti-frizz heat protectant spray for fine, unruly hair in need of smoothness and manageability. Its unique Thermo Protecting Agents protect hair from frizz and humidity for up to 72 hours* while ensuring a faster blow dry with a soft, shiny, and lightweight touch.How to UseStep 1: Apply section by section throughout lengths of towel-dried, damp hair
Step 2: Proceed to blow dry

Product BenefitsDiscipline Fluidissime is an anti-frizz heat protectant spray for fine, unruly hair in need of smoothness and manageability. Its unique Thermo Protecting Agents protect hair from frizz and humidity for up to 72 hours* while ensuring a faster blow dry with a soft, shiny, and lightweight touch.How to UseStep 1: Apply section by section throughout lengths of towel-dried, damp hair Step 2: Proceed to blow dry

Discipline Fluidissime Anti-Frizz Spray 150ml - Product BenefitsDiscipline Fluidissime is an anti-frizz heat protectant spray for fine, unruly hair in need of smoothness and manageability. Its unique Thermo Protecting Agents protect hair from frizz and humidity for up to 72 hours* while ensuring a faster blow dry with a soft, shiny, and lightweight touch.How to UseStep 1: Apply section by section throughout lengths of towel-dried, damp hair Step 2: Proceed to blow dry

Discipline Bain Fluidealiste Gentle Shampoo (Sulfate-Free)

Discipline Bain Fluidealiste Gentle Shampoo (Sulfate-Free) - Discipline Bain Fluidealiste Gentle is a sulfate-free, smoothing shampoo that is ideal for sensitized, colour-treated or chemically-treated hair. Formulated with Morpho-Kératine Complex technology, Surface Perfector and High Precision Care Agent, this ultra-gentle formula coats each hair fibre, restoring uniformity, transforming frizzy hair into nourished, smooth, soft strands.How to UseStep 1: Apply shampoo on wet hair and massage gently
Step 2: Rinse thoroughly
Step 3: Follow up with Discipline Maskératine Hair Mask

In case of contact with eyes, rinse them immediately and thoroughly

Discipline Bain Fluidealiste Gentle is a sulfate-free, smoothing shampoo that is ideal for sensitized, colour-treated or chemically-treated hair. Formulated with Morpho-Kératine Complex technology, Surface Perfector and High Precision Care Agent, this ultra-gentle formula coats each hair fibre, restoring uniformity, transforming frizzy hair into nourished, smooth, soft strands.How to UseStep 1: Apply shampoo on wet hair and massage gently Step 2: Rinse thoroughly Step 3: Follow up with Discipline Maskératine Hair Mask In case of contact with eyes, rinse them immediately and thoroughly

Discipline Bain Fluidealiste Gentle Shampoo (Sulfate-Free) - Discipline Bain Fluidealiste Gentle is a sulfate-free, smoothing shampoo that is ideal for sensitized, colour-treated or chemically-treated hair. Formulated with Morpho-Kératine Complex technology, Surface Perfector and High Precision Care Agent, this ultra-gentle formula coats each hair fibre, restoring uniformity, transforming frizzy hair into nourished, smooth, soft strands.How to UseStep 1: Apply shampoo on wet hair and massage gently Step 2: Rinse thoroughly Step 3: Follow up with Discipline Maskératine Hair Mask In case of contact with eyes, rinse them immediately and thoroughly

Kérastase Premiére Huile Gloss Réparatrice Leave-In 30ML

Kérastase Premiére Huile Gloss Réparatrice Leave-In 30ML - Intensive Shine Repairing Oil                                                                    All Types OF Damaged Hair.                                                               High concentration  of caring agents radically neutralizes persistent dullness caused by damage.Its Repairing action seals split-ends.        Hair is stronger,4x shinier*. • Apply 1 or 2 pipettes on dry hair.Do not rinse.                                        In case of contact with eyes,rinse them immediately  and thoroughly*.

Intensive Shine Repairing Oil                                                                    All Types OF Damaged Hair.                                                               High concentration  of caring agents radically neutralizes persistent dullness caused by damage.Its Repairing action seals split-ends.        Hair is stronger,4x shinier*. • Apply 1 or 2 pipettes on dry hair.Do not rinse.                                        In case of contact with eyes,rinse them immediately  and thoroughly*.

Kérastase Premiére Huile Gloss Réparatrice Leave-In 30ML - Intensive Shine Repairing Oil                                                                    All Types OF Damaged Hair.                                                               High concentration  of caring agents radically neutralizes persistent dullness caused by damage.Its Repairing action seals split-ends.        Hair is stronger,4x shinier*. • Apply 1 or 2 pipettes on dry hair.Do not rinse.                                        In case of contact with eyes,rinse them immediately  and thoroughly*.

Kérastase Premiére Concentré Décalcifiant Ultra-Réparateur 250ML

Kérastase Premiére Concentré Décalcifiant Ultra-Réparateur 250ML - Decalcifying Repairing Pre-Shampoo treatment  All types of Damaged Hair. A professional grade concentration of pure acids to decalcify*.and dramatically reduce persistent damage.Penetrate deep in to the hair to eliminate calcium*overdose,reverse stiffness and dullness,while reconnect broken links between keratin chains*. As a result,hair is stronger,healthier-looking,and shinier-as if renewed. 
 •Apply generously on wet lenghts before shampoo and massage throughout.Leave on for 5minutes. Don't rinse and follow with Premiére Bain directly on top to maximize efficacy.Rinse and follow with Premiére Fondant or Masque.  In case of contact with eyes,rinse them immediately and thoroughly.

Decalcifying Repairing Pre-Shampoo treatment  All types of Damaged Hair. A professional grade concentration of pure acids to decalcify*.and dramatically reduce persistent damage.Penetrate deep in to the hair to eliminate calcium*overdose,reverse stiffness and dullness,while reconnect broken links between keratin chains*. As a result,hair is stronger,healthier-looking,and shinier-as if renewed. •Apply generously on wet lenghts before shampoo and massage throughout.Leave on for 5minutes. Don't rinse and follow with Premiére Bain directly on top to maximize efficacy.Rinse and follow with Premiére Fondant or Masque. In case of contact with eyes,rinse them immediately and thoroughly.

Kérastase Premiére Concentré Décalcifiant Ultra-Réparateur 250ML - Decalcifying Repairing Pre-Shampoo treatment  All types of Damaged Hair. A professional grade concentration of pure acids to decalcify*.and dramatically reduce persistent damage.Penetrate deep in to the hair to eliminate calcium*overdose,reverse stiffness and dullness,while reconnect broken links between keratin chains*. As a result,hair is stronger,healthier-looking,and shinier-as if renewed. •Apply generously on wet lenghts before shampoo and massage throughout.Leave on for 5minutes. Don't rinse and follow with Premiére Bain directly on top to maximize efficacy.Rinse and follow with Premiére Fondant or Masque. In case of contact with eyes,rinse them immediately and thoroughly.

Kérastase Premiére Sérum Filler Fondamental 90ML

Kérastase Premiére Sérum Filler Fondamental 90ML - Repairing Anti-Frizz Filler Serum All Types Of Damaged Hair  This Lightweight Serum works to repel humidity,deeply nourish and lock out frizz,fills fiber surface with matter to recreate softer and smoother hair.Protects from damage and high heat*. 
 •Apply on towel-dried hair. In case of contact with eyes,rinse them immediately and thoroughly.

Repairing Anti-Frizz Filler Serum All Types Of Damaged Hair  This Lightweight Serum works to repel humidity,deeply nourish and lock out frizz,fills fiber surface with matter to recreate softer and smoother hair.Protects from damage and high heat*. •Apply on towel-dried hair. In case of contact with eyes,rinse them immediately and thoroughly.

Kérastase Premiére Sérum Filler Fondamental 90ML - Repairing Anti-Frizz Filler Serum All Types Of Damaged Hair  This Lightweight Serum works to repel humidity,deeply nourish and lock out frizz,fills fiber surface with matter to recreate softer and smoother hair.Protects from damage and high heat*. •Apply on towel-dried hair. In case of contact with eyes,rinse them immediately and thoroughly.

Kérastase Premiere Bain Décalcifiant Réparateur Shampoo 250ML

Kérastase Premiere Bain Décalcifiant Réparateur Shampoo 250ML - Decalcifying Repairing Shampoo All type of Damaged Hair This Shampoo gently cleanses scalp and hair while removing calcium overdose*.This decalcifying action *.Helps neutralise breakage and dullness,repairing hair at the core*.                                                         Hair is stronger from within and smooth Apply premiére Concentré to wet lenghts.Leave on for 5 minutes.          Don't rinse and layer Premiére.Bain  directly on top,Rinse follow with the Premiére Fondant or Masque  in case of contact  with eyes,rinse them immediately and thoroughly*.

Decalcifying Repairing Shampoo All type of Damaged Hair This Shampoo gently cleanses scalp and hair while removing calcium overdose*.This decalcifying action *.Helps neutralise breakage and dullness,repairing hair at the core*.                                                         Hair is stronger from within and smooth Apply premiére Concentré to wet lenghts.Leave on for 5 minutes.          Don't rinse and layer Premiére.Bain  directly on top,Rinse follow with the Premiére Fondant or Masque  in case of contact  with eyes,rinse them immediately and thoroughly*.

Kérastase Premiere Bain Décalcifiant Réparateur Shampoo 250ML - Decalcifying Repairing Shampoo All type of Damaged Hair This Shampoo gently cleanses scalp and hair while removing calcium overdose*.This decalcifying action *.Helps neutralise breakage and dullness,repairing hair at the core*.                                                         Hair is stronger from within and smooth Apply premiére Concentré to wet lenghts.Leave on for 5 minutes.          Don't rinse and layer Premiére.Bain  directly on top,Rinse follow with the Premiére Fondant or Masque  in case of contact  with eyes,rinse them immediately and thoroughly*.

Kérastase Premiére Fondant Fluidité Reparateur 200ML

Kérastase Premiére Fondant Fluidité Reparateur 200ML - Anti-Rigidity Decalcifying Repairing Conditioner all type of damaged Hair Lightweight formula instantly restores moisture and fluidity,neutralising hair rigidity.Hair is strong,resilient to damage.yet supple ,smooth and shiny.After layering premiére Concentré and Bain,                                      rinse and apply the Fondant to shampooed,towel-dried hair.Massage through lenghts and ends.leave on for 3 to 5 minutes.Rinse In case of contact with eyes,rinse them immediately and thoroughly *.

Anti-Rigidity Decalcifying Repairing Conditioner all type of damaged Hair Lightweight formula instantly restores moisture and fluidity,neutralising hair rigidity.Hair is strong,resilient to damage.yet supple ,smooth and shiny.After layering premiére Concentré and Bain,                                      rinse and apply the Fondant to shampooed,towel-dried hair.Massage through lenghts and ends.leave on for 3 to 5 minutes.Rinse In case of contact with eyes,rinse them immediately and thoroughly *.

Kérastase Premiére Fondant Fluidité Reparateur 200ML - Anti-Rigidity Decalcifying Repairing Conditioner all type of damaged Hair Lightweight formula instantly restores moisture and fluidity,neutralising hair rigidity.Hair is strong,resilient to damage.yet supple ,smooth and shiny.After layering premiére Concentré and Bain,                                      rinse and apply the Fondant to shampooed,towel-dried hair.Massage through lenghts and ends.leave on for 3 to 5 minutes.Rinse In case of contact with eyes,rinse them immediately and thoroughly *.

Kérastase Chroma Absolu 210 ml

Kérastase Chroma Absolu  210 ml - Kérastase Chroma Absolu Soin Acide Chroma Gloss 210ml The high hair gloss strengthens and seals the surface of the hair fiber to protect color and leave a high-shine finish.Bring the professional Salon DNA to your at-home routine and extend the life of your stunning post-salon hair color.When the formula mixes with water.it transforms into a luxurious,creamy texture that fully coats protects the hair.

Kérastase Chroma Absolu Soin Acide Chroma Gloss 210ml The high hair gloss strengthens and seals the surface of the hair fiber to protect color and leave a high-shine finish.Bring the professional Salon DNA to your at-home routine and extend the life of your stunning post-salon hair color.When the formula mixes with water.it transforms into a luxurious,creamy texture that fully coats protects the hair.

Kérastase Chroma Absolu 210 ml - Kérastase Chroma Absolu Soin Acide Chroma Gloss 210ml The high hair gloss strengthens and seals the surface of the hair fiber to protect color and leave a high-shine finish.Bring the professional Salon DNA to your at-home routine and extend the life of your stunning post-salon hair color.When the formula mixes with water.it transforms into a luxurious,creamy texture that fully coats protects the hair.

Genesis Anti Hair-Fall Shampoo For Normal To Dry Hair

Genesis Anti Hair-Fall Shampoo For Normal To Dry Hair - Anti hair-fall fortifying shampoo for dry weakened hair, prone to falling due to breakage. Gently clarifies and reinforces fiber to reduce the risk of hair-fall due to breakage. This rich formula forms an unctuous foam removing dirt and excess of oil while providing intense nourishment for dry hair. Its gentle cleansing action soothes and hydrates hair from root to tip, leaving a lightweight feel. Enriched with a potent combination of Edelweiss Native Cells and Ginger Root, it strenghtens the fiber for intense resilience to reduce the risk of hair-fall. Hair is prepared to be treated, nourished and fortified with a fuller look.    
Wet hair then thoroughly remove excess water before applying a quarter-sized amount of shampoo touch by touch onto 5 key zones of the hair. Add water and emulsify. Focus this first wash on the scalp using finger tips to massage the scalp and remove impurities. Rinse thoroughly. Apply a second quarter-sized amount of shampoo touch by touch and add water. The second lather will produce a more abundant foam which will help cleanse lengths all the way to the ends. Rinse thoroughly. 

Pro Tip: Use this fortifying shampoo as a daily wash for a gentler cleanse while reducing the risk of hair-fall due to breakage.

Anti hair-fall fortifying shampoo for dry weakened hair, prone to falling due to breakage. Gently clarifies and reinforces fiber to reduce the risk of hair-fall due to breakage. This rich formula forms an unctuous foam removing dirt and excess of oil while providing intense nourishment for dry hair. Its gentle cleansing action soothes and hydrates hair from root to tip, leaving a lightweight feel. Enriched with a potent combination of Edelweiss Native Cells and Ginger Root, it strenghtens the fiber for intense resilience to reduce the risk of hair-fall. Hair is prepared to be treated, nourished and fortified with a fuller look.     Wet hair then thoroughly remove excess water before applying a quarter-sized amount of shampoo touch by touch onto 5 key zones of the hair. Add water and emulsify. Focus this first wash on the scalp using finger tips to massage the scalp and remove impurities. Rinse thoroughly. Apply a second quarter-sized amount of shampoo touch by touch and add water. The second lather will produce a more abundant foam which will help cleanse lengths all the way to the ends. Rinse thoroughly.  Pro Tip: Use this fortifying shampoo as a daily wash for a gentler cleanse while reducing the risk of hair-fall due to breakage.

Genesis Anti Hair-Fall Shampoo For Normal To Dry Hair - Anti hair-fall fortifying shampoo for dry weakened hair, prone to falling due to breakage. Gently clarifies and reinforces fiber to reduce the risk of hair-fall due to breakage. This rich formula forms an unctuous foam removing dirt and excess of oil while providing intense nourishment for dry hair. Its gentle cleansing action soothes and hydrates hair from root to tip, leaving a lightweight feel. Enriched with a potent combination of Edelweiss Native Cells and Ginger Root, it strenghtens the fiber for intense resilience to reduce the risk of hair-fall. Hair is prepared to be treated, nourished and fortified with a fuller look.     Wet hair then thoroughly remove excess water before applying a quarter-sized amount of shampoo touch by touch onto 5 key zones of the hair. Add water and emulsify. Focus this first wash on the scalp using finger tips to massage the scalp and remove impurities. Rinse thoroughly. Apply a second quarter-sized amount of shampoo touch by touch and add water. The second lather will produce a more abundant foam which will help cleanse lengths all the way to the ends. Rinse thoroughly.  Pro Tip: Use this fortifying shampoo as a daily wash for a gentler cleanse while reducing the risk of hair-fall due to breakage.

Genesis Anti Hair-Fall Mask 200ml

Genesis Anti Hair-Fall Mask 200ml - Anti hair-fall intense fortifying masque for weakened hair, prone to falling due to breakage. Its rich formula intensely nourishes, detangles and reinforces the hair to reduce the risk of hair-fall due to breakage. Enriched with the combination of Edelweiss Native Cells and Ginger Root, this ultimate masque provides replenishment to the hair by fortifying damaged zones of the fiber. The powerful combination of       conditioning agents makes the hair easy to comb while restoring softness & nourishment. Hair is intensely fortified, soft and shiny.    
Apply on washed and towel-dried hair. Massage onto lengths and ends. Leave-in for 5 minutes. Add water, emulsify and rinse thoroughly. 

Pro Tip: Use this intense fortifying mask once a week or after every shampoo to nourish, detangle and reinforce the hair, reducing the risk of hair fall due to breakage.

Anti hair-fall intense fortifying masque for weakened hair, prone to falling due to breakage. Its rich formula intensely nourishes, detangles and reinforces the hair to reduce the risk of hair-fall due to breakage. Enriched with the combination of Edelweiss Native Cells and Ginger Root, this ultimate masque provides replenishment to the hair by fortifying damaged zones of the fiber. The powerful combination of       conditioning agents makes the hair easy to comb while restoring softness & nourishment. Hair is intensely fortified, soft and shiny.     Apply on washed and towel-dried hair. Massage onto lengths and ends. Leave-in for 5 minutes. Add water, emulsify and rinse thoroughly.  Pro Tip: Use this intense fortifying mask once a week or after every shampoo to nourish, detangle and reinforce the hair, reducing the risk of hair fall due to breakage.

Genesis Anti Hair-Fall Mask 200ml - Anti hair-fall intense fortifying masque for weakened hair, prone to falling due to breakage. Its rich formula intensely nourishes, detangles and reinforces the hair to reduce the risk of hair-fall due to breakage. Enriched with the combination of Edelweiss Native Cells and Ginger Root, this ultimate masque provides replenishment to the hair by fortifying damaged zones of the fiber. The powerful combination of       conditioning agents makes the hair easy to comb while restoring softness & nourishment. Hair is intensely fortified, soft and shiny.     Apply on washed and towel-dried hair. Massage onto lengths and ends. Leave-in for 5 minutes. Add water, emulsify and rinse thoroughly.  Pro Tip: Use this intense fortifying mask once a week or after every shampoo to nourish, detangle and reinforce the hair, reducing the risk of hair fall due to breakage.

Genesis Anti Hair-Fall Serum For Hair And Scalp

Genesis Anti Hair-Fall Serum For Hair And Scalp - Daily anti hair-fall fortifying serum for weakened hair, prone to falling due to breakage. Enriched with a potent combination of Aminexil, Edelweiss Native Cells and Ginger Root, the serum improves hair resistance to minimize hair-fall and maximize beautiful hair. It helps to re-anchor hair follicle more solidly into the scalp while building the optimal environment for future growth. Day after day the serum sooths and reinforces the natural protective barrier of the scalp. The jelly like texture facilitates the application and avoids any running of the product. Hair is stronger and more beautiful with a healthier look.Use once daily in the morning or before going to bed during a 6 week period. Apply 4 doses on dry or towel-dried scalp, section by section. 1 dose = 1 pipette until the mark. Massage gently. Do not rinse. Style as desired. 

Pro Tip: Use this fortifying anti-fall Serum once daily to minimize hair-fall and maximize beautiful hair .

Daily anti hair-fall fortifying serum for weakened hair, prone to falling due to breakage. Enriched with a potent combination of Aminexil, Edelweiss Native Cells and Ginger Root, the serum improves hair resistance to minimize hair-fall and maximize beautiful hair. It helps to re-anchor hair follicle more solidly into the scalp while building the optimal environment for future growth. Day after day the serum sooths and reinforces the natural protective barrier of the scalp. The jelly like texture facilitates the application and avoids any running of the product. Hair is stronger and more beautiful with a healthier look.Use once daily in the morning or before going to bed during a 6 week period. Apply 4 doses on dry or towel-dried scalp, section by section. 1 dose = 1 pipette until the mark. Massage gently. Do not rinse. Style as desired.  Pro Tip: Use this fortifying anti-fall Serum once daily to minimize hair-fall and maximize beautiful hair .

Genesis Anti Hair-Fall Serum For Hair And Scalp - Daily anti hair-fall fortifying serum for weakened hair, prone to falling due to breakage. Enriched with a potent combination of Aminexil, Edelweiss Native Cells and Ginger Root, the serum improves hair resistance to minimize hair-fall and maximize beautiful hair. It helps to re-anchor hair follicle more solidly into the scalp while building the optimal environment for future growth. Day after day the serum sooths and reinforces the natural protective barrier of the scalp. The jelly like texture facilitates the application and avoids any running of the product. Hair is stronger and more beautiful with a healthier look.Use once daily in the morning or before going to bed during a 6 week period. Apply 4 doses on dry or towel-dried scalp, section by section. 1 dose = 1 pipette until the mark. Massage gently. Do not rinse. Style as desired.  Pro Tip: Use this fortifying anti-fall Serum once daily to minimize hair-fall and maximize beautiful hair .

Nutritive Bain Satin 1 Shampoo for Normal to Dry Hair 250ml

Nutritive Bain Satin 1 Shampoo for Normal to Dry Hair 250ml - Gentle shampoo that cleanses the hair while providing optimal fiber nutrition for Normal to Slightly Dry Hair

Gentle shampoo that cleanses the hair while providing optimal fiber nutrition for Normal to Slightly Dry Hair

Nutritive Bain Satin 1 Shampoo for Normal to Dry Hair 250ml - Gentle shampoo that cleanses the hair while providing optimal fiber nutrition for Normal to Slightly Dry Hair

Nutritive Bain Satin 2 Shampoo for Dry Hair 250ml

Nutritive Bain Satin 2 Shampoo for Dry Hair 250ml - Gentle shampoo that cleanses the hair while providing optimal fiber nutrition for Dry, Sensitized Hair.

Gentle shampoo that cleanses the hair while providing optimal fiber nutrition for Dry, Sensitized Hair.

Nutritive Bain Satin 2 Shampoo for Dry Hair 250ml - Gentle shampoo that cleanses the hair while providing optimal fiber nutrition for Dry, Sensitized Hair.

Nutritive Bain Magistral Shampoo for Severly Dry Hair 250ml

Nutritive Bain Magistral Shampoo for Severly Dry Hair 250ml - Daily shampoo that removes impurities and provides hair nutrition from within

Daily shampoo that removes impurities and provides hair nutrition from within

Nutritive Bain Magistral Shampoo for Severly Dry Hair 250ml - Daily shampoo that removes impurities and provides hair nutrition from within

Nutritive Fondant Magistral Conditioner for Severly Dry Hair 200ml

Nutritive Fondant Magistral Conditioner for Severly Dry Hair 200ml - Daily conditioner that replenishes, softens and provides hair nutrition from within.

Daily conditioner that replenishes, softens and provides hair nutrition from within.

Nutritive Fondant Magistral Conditioner for Severly Dry Hair 200ml - Daily conditioner that replenishes, softens and provides hair nutrition from within.

Nutritive Masque Magistral Hair Mask for Severly Dry Hair 200ml

Nutritive Masque Magistral Hair Mask for Severly Dry Hair 200ml - Intensely nourishes and provides hair nutrition from within

Intensely nourishes and provides hair nutrition from within

Nutritive Masque Magistral Hair Mask for Severly Dry Hair 200ml - Intensely nourishes and provides hair nutrition from within

Nutritive Crème Magistrale Hair Balm for Severly Dry Hair 150ml

Nutritive Crème Magistrale Hair Balm for Severly Dry Hair 150ml - Fundamental nutrition balm for dry to severely dry hair. Creamy leave-in balm immediately melts into hair to smooth, soften and add shine. Heat protection up to 180°C.

Fundamental nutrition balm for dry to severely dry hair. Creamy leave-in balm immediately melts into hair to smooth, soften and add shine. Heat protection up to 180°C.

Nutritive Crème Magistrale Hair Balm for Severly Dry Hair 150ml - Fundamental nutrition balm for dry to severely dry hair. Creamy leave-in balm immediately melts into hair to smooth, soften and add shine. Heat protection up to 180°C.

Nutritive Lait Vital Conditioner for Normal to Dry Hair 200ml

Nutritive Lait Vital Conditioner for Normal to Dry Hair 200ml - Restores moisture, nutrition and shine. Optimal nutrition from mid-lengths to ends without weighing it down. Leaves hair supple and free-flowing for ease of styling. Apply a quarter size amount of Lait Vital to wet hair distributing evenly throughout mid-lengths and ends. Leave on for 2-3 minutes and rinse thoroughly.

Restores moisture, nutrition and shine. Optimal nutrition from mid-lengths to ends without weighing it down. Leaves hair supple and free-flowing for ease of styling. Apply a quarter size amount of Lait Vital to wet hair distributing evenly throughout mid-lengths and ends. Leave on for 2-3 minutes and rinse thoroughly.

Nutritive Lait Vital Conditioner for Normal to Dry Hair 200ml - Restores moisture, nutrition and shine. Optimal nutrition from mid-lengths to ends without weighing it down. Leaves hair supple and free-flowing for ease of styling. Apply a quarter size amount of Lait Vital to wet hair distributing evenly throughout mid-lengths and ends. Leave on for 2-3 minutes and rinse thoroughly.

Nut masq int chx epai 200ml for very dry and sensitive

Nut masq int chx epai 200ml for very dry and sensitive - Mask: Nourishing treatment for intense nutrition, for dry hair and extremely sensitized hair, for thick hair. Creamy and rich, with an intense ability to coat and nourish. Much like a hydrating face mask, a thick, buttery texture makes an incredible moisturizing hair mask for dry, sensitized strands

Mask: Nourishing treatment for intense nutrition, for dry hair and extremely sensitized hair, for thick hair. Creamy and rich, with an intense ability to coat and nourish. Much like a hydrating face mask, a thick, buttery texture makes an incredible moisturizing hair mask for dry, sensitized strands

Nut masq int chx epai 200ml for very dry and sensitive - Mask: Nourishing treatment for intense nutrition, for dry hair and extremely sensitized hair, for thick hair. Creamy and rich, with an intense ability to coat and nourish. Much like a hydrating face mask, a thick, buttery texture makes an incredible moisturizing hair mask for dry, sensitized strands

Nutritive Nectar Thermique Blow-Dry Cream for Dry Hair 150ml

Nutritive Nectar Thermique Blow-Dry Cream for Dry Hair 150ml - 85% LESS BREAKAGE from Blowdry*. Nourishes the hair fiber. Smooths away dull and rough hair surfaces for an intense shine. Excellent leave-in care. Heat protection up to 180°C.

85% LESS BREAKAGE from Blowdry*. Nourishes the hair fiber. Smooths away dull and rough hair surfaces for an intense shine. Excellent leave-in care. Heat protection up to 180°C.

Nutritive Nectar Thermique Blow-Dry Cream for Dry Hair 150ml - 85% LESS BREAKAGE from Blowdry*. Nourishes the hair fiber. Smooths away dull and rough hair surfaces for an intense shine. Excellent leave-in care. Heat protection up to 180°C.

Nutritive 8H Magic Night Hair Serum 90ml

Nutritive 8H Magic Night Hair Serum 90ml - Overnight beauty sleep nourishing serum for dry hair. Nutritive 8H Night Serum deeply nourishes, detangles the hair and provides 8H of overnight nourishment* for sublime morning hair that will feel soft, easy to style & protected. Leave-in overnight for 100?sorption and a lightweight feel in the morning. *Instrumental test, after application of Bain Satin 2 shampoo + Masquintense hair mask + hair serum.

Overnight beauty sleep nourishing serum for dry hair. Nutritive 8H Night Serum deeply nourishes, detangles the hair and provides 8H of overnight nourishment* for sublime morning hair that will feel soft, easy to style & protected. Leave-in overnight for 100?sorption and a lightweight feel in the morning. *Instrumental test, after application of Bain Satin 2 shampoo + Masquintense hair mask + hair serum.

Nutritive 8H Magic Night Hair Serum 90ml - Overnight beauty sleep nourishing serum for dry hair. Nutritive 8H Night Serum deeply nourishes, detangles the hair and provides 8H of overnight nourishment* for sublime morning hair that will feel soft, easy to style & protected. Leave-in overnight for 100?sorption and a lightweight feel in the morning. *Instrumental test, after application of Bain Satin 2 shampoo + Masquintense hair mask + hair serum.

Genesis Fondant Renforçateur Anti-Hair Fall Conditioner 200ml

Genesis Fondant Renforçateur Anti-Hair Fall Conditioner 200ml - Anti Hair-fall Fortifying conditioner for weakened hair, prone to falling due to breakage. This creamy formula offers anti-breakage action with the most lightweight finish. It helps restore the fiber and reinforces its natural resistance to reduce the risk of hair-fall due to breakage. Enriched with the combination of Edelweiss Native Cells and Ginger Root, it instantly smoothes, strengthens and softens the fiber while providing deep nutrition without weighing down the hair. Hair is uniform, shiny and stronger.

Anti Hair-fall Fortifying conditioner for weakened hair, prone to falling due to breakage. This creamy formula offers anti-breakage action with the most lightweight finish. It helps restore the fiber and reinforces its natural resistance to reduce the risk of hair-fall due to breakage. Enriched with the combination of Edelweiss Native Cells and Ginger Root, it instantly smoothes, strengthens and softens the fiber while providing deep nutrition without weighing down the hair. Hair is uniform, shiny and stronger.

Genesis Fondant Renforçateur Anti-Hair Fall Conditioner 200ml - Anti Hair-fall Fortifying conditioner for weakened hair, prone to falling due to breakage. This creamy formula offers anti-breakage action with the most lightweight finish. It helps restore the fiber and reinforces its natural resistance to reduce the risk of hair-fall due to breakage. Enriched with the combination of Edelweiss Native Cells and Ginger Root, it instantly smoothes, strengthens and softens the fiber while providing deep nutrition without weighing down the hair. Hair is uniform, shiny and stronger.

Genesis Défense Thermique Anti-Hair Fall Blow Dry Cream 150ml

Genesis Défense Thermique Anti-Hair Fall Blow Dry Cream 150ml - Anti hair-fall fortifying blow-dry fluid for weakened hair, prone to falling due to breakage. This milky formula provides anti-breakage protection and optimal hydration without frizz or weighing down the hair. Enriched with the combination of Edelweiss Native Cells and Ginger Root, Defense Thermique hydrates, reinforces and protects the hair from heat up to 220°C to reduce the risk of hair-fall due to breakage;Hair is shiny and soft with a silky touch.

Anti hair-fall fortifying blow-dry fluid for weakened hair, prone to falling due to breakage. This milky formula provides anti-breakage protection and optimal hydration without frizz or weighing down the hair. Enriched with the combination of Edelweiss Native Cells and Ginger Root, Defense Thermique hydrates, reinforces and protects the hair from heat up to 220°C to reduce the risk of hair-fall due to breakage;Hair is shiny and soft with a silky touch.

Genesis Défense Thermique Anti-Hair Fall Blow Dry Cream 150ml - Anti hair-fall fortifying blow-dry fluid for weakened hair, prone to falling due to breakage. This milky formula provides anti-breakage protection and optimal hydration without frizz or weighing down the hair. Enriched with the combination of Edelweiss Native Cells and Ginger Root, Defense Thermique hydrates, reinforces and protects the hair from heat up to 220°C to reduce the risk of hair-fall due to breakage;Hair is shiny and soft with a silky touch.

Genesis Bain Hydra-Fortifiant Anti Hair-Fall Shampoo for Normal to Oily Hair 250ml

Genesis Bain Hydra-Fortifiant Anti Hair-Fall Shampoo for Normal to Oily Hair 250ml - Silicone-free. Gently removes sebum & pollution particles from scalp and hair. Provides oil-control. Prevents risk of hair-fall due to breakage from brushing. 97% less hair fall due to breakage from brushing*. Awarded by Glamour.com

Silicone-free. Gently removes sebum & pollution particles from scalp and hair. Provides oil-control. Prevents risk of hair-fall due to breakage from brushing. 97% less hair fall due to breakage from brushing*. Awarded by Glamour.com "The Best Pro Shampoo for Damaged Hair" in “The Best Products For Straight Hair of 2020”.

Genesis Bain Hydra-Fortifiant Anti Hair-Fall Shampoo for Normal to Oily Hair 250ml - Silicone-free. Gently removes sebum & pollution particles from scalp and hair. Provides oil-control. Prevents risk of hair-fall due to breakage from brushing. 97% less hair fall due to breakage from brushing*. Awarded by Glamour.com "The Best Pro Shampoo for Damaged Hair" in “The Best Products For Straight Hair of 2020”.


ELIXIR ULTIME -serum - Elixir Ultime L'Huile Originale Nourishing Hair Oil 100ml،،،، Our iconic hair oil for all hair types, re-invigorated with sacred marula oil.

Elixir Ultime L'Huile Originale Nourishing Hair Oil 100ml،،،، Our iconic hair oil for all hair types, re-invigorated with sacred marula oil.

ELIXIR ULTIME -serum - Elixir Ultime L'Huile Originale Nourishing Hair Oil 100ml،،،، Our iconic hair oil for all hair types, re-invigorated with sacred marula oil.

ELIXIR ULTIME Elixir Ultime Le Bain Nourishing Shampoo 250ml

ELIXIR ULTIME Elixir Ultime Le Bain Nourishing Shampoo 250ml - ELIXIR ULTIME Elixir Ultime Le Bain Nourishing Shampoo 250ml Sublimating oil infused shampoo for dull hair. A precious alliance of indulgent ingredients to take shine to the next level. Previous Camellia Oil & Sacred Marula Oil combined for: 1) longer lasting shine 2) lighter formula for a lightweight finish 3) instant softness & smoothness 4) intense fiber nutrition.

ELIXIR ULTIME Elixir Ultime Le Bain Nourishing Shampoo 250ml Sublimating oil infused shampoo for dull hair. A precious alliance of indulgent ingredients to take shine to the next level. Previous Camellia Oil & Sacred Marula Oil combined for: 1) longer lasting shine 2) lighter formula for a lightweight finish 3) instant softness & smoothness 4) intense fiber nutrition.

ELIXIR ULTIME Elixir Ultime Le Bain Nourishing Shampoo 250ml - ELIXIR ULTIME Elixir Ultime Le Bain Nourishing Shampoo 250ml Sublimating oil infused shampoo for dull hair. A precious alliance of indulgent ingredients to take shine to the next level. Previous Camellia Oil & Sacred Marula Oil combined for: 1) longer lasting shine 2) lighter formula for a lightweight finish 3) instant softness & smoothness 4) intense fiber nutrition.

ELIXIR ULTIME Elixir Ultime Le Fondant Nourishing Conditioner 20ml

ELIXIR ULTIME Elixir Ultime Le Fondant Nourishing Conditioner 20ml - A lightweight beautifying oil infused conditioner for dull & dry hair to normal hair that deeply nourishes while providing instant replenishment, fluidity and shine.

A lightweight beautifying oil infused conditioner for dull & dry hair to normal hair that deeply nourishes while providing instant replenishment, fluidity and shine.

ELIXIR ULTIME Elixir Ultime Le Fondant Nourishing Conditioner 20ml - A lightweight beautifying oil infused conditioner for dull & dry hair to normal hair that deeply nourishes while providing instant replenishment, fluidity and shine.

ELIXIR ULTIME Elixir Ultime Le Masque Nourishing Hair Mask 200ml

ELIXIR ULTIME Elixir Ultime Le Masque Nourishing Hair Mask 200ml - ELIXIR ULTIME Elixir Ultime Le Masque Nourishing Hair Mask 200ml Sublimating oil infused masque for dry hair, revives the natural strength of hair, providing nourishment deep into the hair fiber and gives the hair ultimate shine. Weekly treatment mask for dull & dry hair with previous oils & marula oil.

ELIXIR ULTIME Elixir Ultime Le Masque Nourishing Hair Mask 200ml Sublimating oil infused masque for dry hair, revives the natural strength of hair, providing nourishment deep into the hair fiber and gives the hair ultimate shine. Weekly treatment mask for dull & dry hair with previous oils & marula oil.

ELIXIR ULTIME Elixir Ultime Le Masque Nourishing Hair Mask 200ml - ELIXIR ULTIME Elixir Ultime Le Masque Nourishing Hair Mask 200ml Sublimating oil infused masque for dry hair, revives the natural strength of hair, providing nourishment deep into the hair fiber and gives the hair ultimate shine. Weekly treatment mask for dull & dry hair with previous oils & marula oil.

CHROMA ABSOLU Chroma Absolu Rich Nourishing Protective Shampoo 250ml

CHROMA ABSOLU Chroma Absolu Rich Nourishing Protective Shampoo 250ml - rich nourishing protective shampoo for all types of sensitized or damaged color treated hair, mostly adapted for medium to thick fiber. Highly nourishing formula cares for hair while respecting and preserving hair color. Sulfates-free.Protects hair color from stripping or fading away Transforms fiber surface for immediate softness and less color induced frizz 95% more nourishment* 65% more brilliant shine** Helps reduce fiber porosity for a longer lasting color** 92% color intensity preserved after 6 weeks**

rich nourishing protective shampoo for all types of sensitized or damaged color treated hair, mostly adapted for medium to thick fiber. Highly nourishing formula cares for hair while respecting and preserving hair color. Sulfates-free.Protects hair color from stripping or fading away Transforms fiber surface for immediate softness and less color induced frizz 95% more nourishment* 65% more brilliant shine** Helps reduce fiber porosity for a longer lasting color** 92% color intensity preserved after 6 weeks**

CHROMA ABSOLU Chroma Absolu Rich Nourishing Protective Shampoo 250ml - rich nourishing protective shampoo for all types of sensitized or damaged color treated hair, mostly adapted for medium to thick fiber. Highly nourishing formula cares for hair while respecting and preserving hair color. Sulfates-free.Protects hair color from stripping or fading away Transforms fiber surface for immediate softness and less color induced frizz 95% more nourishment* 65% more brilliant shine** Helps reduce fiber porosity for a longer lasting color** 92% color intensity preserved after 6 weeks**

CHROMA ABSOLU Chroma Absolu Repairing Anti-porosity Conditioner 200ml

CHROMA ABSOLU Chroma Absolu Repairing Anti-porosity Conditioner 200ml - A powerful yet lightweight formula able to penetrate the hair’s core to fill porosity, hydrate and strengthen from within for healthier hair and preserved vibrant color Penetrates to core of hair for 86% stronger strands* • Helps protect hair from the stripping properties of hard water during shower** • Hair is 86% more hydrated* and with reduced porosity to help retain color for longer • Hair so healthy that even after 6 weeks, 92% of color intensity is preserved**

A powerful yet lightweight formula able to penetrate the hair’s core to fill porosity, hydrate and strengthen from within for healthier hair and preserved vibrant color Penetrates to core of hair for 86% stronger strands* • Helps protect hair from the stripping properties of hard water during shower** • Hair is 86% more hydrated* and with reduced porosity to help retain color for longer • Hair so healthy that even after 6 weeks, 92% of color intensity is preserved**

CHROMA ABSOLU Chroma Absolu Repairing Anti-porosity Conditioner 200ml - A powerful yet lightweight formula able to penetrate the hair’s core to fill porosity, hydrate and strengthen from within for healthier hair and preserved vibrant color Penetrates to core of hair for 86% stronger strands* • Helps protect hair from the stripping properties of hard water during shower** • Hair is 86% more hydrated* and with reduced porosity to help retain color for longer • Hair so healthy that even after 6 weeks, 92% of color intensity is preserved**

CHROMA ABSOLU Chroma Absolu Rich, Anti-Porosity Masque 200ml

CHROMA ABSOLU Chroma Absolu Rich, Anti-Porosity Masque 200ml - A formula able to penetrate the hair’s core, providing 92% stronger strands • Helps protect hair from the stripping properties of hard water during shower** • Hair is 93% more nourished* , with reduced porosity to help retain color for longer • Hair so healthy that even after 6 weeks, 92% of color intensity is preserved** • Color is enlivened, with 62% more brilliant+H6 shine***

A formula able to penetrate the hair’s core, providing 92% stronger strands • Helps protect hair from the stripping properties of hard water during shower** • Hair is 93% more nourished* , with reduced porosity to help retain color for longer • Hair so healthy that even after 6 weeks, 92% of color intensity is preserved** • Color is enlivened, with 62% more brilliant+H6 shine***

CHROMA ABSOLU Chroma Absolu Rich, Anti-Porosity Masque 200ml - A formula able to penetrate the hair’s core, providing 92% stronger strands • Helps protect hair from the stripping properties of hard water during shower** • Hair is 93% more nourished* , with reduced porosity to help retain color for longer • Hair so healthy that even after 6 weeks, 92% of color intensity is preserved** • Color is enlivened, with 62% more brilliant+H6 shine***

CHROMA ABSOLU Chroma Absolu Anti-frizz Thermic Leave-in Serum 150ml

CHROMA ABSOLU Chroma Absolu Anti-frizz Thermic Leave-in Serum 150ml - Hair is 96% more moisturized* and instantly softer with reduced porosity • Long-lasting protection against humidity and water molecules in the air, for 77% less colorinduced frizz* • With powerful antioxidant properties, it helps protect hair and color from oxidative stress • Thermo-protection up to 230°C*

Hair is 96% more moisturized* and instantly softer with reduced porosity • Long-lasting protection against humidity and water molecules in the air, for 77% less colorinduced frizz* • With powerful antioxidant properties, it helps protect hair and color from oxidative stress • Thermo-protection up to 230°C*

CHROMA ABSOLU Chroma Absolu Anti-frizz Thermic Leave-in Serum 150ml - Hair is 96% more moisturized* and instantly softer with reduced porosity • Long-lasting protection against humidity and water molecules in the air, for 77% less colorinduced frizz* • With powerful antioxidant properties, it helps protect hair and color from oxidative stress • Thermo-protection up to 230°C*

RÉSISTANCE Resistance Bain Extentioniste Length Strengthening Shampoo 250ml

RÉSISTANCE Resistance Bain Extentioniste Length Strengthening Shampoo 250ml - Length strengthening shampoo for slow growing, damaged lengths. Contains Creatine R™ technology, boasting a powerful fusion of Creatine and Ceramides + Taurine, an amino acid with a protective effect on the hair fiber to help ensure visibly healthy and stimulated scalp environment.

Length strengthening shampoo for slow growing, damaged lengths. Contains Creatine R™ technology, boasting a powerful fusion of Creatine and Ceramides + Taurine, an amino acid with a protective effect on the hair fiber to help ensure visibly healthy and stimulated scalp environment.

RÉSISTANCE Resistance Bain Extentioniste Length Strengthening Shampoo 250ml - Length strengthening shampoo for slow growing, damaged lengths. Contains Creatine R™ technology, boasting a powerful fusion of Creatine and Ceramides + Taurine, an amino acid with a protective effect on the hair fiber to help ensure visibly healthy and stimulated scalp environment.

Resistance Fondant Extentioniste Length Strengthening Conditioner 200ml

Resistance Fondant Extentioniste Length Strengthening Conditioner 200ml - Length strengthening conditioner for slow growing, damaged lengths. Apply a quarter sized amount of Fondant Extentioniste conditioner to wet hair, working from mid-length to ends. Leave in for 2-3 minutes and rinse thoroughly.

Length strengthening conditioner for slow growing, damaged lengths. Apply a quarter sized amount of Fondant Extentioniste conditioner to wet hair, working from mid-length to ends. Leave in for 2-3 minutes and rinse thoroughly.

Resistance Fondant Extentioniste Length Strengthening Conditioner 200ml - Length strengthening conditioner for slow growing, damaged lengths. Apply a quarter sized amount of Fondant Extentioniste conditioner to wet hair, working from mid-length to ends. Leave in for 2-3 minutes and rinse thoroughly.

Resistance Masque Extentioniste Length Strengthening Hair Mask 200ml

Resistance Masque Extentioniste Length Strengthening Hair Mask 200ml - Length-strengthening hair mask. Contains Creatine R™ technology, boasting a powerful fusion of Creatine and Ceramides + Maleic Acid, very small particles that penetrate the fiber for reinforcement action and seal cuticles with a uniform coating from roots to tips.  Apply a quarter size amount of Masque Extentioniste hair mask to wet hair, working from mid-length to ends. Leave on for 5-10 minutes, then rinse.

Length-strengthening hair mask. Contains Creatine R™ technology, boasting a powerful fusion of Creatine and Ceramides + Maleic Acid, very small particles that penetrate the fiber for reinforcement action and seal cuticles with a uniform coating from roots to tips.  Apply a quarter size amount of Masque Extentioniste hair mask to wet hair, working from mid-length to ends. Leave on for 5-10 minutes, then rinse.

Resistance Masque Extentioniste Length Strengthening Hair Mask 200ml - Length-strengthening hair mask. Contains Creatine R™ technology, boasting a powerful fusion of Creatine and Ceramides + Maleic Acid, very small particles that penetrate the fiber for reinforcement action and seal cuticles with a uniform coating from roots to tips.  Apply a quarter size amount of Masque Extentioniste hair mask to wet hair, working from mid-length to ends. Leave on for 5-10 minutes, then rinse.

Resistance Sérum Extentioniste Scalp & Hair Length Strengthening Serum

Resistance Sérum Extentioniste Scalp & Hair Length Strengthening Serum - Strengthening scalp and hair serum for stronger fiber from the roots. This energizing leave-in treatment is key to reinforcing and promoting a healthy scalp. Applied with a gentle scalp massage, it's ideal to achieve strong, long healthy hair. A soothing, calming hair serum has a light texture like drops of water, yet it is highly concentrated with nutrients and active ingredients. Easily absorbed and infinitely beneficial, a serum is skin care for a sensitive, itchy scalp.   Apply Sérum Extentioniste directly to the scalp on cleansed, towel-dried hair. Depending on hair type, 2 pipettes for fine hair and 4 for thick hair, position the pipette directly at the root and scalp to distribute 1 full pipette of the serum in a straight line from the front to the back of the head. Follow the pipette with your fingers to massage the serum into the root and scalp as you work through each section. Once application is complete in all sections, massage the entire head to distribute the serum evenly and comb through. Leave in and proceed to blow dry. Recommended to use at least 3 times a week.

Strengthening scalp and hair serum for stronger fiber from the roots. This energizing leave-in treatment is key to reinforcing and promoting a healthy scalp. Applied with a gentle scalp massage, it's ideal to achieve strong, long healthy hair. A soothing, calming hair serum has a light texture like drops of water, yet it is highly concentrated with nutrients and active ingredients. Easily absorbed and infinitely beneficial, a serum is skin care for a sensitive, itchy scalp.   Apply Sérum Extentioniste directly to the scalp on cleansed, towel-dried hair. Depending on hair type, 2 pipettes for fine hair and 4 for thick hair, position the pipette directly at the root and scalp to distribute 1 full pipette of the serum in a straight line from the front to the back of the head. Follow the pipette with your fingers to massage the serum into the root and scalp as you work through each section. Once application is complete in all sections, massage the entire head to distribute the serum evenly and comb through. Leave in and proceed to blow dry. Recommended to use at least 3 times a week.

Resistance Sérum Extentioniste Scalp & Hair Length Strengthening Serum - Strengthening scalp and hair serum for stronger fiber from the roots. This energizing leave-in treatment is key to reinforcing and promoting a healthy scalp. Applied with a gentle scalp massage, it's ideal to achieve strong, long healthy hair. A soothing, calming hair serum has a light texture like drops of water, yet it is highly concentrated with nutrients and active ingredients. Easily absorbed and infinitely beneficial, a serum is skin care for a sensitive, itchy scalp.   Apply Sérum Extentioniste directly to the scalp on cleansed, towel-dried hair. Depending on hair type, 2 pipettes for fine hair and 4 for thick hair, position the pipette directly at the root and scalp to distribute 1 full pipette of the serum in a straight line from the front to the back of the head. Follow the pipette with your fingers to massage the serum into the root and scalp as you work through each section. Once application is complete in all sections, massage the entire head to distribute the serum evenly and comb through. Leave in and proceed to blow dry. Recommended to use at least 3 times a week.

Resistance Soin Premier Thérapiste Pre-Shampoo for Severly Damaged Hair 200ml

Resistance Soin Premier Thérapiste Pre-Shampoo for Severly Damaged Hair 200ml - Reverse Fiber Renewal Care Conditioner created to use before shampoo to protect & repair very damaged, over-processed hair without the weigh-down effect. Acts like a caring gauze to protect the fiber before shampoo. Hair is soft, with a lightweigHt  Before cleansing, use the reverse care method and apply a quarter size amount of Soin Therapiste conditioner to hair. Massage into wet hair from lengths to ends. Leave on for 2-3 minutes and rinse thoroughly. Can also be used after Bain Therapiste.

Reverse Fiber Renewal Care Conditioner created to use before shampoo to protect & repair very damaged, over-processed hair without the weigh-down effect. Acts like a caring gauze to protect the fiber before shampoo. Hair is soft, with a lightweigHt  Before cleansing, use the reverse care method and apply a quarter size amount of Soin Therapiste conditioner to hair. Massage into wet hair from lengths to ends. Leave on for 2-3 minutes and rinse thoroughly. Can also be used after Bain Therapiste.

Resistance Soin Premier Thérapiste Pre-Shampoo for Severly Damaged Hair 200ml - Reverse Fiber Renewal Care Conditioner created to use before shampoo to protect & repair very damaged, over-processed hair without the weigh-down effect. Acts like a caring gauze to protect the fiber before shampoo. Hair is soft, with a lightweigHt  Before cleansing, use the reverse care method and apply a quarter size amount of Soin Therapiste conditioner to hair. Massage into wet hair from lengths to ends. Leave on for 2-3 minutes and rinse thoroughly. Can also be used after Bain Therapiste.

Resistance Sérum Thérapiste Hair Serum for Severly Damaged Hair 30ml

Resistance Sérum Thérapiste Hair Serum for Severly Damaged Hair 30ml -

"Resurrection hair serum fiber renewing hair care for all hair types. The oil and cream texture instantly repairs, reinforces and resurfaces hair fiber. The hair is deeply repaired as its core. The hair fiber regains its strength and elasticity. Hair is toned and revitalized. High heat protection, up to 450F. 76% split ends reduction. A soothing, calming hair serum has a light texture like drops of water, yet it is highly concentrated with nutrients and active ingredients. Easily absorbed and infinitely beneficial, a serum is skin care for a sensitive, itchy scalp. Heat protection up to 230°C."Apply 1-2 pumps of Serum Therapiste from mid-lengths to ends on towel-dried hair. Leave in and proceed to blowdry as usual. Can also be used as a finishing touch on dry hair to control flyaways and seal split ends.

Resistance Sérum Thérapiste Hair Serum for Severly Damaged Hair 30ml - "Resurrection hair serum fiber renewing hair care for all hair types. The oil and cream texture instantly repairs, reinforces and resurfaces hair fiber. The hair is deeply repaired as its core. The hair fiber regains its strength and elasticity. Hair is toned and revitalized. High heat protection, up to 450F. 76% split ends reduction. A soothing, calming hair serum has a light texture like drops of water, yet it is highly concentrated with nutrients and active ingredients. Easily absorbed and infinitely beneficial, a serum is skin care for a sensitive, itchy scalp. Heat protection up to 230°C."Apply 1-2 pumps of Serum Therapiste from mid-lengths to ends on towel-dried hair. Leave in and proceed to blowdry as usual. Can also be used as a finishing touch on dry hair to control flyaways and seal split ends.

BLOND ABSOLU Blond Absolu Cicanuit Overnight Recovery Treatment for Lightened Hair 90ml

BLOND ABSOLU Blond Absolu Cicanuit Overnight Recovery Treatment for Lightened Hair 90ml - Deal for all types of blonde hair, this white cream-in-gel leave-in serum deeply hydrates and restores bleached fiber overnight for a softer, healthier blonde hair the next morning. It intensively recovers hair by erasing 55% of damage from bleaching for stronger, more resistant strands. The highest concentration of Hyaluronic Acid combined with Edelweiss flower instantly plumps, reduces breakage and seals split ends. The next morning hair is soft, hydrated and tangle-free, luminous with a satin lightweight finish. Serum Cicanuit harnesses the restorative power of the night to deliver intense hydration for a beautiful, restored and soft blonde in the morning.​

Deal for all types of blonde hair, this white cream-in-gel leave-in serum deeply hydrates and restores bleached fiber overnight for a softer, healthier blonde hair the next morning. It intensively recovers hair by erasing 55% of damage from bleaching for stronger, more resistant strands. The highest concentration of Hyaluronic Acid combined with Edelweiss flower instantly plumps, reduces breakage and seals split ends. The next morning hair is soft, hydrated and tangle-free, luminous with a satin lightweight finish. Serum Cicanuit harnesses the restorative power of the night to deliver intense hydration for a beautiful, restored and soft blonde in the morning.​

BLOND ABSOLU Blond Absolu Cicanuit Overnight Recovery Treatment for Lightened Hair 90ml - Deal for all types of blonde hair, this white cream-in-gel leave-in serum deeply hydrates and restores bleached fiber overnight for a softer, healthier blonde hair the next morning. It intensively recovers hair by erasing 55% of damage from bleaching for stronger, more resistant strands. The highest concentration of Hyaluronic Acid combined with Edelweiss flower instantly plumps, reduces breakage and seals split ends. The next morning hair is soft, hydrated and tangle-free, luminous with a satin lightweight finish. Serum Cicanuit harnesses the restorative power of the night to deliver intense hydration for a beautiful, restored and soft blonde in the morning.​

BLOND ABSOLU Blond Absolu Bain Lumiere Hydrating Illuminating Shampoo for Blonde Hair 250ml

BLOND ABSOLU Blond Absolu Bain Lumiere Hydrating Illuminating Shampoo for Blonde Hair 250ml - Hydrating illuminating shampoo for faux-blonde hair to gently cleanse the fiber leaving hair light and luminous. This Hyaluronic Acid infused shampoo is a lightweight formula ideal for lightened, bleached, gray or light faux-blonde hair. The gentle cleansing formula soothes and hydrates hair from root to tip, leaving a lightweight feel and iluminating blond tones. It detoxifies hair from pollution and removes dulling agents.

Hydrating illuminating shampoo for faux-blonde hair to gently cleanse the fiber leaving hair light and luminous. This Hyaluronic Acid infused shampoo is a lightweight formula ideal for lightened, bleached, gray or light faux-blonde hair. The gentle cleansing formula soothes and hydrates hair from root to tip, leaving a lightweight feel and iluminating blond tones. It detoxifies hair from pollution and removes dulling agents.

BLOND ABSOLU Blond Absolu Bain Lumiere Hydrating Illuminating Shampoo for Blonde Hair 250ml - Hydrating illuminating shampoo for faux-blonde hair to gently cleanse the fiber leaving hair light and luminous. This Hyaluronic Acid infused shampoo is a lightweight formula ideal for lightened, bleached, gray or light faux-blonde hair. The gentle cleansing formula soothes and hydrates hair from root to tip, leaving a lightweight feel and iluminating blond tones. It detoxifies hair from pollution and removes dulling agents.

BLOND ABSOLU Blond Absolu Masque Ultra-Violet Anti-Brass Purple Hair Mask 200ml

BLOND ABSOLU Blond Absolu Masque Ultra-Violet Anti-Brass Purple Hair Mask 200ml - Ultra-nourishing formula, neutralizes unwanted undertones to illuminate cool blondes for even brightness. Neutralizes brassy and yellow undertones for a flawless blonde and deeply nourishes the fiber.Apply to shampooed and towel-dried hair. Massage through lengths and ends. Leave on for 3-5 minutes, or longer depending on desired degree of neutralization. Rinse thoroughly. In case of contact with eyes, rinse them immediately and thoroughly.

Ultra-nourishing formula, neutralizes unwanted undertones to illuminate cool blondes for even brightness. Neutralizes brassy and yellow undertones for a flawless blonde and deeply nourishes the fiber.Apply to shampooed and towel-dried hair. Massage through lengths and ends. Leave on for 3-5 minutes, or longer depending on desired degree of neutralization. Rinse thoroughly. In case of contact with eyes, rinse them immediately and thoroughly.

BLOND ABSOLU Blond Absolu Masque Ultra-Violet Anti-Brass Purple Hair Mask 200ml - Ultra-nourishing formula, neutralizes unwanted undertones to illuminate cool blondes for even brightness. Neutralizes brassy and yellow undertones for a flawless blonde and deeply nourishes the fiber.Apply to shampooed and towel-dried hair. Massage through lengths and ends. Leave on for 3-5 minutes, or longer depending on desired degree of neutralization. Rinse thoroughly. In case of contact with eyes, rinse them immediately and thoroughly.

BLOND ABSOLU Blond Absolu Cicaflash Anti-Brass Conditioner 250ml

BLOND ABSOLU Blond Absolu Cicaflash Anti-Brass Conditioner 250ml - The nourishing power of a mask with the light touch of a conditioner: instantly restores, softens and protects hair from breakage. Deeply moisturizes strands without weighing down.

The nourishing power of a mask with the light touch of a conditioner: instantly restores, softens and protects hair from breakage. Deeply moisturizes strands without weighing down.

BLOND ABSOLU Blond Absolu Cicaflash Anti-Brass Conditioner 250ml - The nourishing power of a mask with the light touch of a conditioner: instantly restores, softens and protects hair from breakage. Deeply moisturizes strands without weighing down.

BLOND ABSOLU Blond Absolu Cicaextreme Strengthening Hair Oil for Blonde Hair100ml KWD13.96 or 4 inte

BLOND ABSOLU Blond Absolu Cicaextreme Strengthening Hair Oil for Blonde Hair100ml KWD13.96 or 4 inte - A lightweight serum to strengthens sensitized post-bleached hair boosting its resistance to external aggressors and shine capital Intensely hydrates and plumps fiber for a 91% stronger, more resistant blonde Reduces post-bleach sensibility and hair porosity Seals open scales and split ends for boosted softness and 6X shinier hair Protects hair from heat up to 230 degrees and provides 72h of frizz control Can be used on towel-dried hair before blow-dry or air-dry; as well as on dry hair.

A lightweight serum to strengthens sensitized post-bleached hair boosting its resistance to external aggressors and shine capital Intensely hydrates and plumps fiber for a 91% stronger, more resistant blonde Reduces post-bleach sensibility and hair porosity Seals open scales and split ends for boosted softness and 6X shinier hair Protects hair from heat up to 230 degrees and provides 72h of frizz control Can be used on towel-dried hair before blow-dry or air-dry; as well as on dry hair.

BLOND ABSOLU Blond Absolu Cicaextreme Strengthening Hair Oil for Blonde Hair100ml KWD13.96 or 4 inte - A lightweight serum to strengthens sensitized post-bleached hair boosting its resistance to external aggressors and shine capital Intensely hydrates and plumps fiber for a 91% stronger, more resistant blonde Reduces post-bleach sensibility and hair porosity Seals open scales and split ends for boosted softness and 6X shinier hair Protects hair from heat up to 230 degrees and provides 72h of frizz control Can be used on towel-dried hair before blow-dry or air-dry; as well as on dry hair.

CURL MANIFESTO Curl Manifesto Crème De Jour Fondamentale Curl Enhancing Leave-In Cream 150ML

CURL MANIFESTO Curl Manifesto Crème De Jour Fondamentale Curl Enhancing Leave-In Cream 150ML - Daily moisturizing frizz-reducing leave-in for curly, very curly and coily hair. Ultra-lightweight cream that provides hydration and heat protection while reducing frizz.

Daily moisturizing frizz-reducing leave-in for curly, very curly and coily hair. Ultra-lightweight cream that provides hydration and heat protection while reducing frizz.

CURL MANIFESTO Curl Manifesto Crème De Jour Fondamentale Curl Enhancing Leave-In Cream 150ML - Daily moisturizing frizz-reducing leave-in for curly, very curly and coily hair. Ultra-lightweight cream that provides hydration and heat protection while reducing frizz.

CURL MANIFESTO Curl Manifesto Bain Hydratation Douceur Shampoo for Curly Hair 250 ML

CURL MANIFESTO Curl Manifesto Bain Hydratation Douceur Shampoo for Curly Hair 250 ML - Gentle hydrating creamy shampoo for curly, very curly and coily hair. Gently cleanses scalp and hair without removing natural oils and intensely moisturizes curls

Gentle hydrating creamy shampoo for curly, very curly and coily hair. Gently cleanses scalp and hair without removing natural oils and intensely moisturizes curls

CURL MANIFESTO Curl Manifesto Bain Hydratation Douceur Shampoo for Curly Hair 250 ML - Gentle hydrating creamy shampoo for curly, very curly and coily hair. Gently cleanses scalp and hair without removing natural oils and intensely moisturizes curls

CURL MANIFESTO Curl Manifesto Masque Beurre Haute Nutrition Nourishing Mask for Curly Hair 200ML

CURL MANIFESTO Curl Manifesto Masque Beurre Haute Nutrition Nourishing Mask for Curly Hair 200ML - Extra-rich nourishing mask treatment for very curly and coily hair. Intensely nourishes, promotes hair elasticity and reinforces brittle curls to prevent breakage.

Extra-rich nourishing mask treatment for very curly and coily hair. Intensely nourishes, promotes hair elasticity and reinforces brittle curls to prevent breakage.

CURL MANIFESTO Curl Manifesto Masque Beurre Haute Nutrition Nourishing Mask for Curly Hair 200ML - Extra-rich nourishing mask treatment for very curly and coily hair. Intensely nourishes, promotes hair elasticity and reinforces brittle curls to prevent breakage.

CURL MANIFESTO Curl Manifesto Fondant Hydratation Essentielle Lightweight Conditioner for Curly Hair

CURL MANIFESTO Curl Manifesto Fondant Hydratation Essentielle Lightweight Conditioner for Curly Hair - Lightweight moisture replenishing conditioner for curly and very curly hair. Infuses curls with moisture with no weigh down, enhances bounce and gently detangles knots.

Lightweight moisture replenishing conditioner for curly and very curly hair. Infuses curls with moisture with no weigh down, enhances bounce and gently detangles knots.

CURL MANIFESTO Curl Manifesto Fondant Hydratation Essentielle Lightweight Conditioner for Curly Hair - Lightweight moisture replenishing conditioner for curly and very curly hair. Infuses curls with moisture with no weigh down, enhances bounce and gently detangles knots.

CURL MANIFESTO Curl Manifesto Gelée Curl Contour Curl Defining Gel-Cream 150 ML

CURL MANIFESTO Curl Manifesto Gelée Curl Contour Curl Defining Gel-Cream 150 ML - Curl enhancing defining gel-cream for curly, very curly and coily hair. Combines the hydration properties of a cream and the hold of a gel for 24H frizz control*.

Curl enhancing defining gel-cream for curly, very curly and coily hair. Combines the hydration properties of a cream and the hold of a gel for 24H frizz control*.

CURL MANIFESTO Curl Manifesto Gelée Curl Contour Curl Defining Gel-Cream 150 ML - Curl enhancing defining gel-cream for curly, very curly and coily hair. Combines the hydration properties of a cream and the hold of a gel for 24H frizz control*.

CURL MANIFESTO Curl Manifesto Refresh Absolu Curl Refreshing and Restyling Spray 190 ML

CURL MANIFESTO Curl Manifesto Refresh Absolu Curl Refreshing and Restyling Spray 190 ML - Second day curl refreshing spray for curly, very curly and coily hair. Lightweight mist instantly rehydrates and reactivates curl definition, shine and bounce between washes.

Second day curl refreshing spray for curly, very curly and coily hair. Lightweight mist instantly rehydrates and reactivates curl definition, shine and bounce between washes.

CURL MANIFESTO Curl Manifesto Refresh Absolu Curl Refreshing and Restyling Spray 190 ML - Second day curl refreshing spray for curly, very curly and coily hair. Lightweight mist instantly rehydrates and reactivates curl definition, shine and bounce between washes.

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White Hair Herb

White Hair Herb - It is a 100% natural Indian herb that works to dye gray hair to a dark color after using it for several times  like 40% coverage for the first time 
 How to use:

The first method:Place one to two tablespoons of white hair herb in a bowl that is not plastic or
metal. Pour warm water over it, mix it well, and leave it for 45 minutes before use. Place the mixture on the hair for an hour, then apply a spray with water. If you want a darker hair color, leave it for 2 to 3 hours.The second method:
It is possible to add white hair herb with henna powder.

It is a 100% natural Indian herb that works to dye gray hair to a dark color after using it for several times  like 40% coverage for the first time How to use: The first method:Place one to two tablespoons of white hair herb in a bowl that is not plastic or metal. Pour warm water over it, mix it well, and leave it for 45 minutes before use. Place the mixture on the hair for an hour, then apply a spray with water. If you want a darker hair color, leave it for 2 to 3 hours.The second method: It is possible to add white hair herb with henna powder.

White Hair Herb - It is a 100% natural Indian herb that works to dye gray hair to a dark color after using it for several times  like 40% coverage for the first time How to use: The first method:Place one to two tablespoons of white hair herb in a bowl that is not plastic or metal. Pour warm water over it, mix it well, and leave it for 45 minutes before use. Place the mixture on the hair for an hour, then apply a spray with water. If you want a darker hair color, leave it for 2 to 3 hours.The second method: It is possible to add white hair herb with henna powder.

Thickening herbs

Thickening herbs - A collection of the best and finest natural Indian herbs that nourish and thicken hair  Its benefits:It helps in thickening and strengthening hair follicles. Cleanses and refreshes the scalp. Eliminates dandruff and removes the layer of fat and bacteria accumulated in
the hair. Reduces hair loss.How to use:Place one tablespoon of thickening herbs in a non-plastic or metal container Mix the herbs with coconut milk, coconut cream, or a carton of yogurt. Place the mixture on the scalp for an hour or two.

A collection of the best and finest natural Indian herbs that nourish and thicken hair  Its benefits:It helps in thickening and strengthening hair follicles. Cleanses and refreshes the scalp. Eliminates dandruff and removes the layer of fat and bacteria accumulated in the hair. Reduces hair loss.How to use:Place one tablespoon of thickening herbs in a non-plastic or metal container Mix the herbs with coconut milk, coconut cream, or a carton of yogurt. Place the mixture on the scalp for an hour or two.

Thickening herbs - A collection of the best and finest natural Indian herbs that nourish and thicken hair  Its benefits:It helps in thickening and strengthening hair follicles. Cleanses and refreshes the scalp. Eliminates dandruff and removes the layer of fat and bacteria accumulated in the hair. Reduces hair loss.How to use:Place one tablespoon of thickening herbs in a non-plastic or metal container Mix the herbs with coconut milk, coconut cream, or a carton of yogurt. Place the mixture on the scalp for an hour or two.

Herbal Henna

Herbal Henna - It is natural henna mixed with the best and finest natural Indian herbs that nourish and thicken the hair.Its benefits:It improves the health of hair follicles and thickens hair. Reduces hair loss. Enhances the rate of hair growth. It helps eliminate dandruff and improve scalp health and itching.How to use:
The first method:Put 3 to 4 tablespoons of henna (or according to hair needs) in a bowl that is
not plastic or metal. Pour a little water and mix well until a cohesive dough is formed. Cover the dough and leave it for at least 6 hours, and it is better to leave it
overnight. Apply henna to the hair for 3 hours or more for best results, while covering the
head with a plastic cap.The second method:It is the method used to thicken hair with all herbal products that help in hair
growth and increase its length and shine, which is mixing the herbal henna with
lavender water.

It is natural henna mixed with the best and finest natural Indian herbs that nourish and thicken the hair.Its benefits:It improves the health of hair follicles and thickens hair. Reduces hair loss. Enhances the rate of hair growth. It helps eliminate dandruff and improve scalp health and itching.How to use: The first method:Put 3 to 4 tablespoons of henna (or according to hair needs) in a bowl that is not plastic or metal. Pour a little water and mix well until a cohesive dough is formed. Cover the dough and leave it for at least 6 hours, and it is better to leave it overnight. Apply henna to the hair for 3 hours or more for best results, while covering the head with a plastic cap.The second method:It is the method used to thicken hair with all herbal products that help in hair growth and increase its length and shine, which is mixing the herbal henna with lavender water.

Herbal Henna - It is natural henna mixed with the best and finest natural Indian herbs that nourish and thicken the hair.Its benefits:It improves the health of hair follicles and thickens hair. Reduces hair loss. Enhances the rate of hair growth. It helps eliminate dandruff and improve scalp health and itching.How to use: The first method:Put 3 to 4 tablespoons of henna (or according to hair needs) in a bowl that is not plastic or metal. Pour a little water and mix well until a cohesive dough is formed. Cover the dough and leave it for at least 6 hours, and it is better to leave it overnight. Apply henna to the hair for 3 hours or more for best results, while covering the head with a plastic cap.The second method:It is the method used to thicken hair with all herbal products that help in hair growth and increase its length and shine, which is mixing the herbal henna with lavender water.

Herbal Sidr

Herbal Sidr - It is a natural Indian Sidr mixed with a group of the best and finest natural Indian herbs that nourish and thicken the hair. Its benefits:Noticeably lengthens hair within a short period. It helps in thickening and strengthening hair follicles. Eliminates dandruff and removes the layer of fat and bacteria accumulated in
the hair. Giving hair vitality and beauty. Reduces hair loss.
 How to use:
The first method:Place 3 to 4 tablespoons of Sidr (or according to hair needs) in a bowl that is
not plastic or metal. Pour a little water and mix it well until a cohesive dough is formed. Apply the Sidr on the hair for two hours, covering the head with a plastic cap.
 The second method:
It is the method used to thicken hair with all herbal products that help in hair
growth and increase its length and shine, which is mixing the herbal Sidr with
lavender water.

It is a natural Indian Sidr mixed with a group of the best and finest natural Indian herbs that nourish and thicken the hair. Its benefits:Noticeably lengthens hair within a short period. It helps in thickening and strengthening hair follicles. Eliminates dandruff and removes the layer of fat and bacteria accumulated in the hair. Giving hair vitality and beauty. Reduces hair loss. How to use: The first method:Place 3 to 4 tablespoons of Sidr (or according to hair needs) in a bowl that is not plastic or metal. Pour a little water and mix it well until a cohesive dough is formed. Apply the Sidr on the hair for two hours, covering the head with a plastic cap. The second method: It is the method used to thicken hair with all herbal products that help in hair growth and increase its length and shine, which is mixing the herbal Sidr with lavender water.

Herbal Sidr - It is a natural Indian Sidr mixed with a group of the best and finest natural Indian herbs that nourish and thicken the hair. Its benefits:Noticeably lengthens hair within a short period. It helps in thickening and strengthening hair follicles. Eliminates dandruff and removes the layer of fat and bacteria accumulated in the hair. Giving hair vitality and beauty. Reduces hair loss. How to use: The first method:Place 3 to 4 tablespoons of Sidr (or according to hair needs) in a bowl that is not plastic or metal. Pour a little water and mix it well until a cohesive dough is formed. Apply the Sidr on the hair for two hours, covering the head with a plastic cap. The second method: It is the method used to thicken hair with all herbal products that help in hair growth and increase its length and shine, which is mixing the herbal Sidr with lavender water.

Lavender Herb

Lavender Herb - تعمل على تنشيط الدورة الدموية لفروة الرأس والتي تساعد على إنباته تساعد على إنبات الشعر خصوصا في مقدمة الرأس والأجناب تعالج مرض الثعلبة والتي تعمل على إنتاج بصيلات جديدة مفيدة في إطالة الشعر يمكن استخدامه كغسول للمنطقة الحساسة
طريقة الاستخدام
الطريقة الأولى ( تونك الخزامى لإطالة الشعر وإنبات الفراغات)وضع ملعقة من الخزامى في كوب كبير يسكب الماء المغلي عليها ومن ثم يتم تغطية الكوب لكيلا تتطاير الزيوت والاستفادة منها تترك لمدة 3 ساعات ومن ثم تصفى وتوضع في علبة بخاخ تستعمل على فروة الرأس من 3 الى 4 مرات يوميا يتم تغيير الخلطة كل ٤ أيام
الطريقة الثانية
يستخدم منقوع الخزامى في عجنه مع السدر والحناء في نفس الطريقة المتبعة في الطريقة الأولى.

الطريقة الثالثة
لتطويل الشعر وإنباته يشطف الشعر بماء الخزامى بعد استخدام الشامبو والماسك عن طريق سكبه على كامل الشعر
كخطوة أخيرة بعد الاستحمام وعدم غسلة.

تعمل على تنشيط الدورة الدموية لفروة الرأس والتي تساعد على إنباته تساعد على إنبات الشعر خصوصا في مقدمة الرأس والأجناب تعالج مرض الثعلبة والتي تعمل على إنتاج بصيلات جديدة مفيدة في إطالة الشعر يمكن استخدامه كغسول للمنطقة الحساسة طريقة الاستخدام الطريقة الأولى ( تونك الخزامى لإطالة الشعر وإنبات الفراغات)وضع ملعقة من الخزامى في كوب كبير يسكب الماء المغلي عليها ومن ثم يتم تغطية الكوب لكيلا تتطاير الزيوت والاستفادة منها تترك لمدة 3 ساعات ومن ثم تصفى وتوضع في علبة بخاخ تستعمل على فروة الرأس من 3 الى 4 مرات يوميا يتم تغيير الخلطة كل ٤ أيام الطريقة الثانية يستخدم منقوع الخزامى في عجنه مع السدر والحناء في نفس الطريقة المتبعة في الطريقة الأولى. الطريقة الثالثة لتطويل الشعر وإنباته يشطف الشعر بماء الخزامى بعد استخدام الشامبو والماسك عن طريق سكبه على كامل الشعر كخطوة أخيرة بعد الاستحمام وعدم غسلة.

Lavender Herb - تعمل على تنشيط الدورة الدموية لفروة الرأس والتي تساعد على إنباته تساعد على إنبات الشعر خصوصا في مقدمة الرأس والأجناب تعالج مرض الثعلبة والتي تعمل على إنتاج بصيلات جديدة مفيدة في إطالة الشعر يمكن استخدامه كغسول للمنطقة الحساسة طريقة الاستخدام الطريقة الأولى ( تونك الخزامى لإطالة الشعر وإنبات الفراغات)وضع ملعقة من الخزامى في كوب كبير يسكب الماء المغلي عليها ومن ثم يتم تغطية الكوب لكيلا تتطاير الزيوت والاستفادة منها تترك لمدة 3 ساعات ومن ثم تصفى وتوضع في علبة بخاخ تستعمل على فروة الرأس من 3 الى 4 مرات يوميا يتم تغيير الخلطة كل ٤ أيام الطريقة الثانية يستخدم منقوع الخزامى في عجنه مع السدر والحناء في نفس الطريقة المتبعة في الطريقة الأولى. الطريقة الثالثة لتطويل الشعر وإنباته يشطف الشعر بماء الخزامى بعد استخدام الشامبو والماسك عن طريق سكبه على كامل الشعر كخطوة أخيرة بعد الاستحمام وعدم غسلة.

Hud hud oil

Hud hud oilHud hud oil

Batana butter pure 100%

Batana butter pure 100% - Batana butter pure 100% extract from nut of palm tree from Honduras

Batana butter pure 100% extract from nut of palm tree from Honduras

Batana butter pure 100% - Batana butter pure 100% extract from nut of palm tree from Honduras

Advanced Snail 96 Mucin Power Essence

Advanced Snail 96 Mucin Power Essence - Light-weight essence which absorbs into the skin fast to give skin a natural glow from the inside. This essence is created from nutritious, low-stimulation filtered snail mucin to keep your skin moisturized and illuminated all day.

- Fades dark spots
- Improves skin texture
- Anti-aging
- Intense hydration

- Dull and rough skin
- Soothing damaged skin
- Dark spots and scars

Key Ingredients: 
- 96.3% Snail secretion filtrate: deliver rich nourishment through quick absorption
- 1,000 ppm sodium hyaluronate: plumping and soothing care, infuses hydration

How to Use:
- After cleansing and toning, apply a small amount on your entire face
- Gently pat using fingertips to aid absorption, and then go forth with your moisturizer

Light-weight essence which absorbs into the skin fast to give skin a natural glow from the inside. This essence is created from nutritious, low-stimulation filtered snail mucin to keep your skin moisturized and illuminated all day. Features: - Fades dark spots - Improves skin texture - Anti-aging - Intense hydration Targets: - Dull and rough skin - Soothing damaged skin - Dark spots and scars Key Ingredients:  - 96.3% Snail secretion filtrate: deliver rich nourishment through quick absorption - 1,000 ppm sodium hyaluronate: plumping and soothing care, infuses hydration How to Use: - After cleansing and toning, apply a small amount on your entire face - Gently pat using fingertips to aid absorption, and then go forth with your moisturizer

Advanced Snail 96 Mucin Power Essence - Light-weight essence which absorbs into the skin fast to give skin a natural glow from the inside. This essence is created from nutritious, low-stimulation filtered snail mucin to keep your skin moisturized and illuminated all day. Features: - Fades dark spots - Improves skin texture - Anti-aging - Intense hydration Targets: - Dull and rough skin - Soothing damaged skin - Dark spots and scars Key Ingredients:  - 96.3% Snail secretion filtrate: deliver rich nourishment through quick absorption - 1,000 ppm sodium hyaluronate: plumping and soothing care, infuses hydration How to Use: - After cleansing and toning, apply a small amount on your entire face - Gently pat using fingertips to aid absorption, and then go forth with your moisturizer

Cosrx Advanced Snail 92 All in one Cream - 100gm

Cosrx Advanced Snail 92 All in one Cream - 100gm - Cosrx Advanced Snail 92 All in One Cream is a versatile cream designed to repair and soothe irritated skin post-breakout. This rich gel-type formula absorbs quickly, delivering essential nourishment to leave your skin feeling refreshed and comfortable.

Key Benefits:
• Nourishes & Plumps: Infuses skin with moisture and nutrients for a plump appearance.
• Anti-Aging Properties: Helps reduce the signs of aging for a youthful look.
• Repairs Damaged Skin: Supports skin recovery and healing.
• Long-Lasting Hydration: Keeps skin hydrated throughout the day.
• Targets Dullness & Rough Texture: Smooths and brightens uneven skin.
• Fades Dark Spots & Scars: Assists in minimizing the appearance of blemishes.
• Ideal for Dehydrated Skin: Provides intensive moisture to thirsty skin.

How to Use:
• After cleansing and toning, apply a suitable amount of cream to the face, avoiding the eye and mouth areas.
• Gently tap the applied areas to aid absorption and enhance the cream's effectiveness.

Cosrx Advanced Snail 92 All in One Cream is a versatile cream designed to repair and soothe irritated skin post-breakout. This rich gel-type formula absorbs quickly, delivering essential nourishment to leave your skin feeling refreshed and comfortable. Key Benefits: • Nourishes & Plumps: Infuses skin with moisture and nutrients for a plump appearance. • Anti-Aging Properties: Helps reduce the signs of aging for a youthful look. • Repairs Damaged Skin: Supports skin recovery and healing. • Long-Lasting Hydration: Keeps skin hydrated throughout the day. • Targets Dullness & Rough Texture: Smooths and brightens uneven skin. • Fades Dark Spots & Scars: Assists in minimizing the appearance of blemishes. • Ideal for Dehydrated Skin: Provides intensive moisture to thirsty skin. How to Use: • After cleansing and toning, apply a suitable amount of cream to the face, avoiding the eye and mouth areas. • Gently tap the applied areas to aid absorption and enhance the cream's effectiveness.

Cosrx Advanced Snail 92 All in one Cream - 100gm - Cosrx Advanced Snail 92 All in One Cream is a versatile cream designed to repair and soothe irritated skin post-breakout. This rich gel-type formula absorbs quickly, delivering essential nourishment to leave your skin feeling refreshed and comfortable. Key Benefits: • Nourishes & Plumps: Infuses skin with moisture and nutrients for a plump appearance. • Anti-Aging Properties: Helps reduce the signs of aging for a youthful look. • Repairs Damaged Skin: Supports skin recovery and healing. • Long-Lasting Hydration: Keeps skin hydrated throughout the day. • Targets Dullness & Rough Texture: Smooths and brightens uneven skin. • Fades Dark Spots & Scars: Assists in minimizing the appearance of blemishes. • Ideal for Dehydrated Skin: Provides intensive moisture to thirsty skin. How to Use: • After cleansing and toning, apply a suitable amount of cream to the face, avoiding the eye and mouth areas. • Gently tap the applied areas to aid absorption and enhance the cream's effectiveness.

Cosrx The Vitamin C 13 Serum - 20ml

Cosrx The Vitamin C 13 Serum - 20ml - COSRX The Vitamin C 13 Serum features 13% pure Vitamin C to help fade hyperpigmentation and blemishes. Enriched with niacinamide and licorice root extract, this serum targets dull skin and uneven tone, while hyaluronic acid, allantoin, and panthenol keep your skin hydrated and soothed. 
 Benefits: • Provides daily brightening care • Fades blemishes, dark spots, and freckles • Improves overall skin tone • Refines skin texture • Reduces the appearance of pores 
 How to Use: • After cleansing and applying toner, apply a few drops of the serum to your skin. • Use your fingertips to gently massage and absorb the serum, starting from the center of your face and working towards the edges.

COSRX The Vitamin C 13 Serum features 13% pure Vitamin C to help fade hyperpigmentation and blemishes. Enriched with niacinamide and licorice root extract, this serum targets dull skin and uneven tone, while hyaluronic acid, allantoin, and panthenol keep your skin hydrated and soothed. Benefits: • Provides daily brightening care • Fades blemishes, dark spots, and freckles • Improves overall skin tone • Refines skin texture • Reduces the appearance of pores How to Use: • After cleansing and applying toner, apply a few drops of the serum to your skin. • Use your fingertips to gently massage and absorb the serum, starting from the center of your face and working towards the edges.

Cosrx The Vitamin C 13 Serum - 20ml - COSRX The Vitamin C 13 Serum features 13% pure Vitamin C to help fade hyperpigmentation and blemishes. Enriched with niacinamide and licorice root extract, this serum targets dull skin and uneven tone, while hyaluronic acid, allantoin, and panthenol keep your skin hydrated and soothed. Benefits: • Provides daily brightening care • Fades blemishes, dark spots, and freckles • Improves overall skin tone • Refines skin texture • Reduces the appearance of pores How to Use: • After cleansing and applying toner, apply a few drops of the serum to your skin. • Use your fingertips to gently massage and absorb the serum, starting from the center of your face and working towards the edges.

Beauty Of Joseon Ginseng Cleansing Oil

Beauty Of Joseon Ginseng Cleansing Oil - At Beauty of Joseon, we value cleansing as the most important step in skincare. If neglected, skin impurities and sebum can build up in your pores, potentially causing skin inflammation. Our cleansing oil gently emulsifies and removes these impurities, ensuring a clean and refreshed complexion. Over time, our team has numerously tested many products to find the perfect base oil for our cleansing solution. We selected Glycine Soja oil as a base for its lightweight yet potent cleansing properties, effectively removing dirt, sebum, and makeup residue. Enriched with ginseng seed oil, our cleansing oil imparts a subtle, calming scent, transforming your skincare routine into a peaceful ritual. Deep cleansing Soybean oil is used as the base ingredient to gently dissolve dirt, waste, and makeup residues that accumulate on the skin. Micellar cleansing technology Micellar is a particle composed of water and oil. When it comes into contact with the skin, the oil molecules attract and absorb waste and makeup residues like a magnet, while supplying moisture deep inside the Skin.

At Beauty of Joseon, we value cleansing as the most important step in skincare. If neglected, skin impurities and sebum can build up in your pores, potentially causing skin inflammation. Our cleansing oil gently emulsifies and removes these impurities, ensuring a clean and refreshed complexion. Over time, our team has numerously tested many products to find the perfect base oil for our cleansing solution. We selected Glycine Soja oil as a base for its lightweight yet potent cleansing properties, effectively removing dirt, sebum, and makeup residue. Enriched with ginseng seed oil, our cleansing oil imparts a subtle, calming scent, transforming your skincare routine into a peaceful ritual. Deep cleansing Soybean oil is used as the base ingredient to gently dissolve dirt, waste, and makeup residues that accumulate on the skin. Micellar cleansing technology Micellar is a particle composed of water and oil. When it comes into contact with the skin, the oil molecules attract and absorb waste and makeup residues like a magnet, while supplying moisture deep inside the Skin.

Beauty Of Joseon Ginseng Cleansing Oil - At Beauty of Joseon, we value cleansing as the most important step in skincare. If neglected, skin impurities and sebum can build up in your pores, potentially causing skin inflammation. Our cleansing oil gently emulsifies and removes these impurities, ensuring a clean and refreshed complexion. Over time, our team has numerously tested many products to find the perfect base oil for our cleansing solution. We selected Glycine Soja oil as a base for its lightweight yet potent cleansing properties, effectively removing dirt, sebum, and makeup residue. Enriched with ginseng seed oil, our cleansing oil imparts a subtle, calming scent, transforming your skincare routine into a peaceful ritual. Deep cleansing Soybean oil is used as the base ingredient to gently dissolve dirt, waste, and makeup residues that accumulate on the skin. Micellar cleansing technology Micellar is a particle composed of water and oil. When it comes into contact with the skin, the oil molecules attract and absorb waste and makeup residues like a magnet, while supplying moisture deep inside the Skin.

Beauty of Joseon - Revive Serum Ginseng + Snail Mucin - 30ml

Beauty of Joseon - Revive Serum Ginseng + Snail Mucin - 30ml - This serum is made for skin that has lost its vitality. It contains 'ginseng', which has been used as an important herbal ingredient for a long time, and 3% ‘snail secretion filtrate', which creates the best synergy for skin elasticity. 
It has a unique runny texture of mucin, and a moisturizing and nutritious finish. 
Restores your complexion.
Antioxidant-rich ginseng root water supports circulation to help plump up areas with fine lines and wrinkles.
 Snail mucin filtrate evens skin tone, reduces hyperpigmentation & scarring, and also improves cell turnover to give your skin a healthy, even glow. 
How To Use : 
1.Apply 2-3 drops of serum onto the face
2.Pat gently to aid absorption.

This serum is made for skin that has lost its vitality. It contains 'ginseng', which has been used as an important herbal ingredient for a long time, and 3% ‘snail secretion filtrate', which creates the best synergy for skin elasticity.  It has a unique runny texture of mucin, and a moisturizing and nutritious finish.  Restores your complexion. Antioxidant-rich ginseng root water supports circulation to help plump up areas with fine lines and wrinkles.  Snail mucin filtrate evens skin tone, reduces hyperpigmentation & scarring, and also improves cell turnover to give your skin a healthy, even glow.  How To Use :  1.Apply 2-3 drops of serum onto the face 2.Pat gently to aid absorption.

Beauty of Joseon - Revive Serum Ginseng + Snail Mucin - 30ml - This serum is made for skin that has lost its vitality. It contains 'ginseng', which has been used as an important herbal ingredient for a long time, and 3% ‘snail secretion filtrate', which creates the best synergy for skin elasticity.  It has a unique runny texture of mucin, and a moisturizing and nutritious finish.  Restores your complexion. Antioxidant-rich ginseng root water supports circulation to help plump up areas with fine lines and wrinkles.  Snail mucin filtrate evens skin tone, reduces hyperpigmentation & scarring, and also improves cell turnover to give your skin a healthy, even glow.  How To Use :  1.Apply 2-3 drops of serum onto the face 2.Pat gently to aid absorption.

Some By Mi Snail Truecica Miracle Repair Starter Kit - Fades Acne Scars & Uneven Skin Tone

Some By Mi Snail Truecica Miracle Repair Starter Kit - Fades Acne Scars & Uneven Skin Tone - The Some By Mi Snail Truecica Miracle Repair Starter Kit is designed to calm and revitalize stressed skin. Enriched with black snail extract and Truecica, this four-step skincare set helps restore a radiant complexion and strengthen the skin barrier. Start with the low pH gel cleanser to gently cleanse, followed by the toner, serum, and cream to repair and nourish damaged skin for a healthy glow.

In This Kit:
1. Snail Truecica Miracle Repair Low pH Gel Cleanser (30ml): Cleanses and soothes skin without stripping away natural moisture.
2. Snail Truecica Miracle Repair Toner (30ml): Prepares the skin for better absorption of subsequent skincare steps while balancing skin's pH.
3. Snail Truecica Miracle Repair Serum (10ml): Repairs damaged skin and improves elasticity with snail extract and Truecica.
4. Snail Truecica Miracle Repair Cream (20g): Deeply nourishes and strengthens the skin barrier to lock in moisture.

How to Use:
• Snail Truecica Low pH Gel Cleanser: Apply to wet skin, gently massage over the face, then rinse with lukewarm water.
• Snail Truecica Miracle Repair Toner: After cleansing, apply a small amount to the face and spread gently. Pat lightly for better absorption.
• Snail Truecica Miracle Repair Serum: Shake the bottle, apply the serum with the dropper onto the cheeks and forehead, and pat gently for absorption.
• Snail Truecica Miracle Repair Cream: Apply to the face as the final step in your skincare routine, massaging gently for optimal absorption.

The Some By Mi Snail Truecica Miracle Repair Starter Kit is designed to calm and revitalize stressed skin. Enriched with black snail extract and Truecica, this four-step skincare set helps restore a radiant complexion and strengthen the skin barrier. Start with the low pH gel cleanser to gently cleanse, followed by the toner, serum, and cream to repair and nourish damaged skin for a healthy glow. In This Kit: 1. Snail Truecica Miracle Repair Low pH Gel Cleanser (30ml): Cleanses and soothes skin without stripping away natural moisture. 2. Snail Truecica Miracle Repair Toner (30ml): Prepares the skin for better absorption of subsequent skincare steps while balancing skin's pH. 3. Snail Truecica Miracle Repair Serum (10ml): Repairs damaged skin and improves elasticity with snail extract and Truecica. 4. Snail Truecica Miracle Repair Cream (20g): Deeply nourishes and strengthens the skin barrier to lock in moisture. How to Use: • Snail Truecica Low pH Gel Cleanser: Apply to wet skin, gently massage over the face, then rinse with lukewarm water. • Snail Truecica Miracle Repair Toner: After cleansing, apply a small amount to the face and spread gently. Pat lightly for better absorption. • Snail Truecica Miracle Repair Serum: Shake the bottle, apply the serum with the dropper onto the cheeks and forehead, and pat gently for absorption. • Snail Truecica Miracle Repair Cream: Apply to the face as the final step in your skincare routine, massaging gently for optimal absorption.

Some By Mi Snail Truecica Miracle Repair Starter Kit - Fades Acne Scars & Uneven Skin Tone - The Some By Mi Snail Truecica Miracle Repair Starter Kit is designed to calm and revitalize stressed skin. Enriched with black snail extract and Truecica, this four-step skincare set helps restore a radiant complexion and strengthen the skin barrier. Start with the low pH gel cleanser to gently cleanse, followed by the toner, serum, and cream to repair and nourish damaged skin for a healthy glow. In This Kit: 1. Snail Truecica Miracle Repair Low pH Gel Cleanser (30ml): Cleanses and soothes skin without stripping away natural moisture. 2. Snail Truecica Miracle Repair Toner (30ml): Prepares the skin for better absorption of subsequent skincare steps while balancing skin's pH. 3. Snail Truecica Miracle Repair Serum (10ml): Repairs damaged skin and improves elasticity with snail extract and Truecica. 4. Snail Truecica Miracle Repair Cream (20g): Deeply nourishes and strengthens the skin barrier to lock in moisture. How to Use: • Snail Truecica Low pH Gel Cleanser: Apply to wet skin, gently massage over the face, then rinse with lukewarm water. • Snail Truecica Miracle Repair Toner: After cleansing, apply a small amount to the face and spread gently. Pat lightly for better absorption. • Snail Truecica Miracle Repair Serum: Shake the bottle, apply the serum with the dropper onto the cheeks and forehead, and pat gently for absorption. • Snail Truecica Miracle Repair Cream: Apply to the face as the final step in your skincare routine, massaging gently for optimal absorption.

Some By Mi Beta Panthenol Repair Starter Kit

Some By Mi Beta Panthenol Repair Starter Kit - The Some By Mi Beta Panthenol Repair Starter Kit is a complete skincare set, designed to deliver deep hydration and repair for healthier, more resilient skin.

In this kit contains:
1. Beta Panthenol Repair Gel Cleanser - 30ml
2. Beta Panthenol Repair Toner - 30ml
3. Beta Panthenol Repair Serum - 10ml
4. Beta Panthenol Repair Cream - 20ml

Key Benefits
• Gentle Cleansing: Beta-Panthenol™ cleanser removes dirt and impurities while soothing and hydrating the skin.
• Skin Reset: The toner repairs the skin barrier and hydrates dry, lackluster skin.
• Resilience Boost: The serum strengthens skin over time and provides immediate hydration.
• Hydration & Repair: The cream locks in moisture, leaving the skin soft, supple, and plumped.

How to Use
• Use the cleanser on damp skin, then rinse off with lukewarm water.
• Apply the toner with a cotton pad or hands after cleansing.
• Follow up with the serum by gently patting it into the skin.
• Finish with the cream to lock in moisture.

The Some By Mi Beta Panthenol Repair Starter Kit is a complete skincare set, designed to deliver deep hydration and repair for healthier, more resilient skin. In this kit contains: 1. Beta Panthenol Repair Gel Cleanser - 30ml 2. Beta Panthenol Repair Toner - 30ml 3. Beta Panthenol Repair Serum - 10ml 4. Beta Panthenol Repair Cream - 20ml Key Benefits • Gentle Cleansing: Beta-Panthenol™ cleanser removes dirt and impurities while soothing and hydrating the skin. • Skin Reset: The toner repairs the skin barrier and hydrates dry, lackluster skin. • Resilience Boost: The serum strengthens skin over time and provides immediate hydration. • Hydration & Repair: The cream locks in moisture, leaving the skin soft, supple, and plumped. How to Use • Use the cleanser on damp skin, then rinse off with lukewarm water. • Apply the toner with a cotton pad or hands after cleansing. • Follow up with the serum by gently patting it into the skin. • Finish with the cream to lock in moisture.

Some By Mi Beta Panthenol Repair Starter Kit - The Some By Mi Beta Panthenol Repair Starter Kit is a complete skincare set, designed to deliver deep hydration and repair for healthier, more resilient skin. In this kit contains: 1. Beta Panthenol Repair Gel Cleanser - 30ml 2. Beta Panthenol Repair Toner - 30ml 3. Beta Panthenol Repair Serum - 10ml 4. Beta Panthenol Repair Cream - 20ml Key Benefits • Gentle Cleansing: Beta-Panthenol™ cleanser removes dirt and impurities while soothing and hydrating the skin. • Skin Reset: The toner repairs the skin barrier and hydrates dry, lackluster skin. • Resilience Boost: The serum strengthens skin over time and provides immediate hydration. • Hydration & Repair: The cream locks in moisture, leaving the skin soft, supple, and plumped. How to Use • Use the cleanser on damp skin, then rinse off with lukewarm water. • Apply the toner with a cotton pad or hands after cleansing. • Follow up with the serum by gently patting it into the skin. • Finish with the cream to lock in moisture.

AXIS-Y Dark Spot Correcting Glow Serum - 50ml

AXIS-Y Dark Spot Correcting Glow Serum - 50ml - AXIS-Y Dark Spot Correcting Glow Serum is powered by 5% Niacinamide to effectively correct dark spots and improve uneven skin tone. Enriched with plant-derived Squalane, this serum helps retain moisture, keeping your skin glowing and healthy all day long. Perfect for targeting sun damage, blemishes, and acne scars, it delivers a brighter, more even complexion.

Key Benefits:
• Youthful Skin: Fights off free radicals, helping to keep your skin youthful and radiant.
• Brightening Effect: Lightens sun-damaged skin, dark spots, and under-eye circles.
• Fades Scars & Spots: Reduces blemishes and acne scars, promoting even skin tone.
• Moisture Retention: With Squalane, it hydrates the skin while improving its texture.

How to Use:
• Apply a small amount to the entire face or focus on problem areas.
• Gently pat until the serum is fully absorbed.

AXIS-Y Dark Spot Correcting Glow Serum is powered by 5% Niacinamide to effectively correct dark spots and improve uneven skin tone. Enriched with plant-derived Squalane, this serum helps retain moisture, keeping your skin glowing and healthy all day long. Perfect for targeting sun damage, blemishes, and acne scars, it delivers a brighter, more even complexion. Key Benefits: • Youthful Skin: Fights off free radicals, helping to keep your skin youthful and radiant. • Brightening Effect: Lightens sun-damaged skin, dark spots, and under-eye circles. • Fades Scars & Spots: Reduces blemishes and acne scars, promoting even skin tone. • Moisture Retention: With Squalane, it hydrates the skin while improving its texture. How to Use: • Apply a small amount to the entire face or focus on problem areas. • Gently pat until the serum is fully absorbed.

AXIS-Y Dark Spot Correcting Glow Serum - 50ml - AXIS-Y Dark Spot Correcting Glow Serum is powered by 5% Niacinamide to effectively correct dark spots and improve uneven skin tone. Enriched with plant-derived Squalane, this serum helps retain moisture, keeping your skin glowing and healthy all day long. Perfect for targeting sun damage, blemishes, and acne scars, it delivers a brighter, more even complexion. Key Benefits: • Youthful Skin: Fights off free radicals, helping to keep your skin youthful and radiant. • Brightening Effect: Lightens sun-damaged skin, dark spots, and under-eye circles. • Fades Scars & Spots: Reduces blemishes and acne scars, promoting even skin tone. • Moisture Retention: With Squalane, it hydrates the skin while improving its texture. How to Use: • Apply a small amount to the entire face or focus on problem areas. • Gently pat until the serum is fully absorbed.

AXIS-Y Biome Double Defense Sunscreen 50ml

AXIS-Y Biome Double Defense Sunscreen 50ml - Sunscreen with Cranberry Extract and Peptides
This sunscreen contains cranberry extract, which is made up of over 95% natural bio-peptides extracted from French cranberries. These bio-peptides work to enhance skin health and improve its appearance, helping to address skin damage such as dryness and wrinkles caused by ultraviolet rays. BenefitsImproves Skin Elasticity: Enhances skin elasticity and reduces the formation of wrinkles that easily appear on dry skin due to sun exposure. Effective Hydration: Cranberries are rich in vitamins C and E, as well as anthocyanins, which play a crucial role in providing essential moisture to the skin and revitalizing it, giving it a healthy and vibrant appearance.How to UseUse it as the final step in your skincare routine. Apply an appropriate amount of sunscreen to your face and neck using two fingers, and blend it gently starting from the center of the face.Made in Korea

Sunscreen with Cranberry Extract and Peptides This sunscreen contains cranberry extract, which is made up of over 95% natural bio-peptides extracted from French cranberries. These bio-peptides work to enhance skin health and improve its appearance, helping to address skin damage such as dryness and wrinkles caused by ultraviolet rays. BenefitsImproves Skin Elasticity: Enhances skin elasticity and reduces the formation of wrinkles that easily appear on dry skin due to sun exposure. Effective Hydration: Cranberries are rich in vitamins C and E, as well as anthocyanins, which play a crucial role in providing essential moisture to the skin and revitalizing it, giving it a healthy and vibrant appearance.How to UseUse it as the final step in your skincare routine. Apply an appropriate amount of sunscreen to your face and neck using two fingers, and blend it gently starting from the center of the face.Made in Korea

AXIS-Y Biome Double Defense Sunscreen 50ml - Sunscreen with Cranberry Extract and Peptides This sunscreen contains cranberry extract, which is made up of over 95% natural bio-peptides extracted from French cranberries. These bio-peptides work to enhance skin health and improve its appearance, helping to address skin damage such as dryness and wrinkles caused by ultraviolet rays. BenefitsImproves Skin Elasticity: Enhances skin elasticity and reduces the formation of wrinkles that easily appear on dry skin due to sun exposure. Effective Hydration: Cranberries are rich in vitamins C and E, as well as anthocyanins, which play a crucial role in providing essential moisture to the skin and revitalizing it, giving it a healthy and vibrant appearance.How to UseUse it as the final step in your skincare routine. Apply an appropriate amount of sunscreen to your face and neck using two fingers, and blend it gently starting from the center of the face.Made in Korea

Biome Recharging Night Renewal Set

Biome Recharging Night Renewal Set - Composition] ay&me Biome Recharging Enhanced Night Balm 80ml - ay&me Biome 10 Panthenol Supporting Concentrate 8ml  - (Multi-Repair + Skin Moisture Barrier) + (Revitalizing + Boosting)
- For a fantastic skincare duo that will lift and rejuvenate tired skin overnight, apply a small amount of the “10 Panthenol Supporting Concentrate” to the entire face which, with its “silky magnet droplet” formula, increases the efficacy of the “Biome Recharging Enhanced Night Balm”. - The “silky magnet droplet” formula enhances the absorption and efficacy of the night balm, helping to provide more effective skin recharging conditioning care for the skin.
- When the “Biome Recharging Enhanced Night Balm” is applied after the “10 Panthenol Supporting Concentrate”, the “plumping cream balm” formulation of the night balm forms a thicker and softer nourishing film than when applied alone, giving the skin a healthy glow. - It helps to fill the skin with luster, energizes tired skin, and protects the skin against sensitivities caused by stress.

How To UseStep 1. Using the booster, apply 1-2 drops onto the skin and gently spread across your face and pat in to absorb.
Step 2. Apply an appropriate amount of the night balm over the surface of the skin.

Composition] ay&me Biome Recharging Enhanced Night Balm 80ml - ay&me Biome 10 Panthenol Supporting Concentrate 8ml  - (Multi-Repair + Skin Moisture Barrier) + (Revitalizing + Boosting) - For a fantastic skincare duo that will lift and rejuvenate tired skin overnight, apply a small amount of the “10 Panthenol Supporting Concentrate” to the entire face which, with its “silky magnet droplet” formula, increases the efficacy of the “Biome Recharging Enhanced Night Balm”. - The “silky magnet droplet” formula enhances the absorption and efficacy of the night balm, helping to provide more effective skin recharging conditioning care for the skin. - When the “Biome Recharging Enhanced Night Balm” is applied after the “10 Panthenol Supporting Concentrate”, the “plumping cream balm” formulation of the night balm forms a thicker and softer nourishing film than when applied alone, giving the skin a healthy glow. - It helps to fill the skin with luster, energizes tired skin, and protects the skin against sensitivities caused by stress. How To UseStep 1. Using the booster, apply 1-2 drops onto the skin and gently spread across your face and pat in to absorb. Step 2. Apply an appropriate amount of the night balm over the surface of the skin.

Biome Recharging Night Renewal Set - Composition] ay&me Biome Recharging Enhanced Night Balm 80ml - ay&me Biome 10 Panthenol Supporting Concentrate 8ml  - (Multi-Repair + Skin Moisture Barrier) + (Revitalizing + Boosting) - For a fantastic skincare duo that will lift and rejuvenate tired skin overnight, apply a small amount of the “10 Panthenol Supporting Concentrate” to the entire face which, with its “silky magnet droplet” formula, increases the efficacy of the “Biome Recharging Enhanced Night Balm”. - The “silky magnet droplet” formula enhances the absorption and efficacy of the night balm, helping to provide more effective skin recharging conditioning care for the skin. - When the “Biome Recharging Enhanced Night Balm” is applied after the “10 Panthenol Supporting Concentrate”, the “plumping cream balm” formulation of the night balm forms a thicker and softer nourishing film than when applied alone, giving the skin a healthy glow. - It helps to fill the skin with luster, energizes tired skin, and protects the skin against sensitivities caused by stress. How To UseStep 1. Using the booster, apply 1-2 drops onto the skin and gently spread across your face and pat in to absorb. Step 2. Apply an appropriate amount of the night balm over the surface of the skin.


STYLE WAND - The Interchangeable Style Wand is the one-stop curling and waving tool of your dreams. Achieve glamorous curls or beach waves with the Interchangeable Style Wand. It’s a curling & waving tool that includes three detachable heads and a kit curated to up your hair game.

The Interchangeable Style Wand is the one-stop curling and waving tool of your dreams. Achieve glamorous curls or beach waves with the Interchangeable Style Wand. It’s a curling & waving tool that includes three detachable heads and a kit curated to up your hair game.

STYLE WAND - The Interchangeable Style Wand is the one-stop curling and waving tool of your dreams. Achieve glamorous curls or beach waves with the Interchangeable Style Wand. It’s a curling & waving tool that includes three detachable heads and a kit curated to up your hair game.


HAIR DRYER - Create the flawless blowout with Mermade Hair Dryer. This professional quality hair dryer gives you unique options to suit your own vibe and style. Choose between two speed settings, amplified or concentrated airflow, cool shot function plus two concentrator attachments. Mermade Hair Dryer uses ionic airflow technology to increase moisture retention protecting your hair from long term damage. Mermade Hair Dryer is available in our signature pink with a sleek bespoke design.

Create the flawless blowout with Mermade Hair Dryer. This professional quality hair dryer gives you unique options to suit your own vibe and style. Choose between two speed settings, amplified or concentrated airflow, cool shot function plus two concentrator attachments. Mermade Hair Dryer uses ionic airflow technology to increase moisture retention protecting your hair from long term damage. Mermade Hair Dryer is available in our signature pink with a sleek bespoke design.

HAIR DRYER - Create the flawless blowout with Mermade Hair Dryer. This professional quality hair dryer gives you unique options to suit your own vibe and style. Choose between two speed settings, amplified or concentrated airflow, cool shot function plus two concentrator attachments. Mermade Hair Dryer uses ionic airflow technology to increase moisture retention protecting your hair from long term damage. Mermade Hair Dryer is available in our signature pink with a sleek bespoke design.


HEAT MAT + CLUTCH - The Mermade Heat Mat + Clutch is the perfect 3-in-1accessory every hot tool needs! With perforated lightweight neoprenefabric on the outside finished with a secure buckle, you can take your Mermade Hair tools wherever you go for easy storage and travel. The detachable safety mat protects your surfaces from heat and can be used with any hot tool – just remember to always use your safety stand. Hashtag versatile.

The Mermade Heat Mat + Clutch is the perfect 3-in-1accessory every hot tool needs! With perforated lightweight neoprenefabric on the outside finished with a secure buckle, you can take your Mermade Hair tools wherever you go for easy storage and travel. The detachable safety mat protects your surfaces from heat and can be used with any hot tool – just remember to always use your safety stand. Hashtag versatile.

HEAT MAT + CLUTCH - The Mermade Heat Mat + Clutch is the perfect 3-in-1accessory every hot tool needs! With perforated lightweight neoprenefabric on the outside finished with a secure buckle, you can take your Mermade Hair tools wherever you go for easy storage and travel. The detachable safety mat protects your surfaces from heat and can be used with any hot tool – just remember to always use your safety stand. Hashtag versatile.


STRAIGHTENER - The light, versatile and super powerful Mermade Straightener with 28mm plates is made for that on-the-go lifestyle.

The light, versatile and super powerful Mermade Straightener with 28mm plates is made for that on-the-go lifestyle.

STRAIGHTENER - The light, versatile and super powerful Mermade Straightener with 28mm plates is made for that on-the-go lifestyle.


HEATLESS CURLS KIT - Create curls and waves minus the heat with our Heatless Curls Kit. Made with 100% mulberry silk, hair is smooth, silky, shiny and frizz-free. Filled with cotton, its lightweight and soft design means this kit is perfect for overnight use without damaging hair. It literally works while you sleep.  Please note due to hygiene reasons this item cannot be returned, unless faulty.

Create curls and waves minus the heat with our Heatless Curls Kit. Made with 100% mulberry silk, hair is smooth, silky, shiny and frizz-free. Filled with cotton, its lightweight and soft design means this kit is perfect for overnight use without damaging hair. It literally works while you sleep.  Please note due to hygiene reasons this item cannot be returned, unless faulty.

HEATLESS CURLS KIT - Create curls and waves minus the heat with our Heatless Curls Kit. Made with 100% mulberry silk, hair is smooth, silky, shiny and frizz-free. Filled with cotton, its lightweight and soft design means this kit is perfect for overnight use without damaging hair. It literally works while you sleep.  Please note due to hygiene reasons this item cannot be returned, unless faulty.


MERMADE SPIN - Perfect it-girl curls just got wayyy easier! Meet the automatic rotating wand that does the work for you. Simply press the button to rotate the barrel left or right and create on-trend curls in seconds!

Perfect it-girl curls just got wayyy easier! Meet the automatic rotating wand that does the work for you. Simply press the button to rotate the barrel left or right and create on-trend curls in seconds!

MERMADE SPIN - Perfect it-girl curls just got wayyy easier! Meet the automatic rotating wand that does the work for you. Simply press the button to rotate the barrel left or right and create on-trend curls in seconds!

Alovera and herbal 300 ml

Alovera and herbal 300 ml - For all hair types specially week and oily hair with dandruff .. tea tree oil added

For all hair types specially week and oily hair with dandruff .. tea tree oil added

Alovera and herbal 300 ml - For all hair types specially week and oily hair with dandruff .. tea tree oil added

Luminous color shamp 350 ml

Luminous color shamp 350 ml - A color-preserving shampoo with pomegranate extract and Colour Guard Complex that strengthens, nourishes and adds shine to your natural or dyed hair color. The Luminous Colour Shampoo has a fruity scent of apple, blackberry and peach.For shine and luster Color-preserving Based on pomegranate extract and color guard complex100% vegan & animal friendly CO2 compensated packaging

A color-preserving shampoo with pomegranate extract and Colour Guard Complex that strengthens, nourishes and adds shine to your natural or dyed hair color. The Luminous Colour Shampoo has a fruity scent of apple, blackberry and peach.For shine and luster Color-preserving Based on pomegranate extract and color guard complex100% vegan & animal friendly CO2 compensated packaging

Luminous color shamp 350 ml - A color-preserving shampoo with pomegranate extract and Colour Guard Complex that strengthens, nourishes and adds shine to your natural or dyed hair color. The Luminous Colour Shampoo has a fruity scent of apple, blackberry and peach.For shine and luster Color-preserving Based on pomegranate extract and color guard complex100% vegan & animal friendly CO2 compensated packaging

Structure repair conditioner 300ml

Structure repair conditioner 300ml - A detangling conditioner for damaged, dry and chemically treated hair that softens, moisturizes and fights static electricity. Repairing Algae helps your hair regain its natural strength by adding softness and luster. Structure Repair Conditioner has a soft scent of vanilla, rose, and jasmine.
Soften and repair damaged & chemically treated hair Reduces static electricity Repairing algae extract, wheat protein and moringa oil 100% vegan & animal friendly

A detangling conditioner for damaged, dry and chemically treated hair that softens, moisturizes and fights static electricity. Repairing Algae helps your hair regain its natural strength by adding softness and luster. Structure Repair Conditioner has a soft scent of vanilla, rose, and jasmine. Soften and repair damaged & chemically treated hair Reduces static electricity Repairing algae extract, wheat protein and moringa oil 100% vegan & animal friendly

Structure repair conditioner 300ml - A detangling conditioner for damaged, dry and chemically treated hair that softens, moisturizes and fights static electricity. Repairing Algae helps your hair regain its natural strength by adding softness and luster. Structure Repair Conditioner has a soft scent of vanilla, rose, and jasmine. Soften and repair damaged & chemically treated hair Reduces static electricity Repairing algae extract, wheat protein and moringa oil 100% vegan & animal friendly

Lavender and herbs shampo

Lavender and herbs shampoLavender and herbs shampo

holify - hair conditioner RICE 300ml

holify - hair conditioner RICE 300ml - Does your hair need an extra dose of moisture? Has it become dry and dull due to bleaching or heat styling? HOLIFY's moisturizing conditioner comes to the rescue, created especially to help your hair regain its beauty and shine. It combines the strength of, among others: natural oils, rice proteins, moisturizing ingredients and prebiotic to provide the strands with proper care.
Moisturizing hair conditioner will ensure its optimal level of hydration and nourishment. Carefully selected ingredients, appropriate to their needs, work in harmony to make your hair soft, shiny and full of energy. The combination of coconut oil, sweet almond oil and she butter is a natural source of vitamins A and E and fatty acids that help nourish the hair from the roots to the ends. It moisturizes and strengthens the hair, and prevents brittleness and dryness, restoring softness and shine to dry and damaged hair.
Rice proteins provide our conditioner with extraordinary support for weakened hair. They create a protective layer around each hair, ensuring optimal hydration from the roots to the ends. Rice proteins increase hair elasticity and density, while adding natural volume.
Vitamin E, known for its antioxidant properties, protects hair against environmental damage. It also helps rebuild damaged hair structure, making it more resistant and healthier. Hemisqualane penetrates deep into the hair structure, deeply nourishing it and preventing moisture loss. Together with betaine, trehalose and sorbitol, it helps maintain the optimal level of hair hydration. They attract moisture and keep it inside the hair, providing long-lasting hydration and protection against drying out.
The contained COBIOBALANCE prebiotic balances the scalp microbiome, which promotes healthy hair growth and counteracts skin problems. By stimulating the skin's natural defense mechanisms and protecting the microbiome, it restores skin comfort and maintains a healthy microflora.
SIZE :- 300 ML

Does your hair need an extra dose of moisture? Has it become dry and dull due to bleaching or heat styling? HOLIFY's moisturizing conditioner comes to the rescue, created especially to help your hair regain its beauty and shine. It combines the strength of, among others: natural oils, rice proteins, moisturizing ingredients and prebiotic to provide the strands with proper care. Moisturizing hair conditioner will ensure its optimal level of hydration and nourishment. Carefully selected ingredients, appropriate to their needs, work in harmony to make your hair soft, shiny and full of energy. The combination of coconut oil, sweet almond oil and she butter is a natural source of vitamins A and E and fatty acids that help nourish the hair from the roots to the ends. It moisturizes and strengthens the hair, and prevents brittleness and dryness, restoring softness and shine to dry and damaged hair. Rice proteins provide our conditioner with extraordinary support for weakened hair. They create a protective layer around each hair, ensuring optimal hydration from the roots to the ends. Rice proteins increase hair elasticity and density, while adding natural volume. Vitamin E, known for its antioxidant properties, protects hair against environmental damage. It also helps rebuild damaged hair structure, making it more resistant and healthier. Hemisqualane penetrates deep into the hair structure, deeply nourishing it and preventing moisture loss. Together with betaine, trehalose and sorbitol, it helps maintain the optimal level of hair hydration. They attract moisture and keep it inside the hair, providing long-lasting hydration and protection against drying out. The contained COBIOBALANCE prebiotic balances the scalp microbiome, which promotes healthy hair growth and counteracts skin problems. By stimulating the skin's natural defense mechanisms and protecting the microbiome, it restores skin comfort and maintains a healthy microflora. SIZE :- 300 ML

holify - hair conditioner RICE 300ml - Does your hair need an extra dose of moisture? Has it become dry and dull due to bleaching or heat styling? HOLIFY's moisturizing conditioner comes to the rescue, created especially to help your hair regain its beauty and shine. It combines the strength of, among others: natural oils, rice proteins, moisturizing ingredients and prebiotic to provide the strands with proper care. Moisturizing hair conditioner will ensure its optimal level of hydration and nourishment. Carefully selected ingredients, appropriate to their needs, work in harmony to make your hair soft, shiny and full of energy. The combination of coconut oil, sweet almond oil and she butter is a natural source of vitamins A and E and fatty acids that help nourish the hair from the roots to the ends. It moisturizes and strengthens the hair, and prevents brittleness and dryness, restoring softness and shine to dry and damaged hair. Rice proteins provide our conditioner with extraordinary support for weakened hair. They create a protective layer around each hair, ensuring optimal hydration from the roots to the ends. Rice proteins increase hair elasticity and density, while adding natural volume. Vitamin E, known for its antioxidant properties, protects hair against environmental damage. It also helps rebuild damaged hair structure, making it more resistant and healthier. Hemisqualane penetrates deep into the hair structure, deeply nourishing it and preventing moisture loss. Together with betaine, trehalose and sorbitol, it helps maintain the optimal level of hair hydration. They attract moisture and keep it inside the hair, providing long-lasting hydration and protection against drying out. The contained COBIOBALANCE prebiotic balances the scalp microbiome, which promotes healthy hair growth and counteracts skin problems. By stimulating the skin's natural defense mechanisms and protecting the microbiome, it restores skin comfort and maintains a healthy microflora. SIZE :- 300 ML

holify - hair SHAMPOO RICE 300ml

holify - hair SHAMPOO RICE 300ml - Do you want your hair to become extremely soft, smooth and shiny? Restore intense hydration with our hair shampoo. Created specifically for the care of dry and dull hair, it is an ideal method for all those who want to regain the healthy shine of their hairstyle. Gently cleanses, smoothes and deeply moisturizes the hair and strengthens the protective barrier of the scalp, reducing itching and the feeling of tension.
Based on mild cleansing substances, it gently removes impurities, leaving your hair clean, fresh and light. But that's not all! Our secret lies in the ingredients that penetrate deep into the hair, providing it with long-lasting protection and moisturization.

Trehalose and sorbitol create a perfect duo which, thanks to their properties, creates a thin protective layer, securing the structure of the hair fibers and retaining moisture inside. Rice proteins provide hair with essential nutrients. By strengthening the hair structure, they protect it against damage and restore its natural elasticity. Your hair will become more resistant to everyday stressors, such as heat styling and exposure to pollution.
Additionally, the shampoo contains the COBIOBALANCE prebiotic, which harmonizes the natural processes of the scalp, which will contribute to the better condition of your hair. By stimulating the skin's natural defense mechanisms and protecting the microbiome, it restores skin comfort and maintains a healthy microflora.
Reach for moisturizing shampoo from HOLIFY and enjoy healthy, beautiful hair
SIZE:- 300 ML

Do you want your hair to become extremely soft, smooth and shiny? Restore intense hydration with our hair shampoo. Created specifically for the care of dry and dull hair, it is an ideal method for all those who want to regain the healthy shine of their hairstyle. Gently cleanses, smoothes and deeply moisturizes the hair and strengthens the protective barrier of the scalp, reducing itching and the feeling of tension. Based on mild cleansing substances, it gently removes impurities, leaving your hair clean, fresh and light. But that's not all! Our secret lies in the ingredients that penetrate deep into the hair, providing it with long-lasting protection and moisturization. Trehalose and sorbitol create a perfect duo which, thanks to their properties, creates a thin protective layer, securing the structure of the hair fibers and retaining moisture inside. Rice proteins provide hair with essential nutrients. By strengthening the hair structure, they protect it against damage and restore its natural elasticity. Your hair will become more resistant to everyday stressors, such as heat styling and exposure to pollution. Additionally, the shampoo contains the COBIOBALANCE prebiotic, which harmonizes the natural processes of the scalp, which will contribute to the better condition of your hair. By stimulating the skin's natural defense mechanisms and protecting the microbiome, it restores skin comfort and maintains a healthy microflora. Reach for moisturizing shampoo from HOLIFY and enjoy healthy, beautiful hair SIZE:- 300 ML

holify - hair SHAMPOO RICE 300ml - Do you want your hair to become extremely soft, smooth and shiny? Restore intense hydration with our hair shampoo. Created specifically for the care of dry and dull hair, it is an ideal method for all those who want to regain the healthy shine of their hairstyle. Gently cleanses, smoothes and deeply moisturizes the hair and strengthens the protective barrier of the scalp, reducing itching and the feeling of tension. Based on mild cleansing substances, it gently removes impurities, leaving your hair clean, fresh and light. But that's not all! Our secret lies in the ingredients that penetrate deep into the hair, providing it with long-lasting protection and moisturization. Trehalose and sorbitol create a perfect duo which, thanks to their properties, creates a thin protective layer, securing the structure of the hair fibers and retaining moisture inside. Rice proteins provide hair with essential nutrients. By strengthening the hair structure, they protect it against damage and restore its natural elasticity. Your hair will become more resistant to everyday stressors, such as heat styling and exposure to pollution. Additionally, the shampoo contains the COBIOBALANCE prebiotic, which harmonizes the natural processes of the scalp, which will contribute to the better condition of your hair. By stimulating the skin's natural defense mechanisms and protecting the microbiome, it restores skin comfort and maintains a healthy microflora. Reach for moisturizing shampoo from HOLIFY and enjoy healthy, beautiful hair SIZE:- 300 ML

Normalizing conditioner for oily hair

Normalizing conditioner for oily hair - restores balance, softens and eases combing. One of the key ingredients is salicylic acid, it helps normalize the scalp by regulating sebum production, thus reducing oily hair. Thanks to its properties, it reduces dandruff and prevents its formation. The included bamboo extract enriches the formula with nutrients and minerals. Strengthens hair, giving it more elasticity and volume. It also has a regenerative effect, helping to rebuild damaged hair fibers and preventing breakage.

restores balance, softens and eases combing. One of the key ingredients is salicylic acid, it helps normalize the scalp by regulating sebum production, thus reducing oily hair. Thanks to its properties, it reduces dandruff and prevents its formation. The included bamboo extract enriches the formula with nutrients and minerals. Strengthens hair, giving it more elasticity and volume. It also has a regenerative effect, helping to rebuild damaged hair fibers and preventing breakage.

Normalizing conditioner for oily hair - restores balance, softens and eases combing. One of the key ingredients is salicylic acid, it helps normalize the scalp by regulating sebum production, thus reducing oily hair. Thanks to its properties, it reduces dandruff and prevents its formation. The included bamboo extract enriches the formula with nutrients and minerals. Strengthens hair, giving it more elasticity and volume. It also has a regenerative effect, helping to rebuild damaged hair fibers and preventing breakage.

Normalizing conditioner for oily hair

Normalizing conditioner for oily hair - restores balance, softens and eases combing. One of the key ingredients is salicylic acid, it helps normalize the scalp by regulating sebum production, thus reducing oily hair. Thanks to its properties, it reduces dandruff and prevents its formation. The included bamboo extract enriches the formula with nutrients and minerals. Strengthens hair, giving it more elasticity and volume. It also has a regenerative effect, helping to rebuild damaged hair fibers and preventing breakage. Sweet Almond Oil, Coconut Oil and Shea Butter are natural sources of vitamins, minerals and fatty acids that nourish and hydrate hair, restoring its natural elasticity, vitality and healthy appearance. This combination reinforces the capillary structure and prevents breakage. The result is stronger, more resistant and shiny hair. It is a complete solution that hydrates and restores hair, restoring its natural balance. Let your hair flourish and enjoy a healthy look full of natural shine.     Cruelty free. Vegan.

restores balance, softens and eases combing. One of the key ingredients is salicylic acid, it helps normalize the scalp by regulating sebum production, thus reducing oily hair. Thanks to its properties, it reduces dandruff and prevents its formation. The included bamboo extract enriches the formula with nutrients and minerals. Strengthens hair, giving it more elasticity and volume. It also has a regenerative effect, helping to rebuild damaged hair fibers and preventing breakage. Sweet Almond Oil, Coconut Oil and Shea Butter are natural sources of vitamins, minerals and fatty acids that nourish and hydrate hair, restoring its natural elasticity, vitality and healthy appearance. This combination reinforces the capillary structure and prevents breakage. The result is stronger, more resistant and shiny hair. It is a complete solution that hydrates and restores hair, restoring its natural balance. Let your hair flourish and enjoy a healthy look full of natural shine.     Cruelty free. Vegan.

Normalizing conditioner for oily hair - restores balance, softens and eases combing. One of the key ingredients is salicylic acid, it helps normalize the scalp by regulating sebum production, thus reducing oily hair. Thanks to its properties, it reduces dandruff and prevents its formation. The included bamboo extract enriches the formula with nutrients and minerals. Strengthens hair, giving it more elasticity and volume. It also has a regenerative effect, helping to rebuild damaged hair fibers and preventing breakage. Sweet Almond Oil, Coconut Oil and Shea Butter are natural sources of vitamins, minerals and fatty acids that nourish and hydrate hair, restoring its natural elasticity, vitality and healthy appearance. This combination reinforces the capillary structure and prevents breakage. The result is stronger, more resistant and shiny hair. It is a complete solution that hydrates and restores hair, restoring its natural balance. Let your hair flourish and enjoy a healthy look full of natural shine.     Cruelty free. Vegan.

Holify Regenerating Hair Conditioner – Vegan Keratin & Amaranth

Holify Regenerating Hair Conditioner – Vegan Keratin & Amaranth - Holify Regenerating Hair Conditioner – Vegan Keratin & Amaranth

Holify Regenerating Hair Conditioner – Vegan Keratin & Amaranth

Holify Regenerating Hair Conditioner – Vegan Keratin & Amaranth - Holify Regenerating Hair Conditioner – Vegan Keratin & Amaranth

Holify Regenerating Hair Shampoo Vegan Keratin & Amaranth 300 ml

Holify Regenerating Hair Shampoo Vegan Keratin & Amaranth 300 ml - The shampoo is a comprehensive solution for hair that requires intensive regeneration, hydration and nourishment. Working from the roots to the ends, this specially developed shampoo is designed for weakened, brittle, thin and delicate hair. Gentle cleansing substances effectively remove impurities and excess sebum, restoring the natural balance of the scalp. The shampoo not only cleanses, ale also regenerates and moisturizes the hair while washing, providing comprehensive care. Sorbitol, a natural moisture-attracting ingredient, helps strengthen hair, making it look healthy, soft and elastic. When combined with other ingredients, sorbitol prevents hair from becoming brittle. The vegan equivalent of keratin, an innovative ingredient of plant origin, perfectly imitates the properties of natural keratin present in hair. It replenishes hair loss, strengthening its structure from the inside. This combination improves the elasticity of the strands, smoothes their surface, facilitates combing and prevents split ends. An advanced active ingredient based on amaranth extract additionally nourishes the hair, moisturizing and smoothing it. It supports hair reconstruction, protects against harmful external factors and strengthens its structure. Thanks to this shampoo, your hair will gain a healthy shine, become smoother, easier to style and regain its natural strength. Enjoy beautiful, healthy and shiny hair every day.HOW TO USEShake the package and wash your hair with a small amount of shampoo, then rinse thoroughly. Avoid contact with eyes. Product for external use.

The shampoo is a comprehensive solution for hair that requires intensive regeneration, hydration and nourishment. Working from the roots to the ends, this specially developed shampoo is designed for weakened, brittle, thin and delicate hair. Gentle cleansing substances effectively remove impurities and excess sebum, restoring the natural balance of the scalp. The shampoo not only cleanses, ale also regenerates and moisturizes the hair while washing, providing comprehensive care. Sorbitol, a natural moisture-attracting ingredient, helps strengthen hair, making it look healthy, soft and elastic. When combined with other ingredients, sorbitol prevents hair from becoming brittle. The vegan equivalent of keratin, an innovative ingredient of plant origin, perfectly imitates the properties of natural keratin present in hair. It replenishes hair loss, strengthening its structure from the inside. This combination improves the elasticity of the strands, smoothes their surface, facilitates combing and prevents split ends. An advanced active ingredient based on amaranth extract additionally nourishes the hair, moisturizing and smoothing it. It supports hair reconstruction, protects against harmful external factors and strengthens its structure. Thanks to this shampoo, your hair will gain a healthy shine, become smoother, easier to style and regain its natural strength. Enjoy beautiful, healthy and shiny hair every day.HOW TO USEShake the package and wash your hair with a small amount of shampoo, then rinse thoroughly. Avoid contact with eyes. Product for external use.

Holify Regenerating Hair Shampoo Vegan Keratin & Amaranth 300 ml - The shampoo is a comprehensive solution for hair that requires intensive regeneration, hydration and nourishment. Working from the roots to the ends, this specially developed shampoo is designed for weakened, brittle, thin and delicate hair. Gentle cleansing substances effectively remove impurities and excess sebum, restoring the natural balance of the scalp. The shampoo not only cleanses, ale also regenerates and moisturizes the hair while washing, providing comprehensive care. Sorbitol, a natural moisture-attracting ingredient, helps strengthen hair, making it look healthy, soft and elastic. When combined with other ingredients, sorbitol prevents hair from becoming brittle. The vegan equivalent of keratin, an innovative ingredient of plant origin, perfectly imitates the properties of natural keratin present in hair. It replenishes hair loss, strengthening its structure from the inside. This combination improves the elasticity of the strands, smoothes their surface, facilitates combing and prevents split ends. An advanced active ingredient based on amaranth extract additionally nourishes the hair, moisturizing and smoothing it. It supports hair reconstruction, protects against harmful external factors and strengthens its structure. Thanks to this shampoo, your hair will gain a healthy shine, become smoother, easier to style and regain its natural strength. Enjoy beautiful, healthy and shiny hair every day.HOW TO USEShake the package and wash your hair with a small amount of shampoo, then rinse thoroughly. Avoid contact with eyes. Product for external use.

Salty mist

Salty mist - A nourishing and texturizing saltwater spray with light hold that adds volume. Perfect for styling a lighter beachy and wavy look. Salty Mist has a floral scent of bergamot and bulgarian rose. 
Hold 2/5  Gives light structure and volume  100% vegan & animal friendly

A nourishing and texturizing saltwater spray with light hold that adds volume. Perfect for styling a lighter beachy and wavy look. Salty Mist has a floral scent of bergamot and bulgarian rose.  Hold 2/5  Gives light structure and volume  100% vegan & animal friendly

Salty mist - A nourishing and texturizing saltwater spray with light hold that adds volume. Perfect for styling a lighter beachy and wavy look. Salty Mist has a floral scent of bergamot and bulgarian rose.  Hold 2/5  Gives light structure and volume  100% vegan & animal friendly

invisidry shampoo -250-ml

invisidry shampoo -250-ml - A light powder spray that quickly freshens up the hair and the scalp in between washes. Does not leave any trace in the hair, making it perfect to use on both blonde and darker hair. The Invisidry Shampoo has a fruity scent of passionfruit and apple.Hold 1/5 Cleans up greasy hair in between washes Invisible and light volume effect 100% vegan & animal friendly

A light powder spray that quickly freshens up the hair and the scalp in between washes. Does not leave any trace in the hair, making it perfect to use on both blonde and darker hair. The Invisidry Shampoo has a fruity scent of passionfruit and apple.Hold 1/5 Cleans up greasy hair in between washes Invisible and light volume effect 100% vegan & animal friendly

invisidry shampoo -250-ml - A light powder spray that quickly freshens up the hair and the scalp in between washes. Does not leave any trace in the hair, making it perfect to use on both blonde and darker hair. The Invisidry Shampoo has a fruity scent of passionfruit and apple.Hold 1/5 Cleans up greasy hair in between washes Invisible and light volume effect 100% vegan & animal friendly

Ocean spray 150 ml

Ocean spray 150 ml - A texturizing saltwater spray with extra hold that adds volume and has a matte finish. Perfect for styling beach waves or when creating lasting updos. The Ocean Spray has a fruity scent of apple and apricot.
Hold 3/5  Volumizing matte result  With natural salt 100% vegan & animal friendly

A texturizing saltwater spray with extra hold that adds volume and has a matte finish. Perfect for styling beach waves or when creating lasting updos. The Ocean Spray has a fruity scent of apple and apricot. Hold 3/5  Volumizing matte result  With natural salt 100% vegan & animal friendly

Ocean spray 150 ml - A texturizing saltwater spray with extra hold that adds volume and has a matte finish. Perfect for styling beach waves or when creating lasting updos. The Ocean Spray has a fruity scent of apple and apricot. Hold 3/5  Volumizing matte result  With natural salt 100% vegan & animal friendly

Structure repair shampoo 350ml

Structure repair shampoo 350ml - A nourishing shampoo tailored for damaged, dry and chemically treated hair that moisturizes and strengthens your hair. Structure Repair Shampoo is made with repairing algae extract for added softness and luster and has a fresh scent of vanilla, rose and jasmine.
For damaged and dry hair  With strengthening repairing algae extract  100% vegan & animal friendly

A nourishing shampoo tailored for damaged, dry and chemically treated hair that moisturizes and strengthens your hair. Structure Repair Shampoo is made with repairing algae extract for added softness and luster and has a fresh scent of vanilla, rose and jasmine. For damaged and dry hair  With strengthening repairing algae extract  100% vegan & animal friendly

Structure repair shampoo 350ml - A nourishing shampoo tailored for damaged, dry and chemically treated hair that moisturizes and strengthens your hair. Structure Repair Shampoo is made with repairing algae extract for added softness and luster and has a fresh scent of vanilla, rose and jasmine. For damaged and dry hair  With strengthening repairing algae extract  100% vegan & animal friendly

Luminous color conditioner 300ml

Luminous color conditioner 300mlLuminous color conditioner 300ml

250 ml Pure volume masque

250 ml Pure volume masque - An effective treatment that moisturizes and nourishes fine and thin hair for a silky-smooth result without weighing it down. Volumizing Provitamin B5 adds lasting vitality and volume to your hair. The Pure Volume Masque has a citrusy and floral scent of neroli, lemon and hyacinth.
For fine hair  With volumizing and moisturizing provitamin B5 100% vegan & animal friendly  CO2 compensated packaging

An effective treatment that moisturizes and nourishes fine and thin hair for a silky-smooth result without weighing it down. Volumizing Provitamin B5 adds lasting vitality and volume to your hair. The Pure Volume Masque has a citrusy and floral scent of neroli, lemon and hyacinth. For fine hair  With volumizing and moisturizing provitamin B5 100% vegan & animal friendly  CO2 compensated packaging

250 ml Pure volume masque - An effective treatment that moisturizes and nourishes fine and thin hair for a silky-smooth result without weighing it down. Volumizing Provitamin B5 adds lasting vitality and volume to your hair. The Pure Volume Masque has a citrusy and floral scent of neroli, lemon and hyacinth. For fine hair  With volumizing and moisturizing provitamin B5 100% vegan & animal friendly  CO2 compensated packaging

Pure volume conditioner 300 ml

Pure volume conditioner  300 ml - A detangling conditioner for fine and thin hair that softens and moisturizes without weighing your hair down. Pure Volume Conditioner contains Provitamin B5 that adds moisture and long-lasting volume.
For fine hair  Long-lasting volume and moisture  With provitamin B5, wheat protein and moringa oil 100% vegan & animal friendly  CO2 compensated packaging

A detangling conditioner for fine and thin hair that softens and moisturizes without weighing your hair down. Pure Volume Conditioner contains Provitamin B5 that adds moisture and long-lasting volume. For fine hair  Long-lasting volume and moisture  With provitamin B5, wheat protein and moringa oil 100% vegan & animal friendly  CO2 compensated packaging

Pure volume conditioner 300 ml - A detangling conditioner for fine and thin hair that softens and moisturizes without weighing your hair down. Pure Volume Conditioner contains Provitamin B5 that adds moisture and long-lasting volume. For fine hair  Long-lasting volume and moisture  With provitamin B5, wheat protein and moringa oil 100% vegan & animal friendly  CO2 compensated packaging

Pure volume shampo 350 ml

Pure volume shampo 350 ml - A volumizing shampoo specially created for those looking for long-lasting volume and strength. Pure Volume Shampoo contains Provitamin B5 and adds body and vitality to fine hair while preserving moisture. The product has a citrusy floral scent of neroli, lemon and hyacinth.
For fine hair  Volumizing and strengthening  With Provitamin B5, wheat protein and moringa oil  100% vegan & animal friendly  CO2 compensated packaging

A volumizing shampoo specially created for those looking for long-lasting volume and strength. Pure Volume Shampoo contains Provitamin B5 and adds body and vitality to fine hair while preserving moisture. The product has a citrusy floral scent of neroli, lemon and hyacinth. For fine hair  Volumizing and strengthening  With Provitamin B5, wheat protein and moringa oil  100% vegan & animal friendly  CO2 compensated packaging

Pure volume shampo 350 ml - A volumizing shampoo specially created for those looking for long-lasting volume and strength. Pure Volume Shampoo contains Provitamin B5 and adds body and vitality to fine hair while preserving moisture. The product has a citrusy floral scent of neroli, lemon and hyacinth. For fine hair  Volumizing and strengthening  With Provitamin B5, wheat protein and moringa oil  100% vegan & animal friendly  CO2 compensated packaging

True soft masque 250 ml

True soft masque 250 ml - A moisturizing treatment for naturally dry hair that replenish and nourishes your hair for a silky-smooth result. The softening argan oil help to preserve moisture and strengthen your hair. True Soft Masque has a flowery scent of vanilla, rose and jasmine.Moisturizes dry hair Silky-smooth result 100% vegan & animal friendly  CO2 compensated packaging

A moisturizing treatment for naturally dry hair that replenish and nourishes your hair for a silky-smooth result. The softening argan oil help to preserve moisture and strengthen your hair. True Soft Masque has a flowery scent of vanilla, rose and jasmine.Moisturizes dry hair Silky-smooth result 100% vegan & animal friendly  CO2 compensated packaging

True soft masque 250 ml - A moisturizing treatment for naturally dry hair that replenish and nourishes your hair for a silky-smooth result. The softening argan oil help to preserve moisture and strengthen your hair. True Soft Masque has a flowery scent of vanilla, rose and jasmine.Moisturizes dry hair Silky-smooth result 100% vegan & animal friendly  CO2 compensated packaging

Head and hair heal masque 250ml

Head and hair heal masque 250ml - A moisturizing and strengthening hair treatment with calming aloe vera extract. The mask is soothing to help create healthy and balanced hair and scalp. The Head & Hair Heal Masque has an allergen free perfume with a floral scent of white jasmine and linden blossom. Soothes dry scalp  Moisturizes & strengthens hair 
 Sulfate & paraben free 100% vegan

A moisturizing and strengthening hair treatment with calming aloe vera extract. The mask is soothing to help create healthy and balanced hair and scalp. The Head & Hair Heal Masque has an allergen free perfume with a floral scent of white jasmine and linden blossom. Soothes dry scalp  Moisturizes & strengthens hair  Sulfate & paraben free 100% vegan

Head and hair heal masque 250ml - A moisturizing and strengthening hair treatment with calming aloe vera extract. The mask is soothing to help create healthy and balanced hair and scalp. The Head & Hair Heal Masque has an allergen free perfume with a floral scent of white jasmine and linden blossom. Soothes dry scalp  Moisturizes & strengthens hair  Sulfate & paraben free 100% vegan

Head and hair heal conditioner 300ml

Head and hair heal conditioner 300ml - A soothing and strengthening conditioner with calming natural aloe vera extract. The active ingredients in Head & Hair Heal Conditioner helps balance your hair and scalp. Made with an allergen-free perfume with a floral scent.Dry scalp reliefCalming aloe vera extractSulfate & paraben free100% vegan

A soothing and strengthening conditioner with calming natural aloe vera extract. The active ingredients in Head & Hair Heal Conditioner helps balance your hair and scalp. Made with an allergen-free perfume with a floral scent.Dry scalp reliefCalming aloe vera extractSulfate & paraben free100% vegan

Head and hair heal conditioner 300ml - A soothing and strengthening conditioner with calming natural aloe vera extract. The active ingredients in Head & Hair Heal Conditioner helps balance your hair and scalp. Made with an allergen-free perfume with a floral scent.Dry scalp reliefCalming aloe vera extractSulfate & paraben free100% vegan

Head and hair heal oil 350 ml

Head and hair heal oil 350 ml - A soothing and strengthening shampoo with calming aloe vera extract. The active ingredients in Head & Hair Heal Shampoo helps balance your hair and scalp for a healthy look and feel. The shampoo has a flowery scent of jasmine and linden blossom.Dry scalp reliefCalming aloe vera extractSulfate & paraben free100% vegan and animal friendly

A soothing and strengthening shampoo with calming aloe vera extract. The active ingredients in Head & Hair Heal Shampoo helps balance your hair and scalp for a healthy look and feel. The shampoo has a flowery scent of jasmine and linden blossom.Dry scalp reliefCalming aloe vera extractSulfate & paraben free100% vegan and animal friendly

Head and hair heal oil 350 ml - A soothing and strengthening shampoo with calming aloe vera extract. The active ingredients in Head & Hair Heal Shampoo helps balance your hair and scalp for a healthy look and feel. The shampoo has a flowery scent of jasmine and linden blossom.Dry scalp reliefCalming aloe vera extractSulfate & paraben free100% vegan and animal friendly

True soft argan oil 100 ml

True soft argan oil 100 ml - A nourishing argan oil that softens, moisturizes and strengthens your hair. The argan oil quickly absorbs and makes the hair smooth while reducing frizz. True Soft Argan Oil has a soft flowery scent of vanilla, rose and jasmine.
Softening hair oil  Moisturizing   100% vegan & animal friendly CO2 compensated packaging

A nourishing argan oil that softens, moisturizes and strengthens your hair. The argan oil quickly absorbs and makes the hair smooth while reducing frizz. True Soft Argan Oil has a soft flowery scent of vanilla, rose and jasmine. Softening hair oil  Moisturizing   100% vegan & animal friendly CO2 compensated packaging

True soft argan oil 100 ml - A nourishing argan oil that softens, moisturizes and strengthens your hair. The argan oil quickly absorbs and makes the hair smooth while reducing frizz. True Soft Argan Oil has a soft flowery scent of vanilla, rose and jasmine. Softening hair oil  Moisturizing   100% vegan & animal friendly CO2 compensated packaging

True soft conditioner 300ml

True soft conditioner 300ml - A detangling conditioner for naturally dry hair that softens, revitalizes and reduces frizz and static electricity. Softening argan oil preserve moisture and strengthen your hair while adding shine. True Soft Conditioner has a soft flowery scent of vanilla, rose and jasmine.Moisturizes dry hair  Softening argan oil Strengthens and revitalizes  100% vegan & animal friendly  CO2 compensated packaging

A detangling conditioner for naturally dry hair that softens, revitalizes and reduces frizz and static electricity. Softening argan oil preserve moisture and strengthen your hair while adding shine. True Soft Conditioner has a soft flowery scent of vanilla, rose and jasmine.Moisturizes dry hair  Softening argan oil Strengthens and revitalizes  100% vegan & animal friendly  CO2 compensated packaging

True soft conditioner 300ml - A detangling conditioner for naturally dry hair that softens, revitalizes and reduces frizz and static electricity. Softening argan oil preserve moisture and strengthen your hair while adding shine. True Soft Conditioner has a soft flowery scent of vanilla, rose and jasmine.Moisturizes dry hair  Softening argan oil Strengthens and revitalizes  100% vegan & animal friendly  CO2 compensated packaging

True soft shampo 350ml

True soft shampo 350ml - A moisturizing shampoo for naturally dry hair that softens and strengthens while reducing frizz and static electricity. Contains smoothing argan oil, antioxidants and fatty acids preserve moisture and adds radiance. True Soft Shampoo has a floral scent of lily, jasmine, and rose.
Perfect for dry hair  Contains softening argan oil Strengthens and reduce frizz  100% vegan & animal friendly  CO2 compensated packaging

A moisturizing shampoo for naturally dry hair that softens and strengthens while reducing frizz and static electricity. Contains smoothing argan oil, antioxidants and fatty acids preserve moisture and adds radiance. True Soft Shampoo has a floral scent of lily, jasmine, and rose. Perfect for dry hair  Contains softening argan oil Strengthens and reduce frizz  100% vegan & animal friendly  CO2 compensated packaging

True soft shampo 350ml - A moisturizing shampoo for naturally dry hair that softens and strengthens while reducing frizz and static electricity. Contains smoothing argan oil, antioxidants and fatty acids preserve moisture and adds radiance. True Soft Shampoo has a floral scent of lily, jasmine, and rose. Perfect for dry hair  Contains softening argan oil Strengthens and reduce frizz  100% vegan & animal friendly  CO2 compensated packaging

Luminous color masque 250ml

Luminous color masque 250ml - An effective treatment that moisturizes and nourishes so you can get a silky-smooth and shining result that highlights your hair color. Pomegranate extract and Colour Guard Complex protects hair and scalp while reducing color-loss. Luminous Colour Masque has a fruity scent of apple, blackberry, and peach.
Adds shine and luster  Moisturizes and nourishes 100% vegan & animal friendly  CO2 compensated packagin

An effective treatment that moisturizes and nourishes so you can get a silky-smooth and shining result that highlights your hair color. Pomegranate extract and Colour Guard Complex protects hair and scalp while reducing color-loss. Luminous Colour Masque has a fruity scent of apple, blackberry, and peach. Adds shine and luster  Moisturizes and nourishes 100% vegan & animal friendly  CO2 compensated packagin

Luminous color masque 250ml - An effective treatment that moisturizes and nourishes so you can get a silky-smooth and shining result that highlights your hair color. Pomegranate extract and Colour Guard Complex protects hair and scalp while reducing color-loss. Luminous Colour Masque has a fruity scent of apple, blackberry, and peach. Adds shine and luster  Moisturizes and nourishes 100% vegan & animal friendly  CO2 compensated packagin

Derma sr hair vetlizer shampo and condetioner

Derma sr hair vetlizer shampo and condetioner - بنات اللي مسوين  كورس بديل الزراعه الهير فيتلايزر توفر الشامبو والبلسم للاستخدام المنزلي

بنات اللي مسوين  كورس بديل الزراعه الهير فيتلايزر توفر الشامبو والبلسم للاستخدام المنزلي

Derma sr hair vetlizer shampo and condetioner - بنات اللي مسوين  كورس بديل الزراعه الهير فيتلايزر توفر الشامبو والبلسم للاستخدام المنزلي




K18DAMAGE SHIELD PROTECTIVE CONDITIONER 250ML - The K18 DAMAGE SHIELD Protective Conditioner is a nourishing, protective conditioner that helps shield hair from daily damage to help maintain hair health and improve smoothness and shine. Engineered to weightlessly soften and detangle while the K18PEPTIDE™ helps replenish hair during washing.

The K18 DAMAGE SHIELD Protective Conditioner is a nourishing, protective conditioner that helps shield hair from daily damage to help maintain hair health and improve smoothness and shine. Engineered to weightlessly soften and detangle while the K18PEPTIDE™ helps replenish hair during washing.

K18DAMAGE SHIELD PROTECTIVE CONDITIONER 250ML - The K18 DAMAGE SHIELD Protective Conditioner is a nourishing, protective conditioner that helps shield hair from daily damage to help maintain hair health and improve smoothness and shine. Engineered to weightlessly soften and detangle while the K18PEPTIDE™ helps replenish hair during washing.


K18MOLECULAR REPAIR ELIXIR OIL 30ML - The K18 Molecular Repair Hair Oil is a biotech-engineered weightless oil works on all hair types to strengthen, repair damage, reduce frizz at two levels of the hair fiber, and improve shine.

The K18 Molecular Repair Hair Oil is a biotech-engineered weightless oil works on all hair types to strengthen, repair damage, reduce frizz at two levels of the hair fiber, and improve shine.

K18MOLECULAR REPAIR ELIXIR OIL 30ML - The K18 Molecular Repair Hair Oil is a biotech-engineered weightless oil works on all hair types to strengthen, repair damage, reduce frizz at two levels of the hair fiber, and improve shine.

Absolut Repair Molecular Sulfate-Free Repairing Shampoo

Absolut Repair Molecular Sulfate-Free Repairing Shampoo - Absolut Repair Molecular Sulfate-Free Repairing Shampoo For Damaged Hair, 300ml300ml • Suitable for all hair types How to use: • Apply on wet hair. Lather until a rich foam is obtained. • Rinse.  • For optimal results follow with Absolut Repair Molecular rinse-off serum and leave-in mask.​

Absolut Repair Molecular Sulfate-Free Repairing Shampoo For Damaged Hair, 300ml300ml • Suitable for all hair types How to use: • Apply on wet hair. Lather until a rich foam is obtained. • Rinse.  • For optimal results follow with Absolut Repair Molecular rinse-off serum and leave-in mask.​

Absolut Repair Molecular Sulfate-Free Repairing Shampoo - Absolut Repair Molecular Sulfate-Free Repairing Shampoo For Damaged Hair, 300ml300ml • Suitable for all hair types How to use: • Apply on wet hair. Lather until a rich foam is obtained. • Rinse.  • For optimal results follow with Absolut Repair Molecular rinse-off serum and leave-in mask.​

L'oreal Absolut Repair Molecular Masque 250ml

L'oreal  Absolut Repair Molecular Masque 250ml - L'Oréal Professionnel Série Expert Absolut Repair Molecular Rinse-off mask hair mask to restore hair structure This professional hair mask, enriched with innovative Peptide Bonder and 5 Amino Acids, is designed to restore the deep structure of the hair. With its silky texture and unique formula...

L'Oréal Professionnel Série Expert Absolut Repair Molecular Rinse-off mask hair mask to restore hair structure This professional hair mask, enriched with innovative Peptide Bonder and 5 Amino Acids, is designed to restore the deep structure of the hair. With its silky texture and unique formula...

L'oreal Absolut Repair Molecular Masque 250ml - L'Oréal Professionnel Série Expert Absolut Repair Molecular Rinse-off mask hair mask to restore hair structure This professional hair mask, enriched with innovative Peptide Bonder and 5 Amino Acids, is designed to restore the deep structure of the hair. With its silky texture and unique formula...

L'oreal Absolut Repair Molecular Leave-In 100ml

L'oreal Absolut Repair Molecular Leave-In 100ml - Absolut Repair Molecular Leave-In-Mask, For All Damaged Hair Types

Absolut Repair Molecular Leave-In-Mask, For All Damaged Hair Types

L'oreal Absolut Repair Molecular Leave-In 100ml - Absolut Repair Molecular Leave-In-Mask, For All Damaged Hair Types

L'oreal Metal Detox Concentrated Oil, For All Hair Types 50ml

L'oreal Metal Detox Concentrated Oil, For All Hair Types 50ml - L'Oréal Professionnel Série Expert Metal Detox Concentrated Oil 50ml relies on a professional formula and a patented technology to act against hair breakage and preserve its color.
Product Description
L'Oréal Professionnel Série Expert Metal Detox Concentrated Oil 50ml is a leave-in oil specially formulated for color-treated hair. Metal deposition is unquestionably one of the factors contributing to increased breakage and color fading. With this in mind, this concentrated oil features an exclusive patented technology that neutralizes metal particles inside the hair. In this way, this product strengthens the hair and intensifies its color. In fact, this anti-deposit protective oil reduces breakage by 97% and also delivers a color that is two times brighter and lasts longer. Besides, this oil also has some additional benefits. It protects from frizz as well as from heat up to 230ºC, being, therefore, a great product to apply after washing the hair. Even more, with a rich texture, it intensely nourishes the hair yet is instantly absorbed and does not weigh down the hair. All these benefits in a single gesture! 
Whether you have short, long, curly, or straight hair, this oil is suitable for all hair types. In other words, this product not only reduces breakage but also helps maintain a vibrant color after any coloring service. In the end, the hair is stronger, supple, and brighter, with a healthy appearance.

L'Oréal Professionnel Série Expert Metal Detox Concentrated Oil 50ml relies on a professional formula and a patented technology to act against hair breakage and preserve its color. Product Description L'Oréal Professionnel Série Expert Metal Detox Concentrated Oil 50ml is a leave-in oil specially formulated for color-treated hair. Metal deposition is unquestionably one of the factors contributing to increased breakage and color fading. With this in mind, this concentrated oil features an exclusive patented technology that neutralizes metal particles inside the hair. In this way, this product strengthens the hair and intensifies its color. In fact, this anti-deposit protective oil reduces breakage by 97% and also delivers a color that is two times brighter and lasts longer. Besides, this oil also has some additional benefits. It protects from frizz as well as from heat up to 230ºC, being, therefore, a great product to apply after washing the hair. Even more, with a rich texture, it intensely nourishes the hair yet is instantly absorbed and does not weigh down the hair. All these benefits in a single gesture!  Whether you have short, long, curly, or straight hair, this oil is suitable for all hair types. In other words, this product not only reduces breakage but also helps maintain a vibrant color after any coloring service. In the end, the hair is stronger, supple, and brighter, with a healthy appearance.

L'oreal Metal Detox Concentrated Oil, For All Hair Types 50ml - L'Oréal Professionnel Série Expert Metal Detox Concentrated Oil 50ml relies on a professional formula and a patented technology to act against hair breakage and preserve its color. Product Description L'Oréal Professionnel Série Expert Metal Detox Concentrated Oil 50ml is a leave-in oil specially formulated for color-treated hair. Metal deposition is unquestionably one of the factors contributing to increased breakage and color fading. With this in mind, this concentrated oil features an exclusive patented technology that neutralizes metal particles inside the hair. In this way, this product strengthens the hair and intensifies its color. In fact, this anti-deposit protective oil reduces breakage by 97% and also delivers a color that is two times brighter and lasts longer. Besides, this oil also has some additional benefits. It protects from frizz as well as from heat up to 230ºC, being, therefore, a great product to apply after washing the hair. Even more, with a rich texture, it intensely nourishes the hair yet is instantly absorbed and does not weigh down the hair. All these benefits in a single gesture!  Whether you have short, long, curly, or straight hair, this oil is suitable for all hair types. In other words, this product not only reduces breakage but also helps maintain a vibrant color after any coloring service. In the end, the hair is stronger, supple, and brighter, with a healthy appearance.

Metal Detol Masque 250ml

Metal Detol Masque 250ml - Metal Detox Hair Mask, For Colored And Damaged Hair 
  [METAL INSIDE THE FIBER]:  Creates both a risk of breakage and negatively impacts color results. [ANTI-DEPOSIT]: protects the fiber from particle  deposits after any color, balayage or lightening services. [MAINTAIN COLOR VIBRANCY]: Hair is less

Metal Detox Hair Mask, For Colored And Damaged Hair  [METAL INSIDE THE FIBER]: Creates both a risk of breakage and negatively impacts color results. [ANTI-DEPOSIT]: protects the fiber from particle  deposits after any color, balayage or lightening services. [MAINTAIN COLOR VIBRANCY]: Hair is less

Metal Detol Masque 250ml - Metal Detox Hair Mask, For Colored And Damaged Hair  [METAL INSIDE THE FIBER]: Creates both a risk of breakage and negatively impacts color results. [ANTI-DEPOSIT]: protects the fiber from particle  deposits after any color, balayage or lightening services. [MAINTAIN COLOR VIBRANCY]: Hair is less

L'oreal Metal Detox Shampoo 300ml

L'oreal Metal Detox Shampoo 300ml - Metal Detox Shampoo, For Colored And Damaged Hair 
 [METAL INSIDE THE FIBER]:  Creates both a risk of breakage and negatively impacts color results. [DETOXIFY HAIR]: Gently removes metal particles after any color, balayage or lightening services. [MAINTAIN COLOR

Metal Detox Shampoo, For Colored And Damaged Hair [METAL INSIDE THE FIBER]: Creates both a risk of breakage and negatively impacts color results. [DETOXIFY HAIR]: Gently removes metal particles after any color, balayage or lightening services. [MAINTAIN COLOR

L'oreal Metal Detox Shampoo 300ml - Metal Detox Shampoo, For Colored And Damaged Hair [METAL INSIDE THE FIBER]: Creates both a risk of breakage and negatively impacts color results. [DETOXIFY HAIR]: Gently removes metal particles after any color, balayage or lightening services. [MAINTAIN COLOR

L'oreal Professionnel Vitamino Color 10-in-1 Leave-In Spray 190ml

L'oreal  Professionnel Vitamino Color 10-in-1 Leave-In Spray  190ml - L'Oreal Professionnel Vitamino Color 10-in-1 Leave-In Spray  Heat Protectant & Detangler Frizz Control & Shine Boost 190ml

L'Oreal Professionnel Vitamino Color 10-in-1 Leave-In Spray  Heat Protectant & Detangler Frizz Control & Shine Boost 190ml

L'oreal Professionnel Vitamino Color 10-in-1 Leave-In Spray 190ml - L'Oreal Professionnel Vitamino Color 10-in-1 Leave-In Spray  Heat Protectant & Detangler Frizz Control & Shine Boost 190ml

Loreal - Vitamino Color – Conditioner - 200ml

Loreal - Vitamino Color – Conditioner - 200ml - Loreal - Vitamino Color – Conditioner - 200ml 
 Enriched with Resveratrol , the formula protects hair against breakage while maintaining shine on color treated hair for a perfect luminous result. Hair is instantly softer, shinier and protected from root to tip.

Loreal - Vitamino Color – Conditioner - 200ml Enriched with Resveratrol , the formula protects hair against breakage while maintaining shine on color treated hair for a perfect luminous result. Hair is instantly softer, shinier and protected from root to tip.

Loreal - Vitamino Color – Conditioner - 200ml - Loreal - Vitamino Color – Conditioner - 200ml Enriched with Resveratrol , the formula protects hair against breakage while maintaining shine on color treated hair for a perfect luminous result. Hair is instantly softer, shinier and protected from root to tip.

L;oreal Vitamino Color Shampoo 300ml

L;oreal Vitamino Color Shampoo 300ml - Vitamino Color Shampoo 300ml 
  Professional shampoo designed to make your colour last longer,  for up to 8 weeks.* 6 TIMES MORE SHINE Hair colour appears brighter, more radiant and shiny

Vitamino Color Shampoo 300ml  Professional shampoo designed to make your colour last longer, for up to 8 weeks.* 6 TIMES MORE SHINE Hair colour appears brighter, more radiant and shiny

L;oreal Vitamino Color Shampoo 300ml - Vitamino Color Shampoo 300ml  Professional shampoo designed to make your colour last longer, for up to 8 weeks.* 6 TIMES MORE SHINE Hair colour appears brighter, more radiant and shiny

L'oreal Vitamino Color Mask 250ml

L'oreal Vitamino Color Mask 250ml - Vitamino Color Mask, For Color-Treated Hair 
 COLOR PROTECTION Professional mask designed to make your colour last longer.  INTENSE SHINE Hair colour appears brighter,more radiant and shiny DEEP NOURISHMENT Hair feels nourished,

Vitamino Color Mask, For Color-Treated Hair COLOR PROTECTION Professional mask designed to make your colour last longer. INTENSE SHINE Hair colour appears brighter,more radiant and shiny DEEP NOURISHMENT Hair feels nourished,

L'oreal Vitamino Color Mask 250ml - Vitamino Color Mask, For Color-Treated Hair COLOR PROTECTION Professional mask designed to make your colour last longer. INTENSE SHINE Hair colour appears brighter,more radiant and shiny DEEP NOURISHMENT Hair feels nourished,

Turmeric and lavender sheia butter

Turmeric and lavender sheia butterTurmeric and lavender sheia butter

Hair boutique sheia butter with tint

Hair boutique sheia butter with tintHair boutique sheia butter with tint